
# Name
# readENVImetData
# Description
# Reads the ENVI-met output and creates a datacontainer with the dimensions X, Y, Z, Variable.
# It checks if the ENVI-met-Output is in Version 3 or in Version 4
# Usage
# output data <- readENVImetData(_path to metafile,_path to datafile_)
# Example
# Input
# path of .EDI-File (metafile) and path of .EDT-file (datafile)
# Output
# initialize functions
# Author
# AlK
# Date
# 08.05.2014
# - Another function for reading the whole data-folder or simulation?
# - input-Vector for selected Variables?
# - ...
# new
# input parameter from ENVImet-Metafile

readENVImetData <- function(metafile, datafile, EMindex) {
  versioncontrol <-grepl("CreatedwithENVI-metV3",gsub(" ","",meta[length(meta)]))
  if (versioncontrol==TRUE) {
    cat("ENVI-met V3 ") 
    cat(meta[1]) # V3.1
    n_x_grids = strtoi(meta[2])
    n_y_grids = strtoi(meta[3])
    n_z_grids = strtoi(meta[4])
    n_variables = strtoi(meta[5])
#    n_variables = length(EMindex)
  else {
    cat("ENVI-met V4 ")
    cat(meta[2]) # V4
    n_x_grids = strtoi(meta[3])
    n_y_grids = strtoi(meta[4])
    n_z_grids = strtoi(meta[5])
    n_variables = strtoi(meta[6])
#    n_variables = length(EMindex)
  EMrawData = readBin(datafile, what="numeric", n=file.info(datafile)$size, size=4)
  EMdata=array(EMrawData, dim=dim )
  cat(" OK Variables read:",length(EMindex),"\n")
  return(EMdata)  }
ca-vi/Climatology_Package documentation built on May 13, 2019, 10:37 a.m.