
Defines functions getEncDimRange optimHyperParams findEncodingDim eval_prot predict_outliers fit_autoenc

Documented in optimHyperParams

#' ### MODEL
#' @noRd
fit_autoenc <- function(fds, type=currentType(fds), q_guess=round(ncol(fds)/4),
                        implementation, noiseRatio=0.5, BPPARAM=bpparam(),
                        iterations=3, verbose=FALSE){
    message(paste(date(), "; q:", q_guess, "; noise: ", noiseRatio))
    # setup object
    currentType(fds) <- type
    verbose_old <- verbose(fds)
    verbose(fds) <- verbose
    on.exit({ verbose(fds) <- verbose_old })
    # train AE
    fds <- fit(fds, type=type, q=q_guess, implementation=implementation,
                iterations=iterations, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
    curLoss <- metadata(fds)[[paste0('loss_', type)]]
    curLoss <- mean(curLoss[,ncol(curLoss)])
    return(list(fds=fds, evaluation=curLoss))

predict_outliers <- function(fds, type, implementation, BPPARAM){

    fds <- calculatePvalues(fds, type=type, implementation=implementation,
    fds <- calculatePadjValues(fds, type=type, geneLevel=FALSE, 


eval_prot <- function(fds, type){
    message(date(), ": Calculating AUC-PR ...")
    index <- getSiteIndex(fds, type)
    idx   <- !duplicated(index)

    scores <- -as.vector(pVals(fds, type=type)[idx,])

    dt <- cbind(data.table(id=index),
            as.data.table(assay(fds, paste0("trueOutliers_", type))))
    setkey(dt, id)
    labels <- as.vector(vapply(samples(fds), function(i){
        dttmp <- dt[,any(get(i) != 0),by=id]
        setkey(dttmp, id)
        dttmp[J(unique(index)), V1]
    }, FUN.VALUE=logical(length(unique(index))) ) ) + 0

        # warning(sum(is.na(scores)), " P-values where NAs.")
        scores[is.na(scores)] <- min(scores, na.rm=TRUE)-1
    pr <- pr.curve(scores, weights.class0=labels)


findEncodingDim <- function(i, fds, type, params, implementation,
                            internalBPPARAM=1, iterations){
    iBPPARAM <- getBPParam(internalBPPARAM)
    q_guess    <- params[i, "q"]
    noiseRatio <- params[i, "noise"]
    message(paste(i, ";\t", q_guess, ";\t", noiseRatio))
    implementation <- getHyperOptimCorrectionMethod(implementation)
    res_fit <- fit_autoenc(fds=fds, type=type, q_guess=q_guess,
            noiseRatio=noiseRatio, BPPARAM=iBPPARAM,
    res_pvals <- predict_outliers(res_fit$fds, implementation=implementation,
            type=type, BPPARAM=iBPPARAM)
    evals <- eval_prot(res_pvals, type=type)

    return(list(q=q_guess, noiseRatio=noiseRatio, loss=res_fit$evaluation, 

#' Find optimal encoding dimension
#' Finds the optimal encoding dimension by injecting artificial splicing outlier
#' ratios while maximizing the precision-recall curve.
#' @inheritParams countRNA
#' @inheritParams FRASER
#' @inherit fit
#' @param q_param Vector specifying which values of q should be tested
#' @param noise_param Vector specifying which noise levels should be tested.
#' @param setSubset The size of the subset of the most variable introns that 
#' should be used for the hyperparameter optimization.
#' @param internalThreads The number of threads used internally.
#' @param injectFreq The frequency with which outliers are injected into the 
#' data.
#' @param plot If \code{TRUE}, a plot of the area under the curve and the 
#' model loss for each evaluated parameter combination will be displayed after 
#' the hyperparameter optimization finishes.
#' @param delayed If FALSE, count matrices will be loaded into memory (faster 
#' calculations), otherwise the function works on the delayedMatrix 
#' representations (more memory efficient). The default value depends on the 
#' number of samples in the fds-object.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to \code{injectOutliers}.
#' @return FraserDataSet
#' @examples
#'   # generate data
#'   fds <- makeSimulatedFraserDataSet(m=15, j=20)
#'   fds <- calculatePSIValues(fds)
#'   # run hyperparameter optimization
#'   fds <- optimHyperParams(fds, type="jaccard", q_param=c(2, 5))
#'   # get estimated optimal dimension of the latent space
#'   bestQ(fds, type="jaccard")
#'   hyperParams(fds, type="jaccard")
#' @export
optimHyperParams <- function(fds, type=psiTypes, implementation="PCA",
                    noise_param=0, minDeltaPsi=0.1,
                    iterations=5, setSubset=50000, injectFreq=1e-2,
                    BPPARAM=bpparam(), internalThreads=1, plot=TRUE, 
                    delayed=ifelse(ncol(fds) <= 300, FALSE, TRUE), ...){
        message(date(), ": For correction '", implementation, "' no hyper ",
                "parameter optimization is needed.")
        data <- data.table(q=NA, noise=0, eval=1, aroc=1)
        hyperParams(fds, type=type) <- data

    # put the most important stuff into memory
    currentType(fds) <- type
        counts(fds, type=type, side="other", HDF5=FALSE) <-
                as.matrix(counts(fds, type=type, side="other"))
        counts(fds, type=type, side="ofInterest", HDF5=FALSE) <-
                as.matrix(counts(fds, type=type, side="ofInterest"))

    # remove non variable and low abundance junctions
    j2keepVa <- variableJunctions(fds, type, minDeltaPsi)
    j2keepDP <- rowQuantiles(K(fds, type), probs=0.75, drop=FALSE)[,1] >= 10
    j2keep <- j2keepDP & j2keepVa
    message("dPsi filter:", pasteTable(j2keep))
    # TODO fds <- fds[j2keep,,by=type]

    # ensure that subset size is not larger that number of introns/splice sites
    setSubset <- pmin(setSubset, nrow(K(fds, type)))
    optData <- data.table()
    for(nsub in setSubset){
        # subset for finding encoding dimensions
        # most variable functions + random subset for decoder
        exMask <- subsetKMostVariableJunctions(fds[j2keep,,by=type], type, nsub)
        j2keep[j2keep==TRUE] <- exMask

        # keep n most variable junctions + random subset
        j2keep <- j2keep | sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), length(j2keep), replace=TRUE,
                prob=c(nsub/length(j2keep), 1 - nsub/length(j2keep)))
        message("Exclusion matrix: ", pasteTable(j2keep))

        # make copy for testing
        fds_copy <- fds
        dontWriteHDF5(fds_copy) <- TRUE
        featureExclusionMask(fds_copy) <- j2keep
        fds_copy <- fds_copy[j2keep,,by=type]
        currentType(fds_copy) <- type

        # inject outliers
        fds_copy <- injectOutliers(fds_copy, type=type, freq=injectFreq, ...)
        if(sum(getAssayMatrix(fds_copy, type=type, "trueOutliers") != 0) == 0){
            warning(paste0("No outliers could be injected so the ", 
                            "hyperparameter optimization could not run. ", 
                            "Possible reason: too few junctions in the data."))

        # remove unneeded blocks to save memory
        a2rm <- paste(sep="_", c("originalCounts", "originalOtherCounts"),
                rep(psiTypes, 2))
        for(a in a2rm){
            assay(fds_copy, a) <- NULL
        metadata(fds_copy) <- list()

        # reset lost important values
        currentType(fds_copy) <- type
        dontWriteHDF5(fds_copy) <- TRUE

        # run hyper parameter optimization
        params <- expand.grid(q=q_param, noise=noise_param)
        message(date(), ": Run hyper optimization with ", nrow(params), 
                " options.")
        res <- bplapply(seq_len(nrow(params)), findEncodingDim, fds=fds_copy, 
                        iterations=iterations, params=params, 

        data <- data.table(
            q=vapply(res, "[[", "q", FUN.VALUE=numeric(1)),
            noise=vapply(res, "[[", "noiseRatio", FUN.VALUE=numeric(1)),
            eval=vapply(res, "[[", "loss", FUN.VALUE=numeric(1)),
            aroc=vapply(res, "[[", "aroc", FUN.VALUE=numeric(1)))

        optData <- rbind(optData, data)

    hyperParams(fds, type=type) <- optData
        print(plotEncDimSearch(fds, type=type, plotType="auc"))

#' Get default range of latent space dimensions to test during hyper param opt
#' @noRd
getEncDimRange <- function(fds, mp=3){
    # Get range for latent space dimension
    a <- 2 
    b <- min(ncol(fds), nrow(fds)) / mp   # N/mp
    maxSteps <- 12
    if(mp < 6){
        maxSteps <- 15
    Nsteps <- min(maxSteps, b)
    pars_q <- round(exp(seq(log(a),log(b),length.out = Nsteps))) %>% unique
c-mertes/FraseR documentation built on June 15, 2024, 3:29 a.m.