
# add_threshold.R
# copyright (c) 2006-2012, Karl W Broman, Johns Hopkins University
# last modified Oct, 2012
# first written Dec, 2006
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Contains: add.threshold, xaxisloc.scanone

# add.threshold: function to add threshold lines to a plot
# created by plot.scanone()
# out: scanone output used to create the plot
# chr: chromosomes that were plotted
# perms: scanone permutation results
# alpha: significance level (a single number)
# gap:   the gap between chromosomes, as specified in the call to plot.scanone
# ...:   extra arguments passed to abline or segments to control line types/widths/colors
#        (e.g., specify lty=2 to give dashed lines)

add.threshold <-
function(out, chr, perms, alpha=0.05, lodcolumn=1, gap=25, ...)
    stop("You must provide scanone output, so we can get chromosome lengths.")
  if(!any(class(out) == "scanone"))
    stop("out should have class \"scanone\".")
    out <- subset(out, chr=chr)

    stop("You must specify permutation results, to get the thresholds")
  if(length(alpha) > 1 || alpha<0 || alpha>1)
    stop("alpha should have length 1 and be between and 1.")
  thr <- summary(perms, alpha=alpha)

  if(!is.list(thr)) {
    if(any(lodcolumn < 1 | lodcolumn > length(thr)))
      stop("lodcolumn should be between 1 and ", length(thr))
    abline(h=thr[lodcolumn], ...)
  else {
    if(any(lodcolumn < 1 | lodcolumn > length(thr$A)))
      stop("lodcolumn should be between 1 and ", length(thr$A))
    a <- thr$A[lodcolumn]
    x <- thr$X[lodcolumn]
    noX <- FALSE
    xchr <- attr(perms, "xchr")

    L <- tapply(out[,2], out[,1], function(a) diff(range(a)))
    L <- L[!is.na(L)]
    xchr <- xchr[match(names(L), names(xchr))]

      abline(h=x, ...)
    else if(all(!xchr))
      abline(h=a, ...)
    else {

      start <- c(0,cumsum(L+gap))
      end <- start+ c(L,0)
      wh <- which(!xchr)
      if(length(wh)==1 || all(diff(wh)==1))
        segments(start[min(wh)], a, end[max(wh)], a, ...)
        segments(start[wh], a, start[wh+1], a, ...)
      wh <- which(xchr)
      if(length(wh)==1 || all(diff(wh)==1))
        segments(start[min(wh)], x, end[max(wh)], x, ...)
        segments(start[wh], x, start[wh+1], x, ...)

# xaxisloc.scanone
# find x-axis locations for a plot of scanone output
xaxisloc.scanone <-
function(out, thechr, thepos, chr, gap=25)
    stop("You must provide scanone output, so we can get chromosome lengths.")
  if(!any(class(out) == "scanone"))
    stop("out should have class \"scanone\".")
    out <- subset(out, chr=chr)
  chr <- unique(out[,1])

  if(length(thechr) != 1) {
      thepos <- rep(thepos, length(thechr))
    else if(length(thechr) != length(thepos))
      stop("If thechr and thepos have length>1 they must both have the same length")
  else {
      thechr <- rep(thechr, length(thepos))

  if(length(thechr) > 1) {
    res <- rep(NA, length(thechr))
    for(i in seq(along=thechr))
      res[i] <- xaxisloc.scanone(out, thechr[i], thepos[i], chr, gap)

  L <- tapply(out[,2], out[,1], function(a) diff(range(a, na.rm=TRUE)))
  Lmin <- tapply(out[,2], out[,1], min, na.rm=TRUE)
  start <- c(0,cumsum(L+gap))
  start[which(as.character(thechr)==chr)]+(thepos - Lmin[as.character(thechr)==chr])

# end of add_threshold.R
byandell/qtl documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:28 a.m.