knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE) options(DT.warn.size = FALSE) library(flexdashboard) library(DT) found_color <- "#77d983" not_found_color <- "#e36868" secondary_col <- "#ff9470" proj_col <- params$set_vars$proj_col pool_col <- params$set_vars$pool_col launch_params <- if (is.null(params$launch_params) || purrr::is_empty(params$launch_params)) { NULL } else { params$launch_params }
n_proj <- length(unique(params$files_found[[proj_col]])) n_pools <- length(unique(params$files_found[[pool_col]])) n_anomalies <- length(params$files_found$Anomalies[ params$files_found$Anomalies])
valueBox(value = n_proj, icon = "glyphicon-inbox")
valueBox(value = n_pools, icon = "fa-folder")
valueBox(value = n_anomalies, icon = "glyphicon-warning-sign", color = secondary_col)
content <- paste0( c("<ul>", paste0("<li><b>Chosen file patterns</b>: ", paste0("'", launch_params$patterns, "'", collapse = ", "), "</li>"), paste0("<li><b>Matching option</b>: '", launch_params$matching_opt, "'</li>"), "</ul>")) cat(content)
content <- paste("No patterns were set for this automated import operation") cat(content)
collapse_file_names <- function(names) { if (all( { return(NA_character_) } return( paste0(paste0(paste0("<b>", seq_len(length(names)), ")</b> "), names), collapse = "<br/>") ) } formatted_files <- params$files_found$Files |> purrr::map(~ { .x |> dplyr::group_by(.data$Quantification_type) |> dplyr::summarise(Files_found = collapse_file_names(.data$Files_found), .groups = "drop") }) files_details <- purrr::map2(formatted_files, params$files_found$Files_count, ~ { .x |> dplyr::inner_join(.y, by = "Quantification_type") }) count_details <- params$files_found |> dplyr::mutate(files_details = files_details) |> dplyr::select($Files,$Anomalies,$Files_count) |> tidyr::unnest(.data$files_details) |> dplyr::mutate( !!proj_col := as.factor(.data[[proj_col]]), !!pool_col := as.factor(.data[[pool_col]]), Quantification_type = as.factor(.data$Quantification_type))
found_render <- JS("function(data, type, row) {", "var icn = ",'"\u2713"', ";", "var clss = ", '"text-success"', ";", "if (data == 0) {", "icn = ",'"\u2715"',";", "clss = ", '"text-danger"', ";", "} else if (data > 1) {", "icn = ",'"\u26A0"', ";", "clss = ", '"text-warning"', ";", "}", "return '<span class='+clss+'>'+data.toString()+' '+icn+", "'</span>'", "}") datatable( count_details, rownames = FALSE, colnames = stringr::str_replace_all(colnames(count_details), "_", " "), filter = 'top', escape = FALSE, options = list( columnDefs = list( list(targets = 4, render = found_render) ), scrollY = 350 ), ) |> formatStyle(columns = 5, fontWeight = 'bold', textAlign = 'center')
Summary of files found for each project/pool and quantification requested.
If duplicated files are found you will find a 'warning' symbol next to the
corresponding number. Please remember that in automatic mode the function
tries to discriminate between duplicates according to the provided patterns,
if no choice can be made, all files are discarded.
If no files were found for the corresponding quantification you will see a 'cross' symbol.
not_imported <- length(params$files_imp$Imported[ params$files_imp$Imported == FALSE]) tot_samples <- sum(params$files_imp$Number_of_samples, na.rm = TRUE)
gauge(not_imported, min = 0, max = nrow(params$files_imp), sectors = gaugeSectors(danger = c(1, nrow(params$files_imp))))
valueBox(value = tot_samples)
files_imp <- params$files_imp |> dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c(.data[[proj_col]], .data[[pool_col]], .data$Quantification_type), .fns = as.factor)) datatable( files_imp, class = "stripe", filter = "top", rownames = FALSE, colnames = stringr::str_replace_all(colnames(files_imp), "_", " "), options = list( order = list(list(4, 'asc')), scrollY = 350 ) ) |> formatStyle(columns = "Imported", color = styleEqual( levels = c(TRUE, FALSE), values = c(found_color, not_found_color) ), fontWeight = "bold", textTransform = "uppercase")
cat("*Nothing to report*")
Summary of files chosen for import. If Imported
is false, something may
have gone wrong during the import phase (most likely I/O errors).
datatable( params$annot_prob, rownames = FALSE, colnames = stringr::str_replace_all(colnames(files_details), "_", " "), filter = 'top', options = list(scrollY = 350) )
cat("*Nothing to report*")
Report on annotation issues. Here are reported, if found, integration sites that have been annotated with 2 or more different genes. If the table isn't empty, you might want to check your matrices or re-perform the annotation step.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.