
#' locations
#' @param input shiny
#' @param output shiyn
#' @param session shiny
#' @param values shiny
#' @import shiny
#' @import leaflet
#' @importFrom magrittr '%>%'
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @export
locations <- function(input, output, session, values) {
  #if(is.null(brapi)) return(NULL)
  #crop = isolate(values$crop)
  #is_server = isolate(values$is_server)
  #mode = isolate(values$mode)

  msg_no_loc = "No location selected."
  # url = system.file("images", package = "brapps")
  # greenLeafIcon <- leaflet::makeIcon(
  #   iconUrl = file.path(url, "leaf-green.png"),
  #   iconWidth = 38,
  #   iconHeight = 95,
  #   iconAnchorX = 22,
  #   iconAnchorY = 94,
  #   shadowUrl = file.path(url, "leaf-shadow.png"),
  #   shadowWidth = 50,
  #   shadowHeight = 64,
  #   shadowAnchorX = 4,
  #   shadowAnchorY = 62
  # )

  # get_base_data <- function(mode = "brapi",
  #                           acrop = crop,
  #                           atype = "fieldbooks") {
  #   bd = fbglobal::get_base_dir(amode = mode, is_server = is_server)
  #   fp = file.path(bd, acrop, atype)
  #   #print("get base data")
  #   #rint(fp)
  #   if (!dir.exists(fp))
  #     dir.create(fp, recursive = TRUE)
  #   fp
  # }
  # return_null_with_msg <- function(msg) {
  #   cat(msg)
  #   return(NULL)
  # }
  # fp = file.path(get_base_data(atype = "location", acrop = crop),
  #                "table_sites.rds")
  # #print(fp)
  # locationData <- reactiveFileReader(10000, session, fp, readRDS)
  # dat <- reactive({
  #   dat = NULL
  #   if (file.exists(fp)) {
  #     #print(fp)
  #     dat = locationData()
  #   }
  #   if (is.null(dat)) {
  #     try({
  #       #if(is.null(brapi)) return_null_with_msg("Not connection to a BrAPI db set. Please connect.")
  #       dat <- brapi::locations_list()
  #       saveRDS(dat, file = fp)
  #     })
  #     if (is.null(dat)) {
  #       return_null_with_msg(
  #         "Could not retrieve data from database. Check your login details and internet connection."
  #       )
  #     }
  #   }
  #   dat = dat[dat$latitude != 0 & dat$longitude != 0,]
  #   out = dat[!is.na(dat$latitude),]
  #   #print(head(dat))
  #   #print(out)
  #   out
  # })

  output$ui_map_src_type <- shiny::renderUI({
    bdb <- brapi::ba_db()

    ndb <- names(bdb)
    ndb <- ndb[!ndb %in% c("mockbase", "ricebase")]
    ndb <- ndb[stringr::str_detect(ndb, "base")]

    out <- shiny::selectInput("map_bdb", "BrAPI database", ndb,
                              selected = "sweetpotatobase")


  output$ui_map_src_filter <- shiny::renderUI({

      out <- shiny::tagList(
        shiny::checkboxInput("map_chk_prg", "Use Breeding Programs as filter", value = FALSE),


  # output$ui_map_src_fieldbook <- shiny::renderUI({
  #   out <- shiny::tagList(
  #     shiny::uiOutput("map_stds")
  #   )
  #   return(out)
  # })

  map_con <- reactive({
    con <- shiny::withProgress(message = "Connecting to database", {

  map_dat <- reactive({
    #out <- NULL
    #out <- tryCatch(
    out <-  shiny::withProgress(message = "Loading", detail = "locations", {
        brapi::ba_locations(map_con(), pageSize = 1000)


      need(is.data.frame(out), "Need a location table."),
      need("latitude" %in% names(out), "Need a column named latitude."),
      need("longitude" %in% names(out), "Need a column named longitude."),
      need("name" %in% names(out), "Need a column named name."),
      need("altitude" %in% names(out), "Need a column named altitude.")
    # ,
    #   error = function(e) return(NULL)
    # )
    out$latitude <- as.numeric(out$latitude)
    out$longitude <- as.numeric(out$longitude)

    out <- shiny::withProgress(message = "Annotating", detail = "locations", {
      out <- add_TmeanPTotal(out)


  map_dat_sel <- reactive({
    # validate(need(
    #   (is.data.frame(map_dat())), "Location data not available."
    # ))
    out <- map_dat()

    out = out[!is.na(out$latitude),]
    stds <- NULL
    #if (input$ui_map_track %in% c("studies", "seasons", "genotypes")) {
      stds <- shiny::withProgress(message = "Loading", detail = "studies", {
        brapi::ba_studies_search(map_con(), pageSize = 10000)

      out <- merge(out, stds, by = "locationDbId")


      if (input$map_chk_prg) {
        out <- out[out$programDbId == input$map_progrs, ]


    if (input$ui_map_track == "studies") {

      out <- cbind(out, popupDetail = out$studyName)
    if (input$ui_map_track == "locations") {
      out <- out[!duplicated(out$locationDbId), ]
      out <- cbind(out, popupDetail = out$name)
    if (input$ui_map_track == "seasons") {
     # out <- merge(out, stds, by = "locationDbId")
      out <- cbind(out, popupDetail = paste(out$name, out$seasons, sep = ": "))
      out <- out[!duplicated(out$popupDetail), ]


  data_prg <- shiny::reactive({
    shiny::withProgress(message = "Connecting", detail = "Loading programs",{
      brapi::ba_programs(map_con(), pageSize = 1000)

  output$map_prgs <- shiny::renderUI({
    if (input$map_chk_prg) {
      prg <- as.list(data_prg()$programDbId)
      names(prg) <- data_prg()$name
      shiny::selectInput("map_progrs", "Breeding programs", choices = prg,
                         selected = prg[1])

  # output$tableLocs <- DT::renderDataTable(dat()
  #                                         , server = FALSE,
  #                                         options = list(scrollX = TRUE))

  output$mapLocs <- leaflet::renderLeaflet({
    shinytoastr::toastr_info("This may take a while to show..",
                             position = "top-center", progressBar = TRUE, timeOut = 10000)
    pts <- map_dat_sel()
      need(is.data.frame(pts), "Need a location table."),
      need(is.numeric(pts$longitude), "Need numeric longitude data."),
      need(is.numeric(pts$latitude), "Need numeric latitude data."),
      need(nrow(pts) > 0, "Need at least one location.")
    # if (is.null(pts))
    #   pts <- dat()
   # if (is.null(pts))
      # return_null_with_msg(
      #   "Could not retrieve data from database. Check your login details and internet connection."
      # )
    #pts = pts[!is.na(pts$longitude),]

    leaflet::leaflet(pts, height = "100%") %>%
      leaflet::addTiles() %>%
      leaflet::addAwesomeMarkers(~longitude, ~latitude,
                                   popup = ~htmltools::htmlEscape(popupDetail),
                    clusterOptions = leaflet::markerClusterOptions(clickable = T)) %>%
        ~ min(pts$longitude),
        ~ min(pts$latitude),
        ~ max(pts$longitude),
        ~ max(pts$latitude)
      ) %>%


  # download the filtered data
  # output$locsDL = downloadHandler(
  #   'BRAPI-locs-filtered.csv',
  #   content = function(file) {
  #     utils::write.csv(dat_sel(), file)
  #   }
  # )
  mrks <- reactive({
    x = input$mapLocs_marker_click
        map_dat_sel()$latitude == as.numeric(x$lat) &
        map_dat_sel()$longitude == as.numeric(x$lng)
  output$hist_alt <- renderPlot({
    if(input$ui_map_track != "locations") return(NULL)
                   main = "Frequency of altitude of breeding locations.",
                   xlab = "altitude [m]",
                   sub = "Selected location frequencies are in red.")
    graphics::hist(map_dat_sel()$altitude, add = T, col = "red")
    if (length(mrks()) > 0) {
      graphics::abline(v = mrks()$altitude,
                       col = "blue",
                       lwd = 5)
  # ##################################
  rec2info <- function(rec) {
    #rec %>% as.data.frame
    nms = names(rec)
    dat = t(rec)
    dat = cbind(nms, dat)
    # print(str(dat))
    # print(nrow(dat))
    row.names(dat) = 1:nrow(dat)
    colnames(dat) = c("Attribute", "Value")
    dat = dat[c(1, 5, 9, 4, 3, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 11),]
    x = htmlTable::htmlTable(dat)
    paste0("<center>", x, "</center>") %>% HTML
  output$siteInfo <- renderUI({
    if(input$ui_map_track != "locations") return(NULL)
    out = msg_no_loc
    mrks <- mrks()
    rec = mrks[1, ]
    if (nrow(rec) == 1) {
      out = rec2info(rec)


  get_geo_mark <- function() {
    click <- input$mapLocs_marker_click
    if (is.null(click))
    # leaflet::clearMarkers(input$mapLocs)
    # leaflet::addMarkers(input$mapLocs,lat =   click$lat, lng= click$lng, icon = greenLeafIcon)

    locs = map_dat() #  get_geo_locs()

    locs[locs$latitude == click$lat & locs$longitude == click$lng,]

  output$chart_env <- renderPlot({
    if (input$ui_map_track != "locations") return(NULL)
    mrk <- get_geo_mark()
    if (length(mrks()) > 0) {
      graphics::points(x = mrk$annualMeanTemperature,
                       y = mrk$annualTotalRainfall,
                       col = "blue",
                       bg = "blue",
                       type = "p",
                       pch = 21)

  # observeEvent(input$btn_demo_locs,
  #              rintrojs::introjs(session))

  # observeEvent(input$setLocsToEnv, {
  #   brapi_locations <<- dat()
  #   brapi_locations_filtered <<- dat_sel()
  # })
  # ############### report #########
  # output$rep_loc <- renderUI({
  #   withProgress(message = 'Updating report',
  #                value = 0,
  #                max = 10,
  #                {
  #                  locs <- dat_sel()
  #                  n = nrow(locs)
  #                  if (n < 1)
  #                    return("no locations in view!")
  #                  rep_name = "report_location.Rmd"
  #                  #tgt = file.path(getwd(), "reports", rep_name)
  #                  report <- file.path(getwd(), "reports", rep_name)
  #                  dn = dirname(report)
  #                  if (!dir.exists(dn)) {
  #                    dir.create(report)
  #                  }
  #                  if (!file.exists(report)) {
  #                    org = system.file("/apps/hdtest/reports/report_location.Rmd",
  #                                      package = "brapps")
  #                    file.copy(org, report)
  #                  }
  #                  setProgress(5)
  #                  fn = "no report created."
  #                  try({
  #                    fn <- rmarkdown::render(
  #                      report,
  #                      output_dir = file.path("www", "reports"),
  #                      #rep_dir,
  #                      params = list(locs = locs)
  #                    )
  #                  })
  #                  setProgress(8)
  #                }) # progress
  #   html <- includeHTML(fn)
  #   HTML(html)
  # })

  # get_all_studies <- function(){
  #   fp = file.path(get_base_data(atype = "fieldbook"), "fieldbooks.rda")
  #   stds = NULL
  #   try({
  #     if(file.exists(fp)) {
  #       stds = readRDS(file = fp)
  #     }
  #   })
  #   if(is.null(stds)){
  #     stds = brapi::studies()
  #     saveRDS(stds, fp)
  #   }
  #   stds
  # }

  # get_study_path <- function(year, id, mode = mode, crop = crop){
  #   # if(can_internet()){
  #   #   mode = "brapi"
  #   # } else {
  #   #   mode = "Demo"
  #   # }
  #   ##mode = "brapi"
  #   if(is.null(year)){
  #     fp = file.path(get_base_data(atype = "fieldbook", mode = mode, acrop = crop), paste0(id,".rda"))
  #   }
  #   if(!is.null(year)){
  #     fp = file.path(get_base_data(atype = "fieldbook", mode = mode, acrop = crop), year, paste0(id, ".rda"))
  #   }
  #   dn = dirname(fp)
  #   #print(dn)
  #   if(!dir.exists(dn)) dir.create(dn, recursive = TRUE)
  #   fp
  # }
  #   get_study <- function(year, id){
  #     fp = get_study_path(year, id)
  #     stdy = NULL
  #     try({
  #       if(file.exists(fp)) {
  #         stdy = readRDS(file = fp)
  #       }
  #     })
  #     if(is.null(stdy)){
  #       if(can_internet() & !is.null(brapi)){
  #         stdy = brapi::study_table(id)
  #         saveRDS(stdy, fp)
  #       }
  #      }
  #     stdy
  #   }

  # get_trials_for_location <- function(amode = "demo", crop) {
  #   locs = get_geo_mark()
  #   if (is.null(locs))
  #     return(NULL)
  #   stds = get_all_studies(amode = amode, crop = crop)
  #   stds <- stds[!is.na(stds$locationDbId),]
  #   sid = stds[stds$locationDbId %in% locs$locationDbId, "studyDbId"]
  #   # Download most recent trial for this location!
  #   # if(can_internet()){
  #   #   ms = max(sid)
  #   #   #xs = stds[stds$studyDbId == ms, ]
  #   #   ss = get_study(year = stds$years[ms], id = ms, amode = amode, crop = crop)
  #   # }
  #   sid
  # }
  # output$site_fieldtrials <- renderUI({
  #   html = msg_no_loc
  #   #TODO get amode from user input
  #   amode = "Default"
  #   withProgress(message = 'Getting trial list ...',
  #                value = 0,
  #                max = 10,
  #                {
  #                  #print(mode)
  #                  #print(crop)
  #                  sid = get_trials_for_location(amode = amode, crop = crop)
  #                  #print(sid)
  #                  if (is.null(sid)) {
  #                    out = msg_no_loc
  #                  } else {
  #                    setProgress(5)
  #                    if (length(sid) > 0) {
  #                      stds = get_all_studies(amode = amode, crop = crop)
  #                      stds = stds[stds$studyDbId %in% sid,]
  #                      txt = paste0("No internet connected!<br/>")
  #                      out = stds$name %>% paste(collapse = ", ")
  #                      # if(can_internet() & !is.null(brapi)){
  #                      #   txt = ""
  #                      #
  #                      #   path = "/breeders/trial/"
  #                      #   db = brapi$db
  #                      #   host = db
  #                      #   if(!stringr::str_detect(db, "@")){
  #                      #     if(!stringr::str_detect(db, "http")) {
  #                      #       host = paste0("http://", db)
  #                      #     }
  #                      #   }
  #                      #   if(rstudioapi::isAvailable()){
  #                      #     if(!stringr::str_detect(db, "http")) {
  #                      #       host = paste0("http://", db)
  #                      #     }
  #                      #   }
  #                      #   #print(sid)
  #                      #   out = paste0("<br><a href='",host, path, sid, "' target='_blank'>", stds$name, "</a>") %>%
  #                      #     paste(collapse = ", ")
  #                      #
  #                      # }
  #                      html = paste0(txt, out)
  #                    }
  #                    setProgress(8)
  #                  }
  #                })
  #   HTML(html)
  # })
  # output$site_genotypes <- renderUI({
  #   out = msg_no_loc
  #   #if(!can_internet()) return("No internet connected!")
  #   #if(!is.null(get_geo_mark())){
  #   # TODO get this from user input demo/brapi
  #   amode = "Default"
  #   withProgress(message = 'Getting trial list ...',
  #                value = 0,
  #                max = 10,
  #                {
  #                  sid = get_trials_for_location(amode, crop)
  #                  #print(paste("geno/site",sid))
  #                  if (is.null(sid)) {
  #                    out = msg_no_loc
  #                  } else {
  #                    #print(sid)
  #                    year = NULL
  #                    stds = get_all_studies(amode = amode, crop = crop)
  #                    #ms = NULL
  #                    if (length(sid) > 1) {
  #                      sid = max(sid)
  #                    }
  #                    stds = stds[stds$studyDbId == sid,]
  #                    year = stds$years
  #                    #print(year)
  #                    fb = NULL
  #                    fb = get_study(year, sid)
  #                    #print(sid)
  #                    res = NULL
  #                    if (is.null(fb))
  #                      res = "The most recently added trial for this site seems to have no data!"
  #                    if (is.null(res)) {
  #                      topgp = brapi::get_top_germplasm(fb)
  #                      #print(topgp)
  #                      if (is.null(topgp))
  #                        res = "Cannot find this trait in the most recently added trial."
  #                    }
  #                    if (is.null(res)) {
  #                      gid = topgp$germplasmDbId
  #                      gnm = topgp$germplasmName
  #                      hid = topgp$`Harvest index computing percent`
  #                      txt = ""
  #                      # if(can_internet() ){
  #                      #   db = brapi$db
  #                      #   host = db
  #                      #   if(!stringr::str_detect(db, "@")){
  #                      #     if(!stringr::str_detect(db, "http")) {
  #                      #       host = paste0("http://", db)
  #                      #     }
  #                      #   }
  #                      #   if(rstudioapi::isAvailable()){
  #                      #     if(!stringr::str_detect(db, "http")) {
  #                      #       host = paste0("http://", db)
  #                      #     }
  #                      #   }
  #                      #
  #                      #   path = "/stock/"
  #                      #   out = paste0("<a href='",host, path, gid,"/view' target='_blank'>", gnm, " (",hid,  ")</a>")
  #                      #
  #                      #   out = paste(out, collapse = ", ")
  #                      #   txt = ""
  #                      #   #print("here")
  #                      #   #print(out)
  #                      #
  #                      # }
  #                      # if(!can_internet()){
  #                      #   out = paste0 (gnm, " (",hid,  ")")
  #                      #   out = paste(out, collapse = ", ")
  #                      #   txt = paste("No internet connected!</br></br>")
  #                      # }
  #                      locs = dat()
  #                      loc_name = locs[locs$locationDbId %in% sid, "name"]
  #                      txt = paste0(
  #                        txt,
  #                        "Top genotypes for trait (",
  #                        "Harvest index" ,
  #                        ") from most recent (",
  #                        year
  #                        ,
  #                        ") fieldbook: ",
  #                        stds$name,
  #                        " for location: ",
  #                        loc_name,
  #                        ":</br>"
  #                      ) # TODO make trait choosable
  #                      res = paste(txt, out)
  #                    }
  #                    out = res
  #                    setProgress(8)
  #                  }
  #                })
  #   #}
  #   HTML(out)
  # })
  # observeEvent(input$mapLocs_marker_click, {
  #   ## Get the click info like had been doing
  #   click <- input$mapLocs_marker_click
  #   clat <- click$lat
  #   clng <- click$lng
  #   output$siteInfo <- renderText({
  #     HTML(clat)
  #     HTML(clng)
  #   })
  #   # leaflet::leafletProxy('mapLocs') %>% # use the proxy to save computation
  #   #   leaflet::addMarkers(
  #   #     lng = clng,
  #   #     lat = clat,
  #   #     layerId = "marked",
  #   #     icon = greenLeafIcon
  #   #   )
  # })
  # observe({
  #   invalidateLater(millis = 30 * 1000, session)
  #   #unlink(fp)
  # })

c5sire/brapps documentation built on May 13, 2019, 10:31 a.m.