set_mandatory_IS_vars: Define custom dynamic vars.

View source: R/utility-functions.R

set_mandatory_IS_varsR Documentation

Define custom dynamic vars.


This set of function allows users to specify custom look-up tables for dynamic variables. For more details, refer to the dedicated vignette vignette("workflow_start", package="ISAnalytics").

  • set_mandatory_IS_vars() sets the look-up table for mandatory IS vars.

  • set_annotation_IS_vars() sets the look-up table for genomic annotation IS vars.

  • set_af_columns_def() sets the look-up table for association file columns vars

  • set_iss_stats_specs() sets the look-up table for VISPA2 pool statistics vars








Either a named vector or a data frame with specific format. See details.


The user can supply specifications in the form of a named vector or a data frame.

Named vector

When using a named vector, names should be the names of the columns, values should be the type associated with each column in the form of a string. The vector gets automatically converted into a data frame with the right format (default values for the columns transform and flag are NULL and required respectively). Use of this method is however discouraged: data frame inputs are preferred since they offer more control.

Look-up table structure

The look-up table for dynamic vars should always follow this structure:

names types transform flag tag
⁠<name of the column>⁠ ⁠<type>⁠ ⁠<a lambda or NULL>⁠ ⁠<flag>⁠ ⁠<tag>⁠


  • names contains the name of the column as a character

  • types contains the type of the column. Type should be expressed as a string and should be in one of the allowed types

  • char for character (strings)

  • int for integers

  • logi for logical values (TRUE / FALSE)

  • numeric for numeric values

  • factor for factors

  • date for generic date format - note that functions that need to read and parse files will try to guess the format and parsing may fail

  • One of the accepted date/datetime formats by lubridate, you can use ISAnalytics::date_formats() to view the accepted formats

  • transform: a purrr-style lambda that is applied immediately after importing. This is useful to operate simple transformations like removing unwanted characters or rounding to a certain precision. Please note that these lambdas need to be functions that accept a vector as input and only operate a transformation, aka they output a vector of the same length as the input. For more complicated applications that may require the value of other columns, appropriate functions should be manually applied post-import.

  • flag: as of now, it should be set either to required or optional - some functions internally check for only required tags presence and if those are missing from inputs they fail, signaling failure to the user

  • tag: a specific tag expressed as a string

Column types:

Type should be expressed as a string and should be in one of the allowed types

  • char for character (strings)

  • int for integers

  • logi for logical values (TRUE / FALSE)

  • numeric for numeric values

  • factor for factors

  • date for generic date format - note that functions that need to read and parse files will try to guess the format and parsing may fail

  • One of the accepted date/datetime formats by lubridate, you can use ISAnalytics::date_formats() to view the accepted formats



See Also

Other dynamic vars: inspect_tags(), mandatory_IS_vars(), pcr_id_column(), reset_mandatory_IS_vars(), set_matrix_file_suffixes()


tmp_mand_vars <- tibble::tribble(
    ~names, ~types, ~transform, ~flag, ~tag,
    "chrom", "char", ~ stringr::str_replace_all(.x, "chr", ""), "required",
    "position", "int", NULL, "required", "locus",
    "strand", "char", NULL, "required", "is_strand",
    "gap", "int", NULL, "required", NA_character_,
    "junction", "int", NULL, "required", NA_character_

tmp_annot_vars <- tibble::tribble(
    ~names, ~types, ~transform, ~flag, ~tag,
    "gene", "char", NULL, "required",
    "gene_strand", "char", NULL, "required", "gene_strand"

temp_af_cols <- tibble::tribble(
    ~names, ~types, ~transform, ~flag, ~tag,
    "project", "char", NULL, "required",
    "pcr_id", "char", NULL, "required", "pcr_repl_id",
    "subject", "char", NULL, "required", "subject"

tmp_iss_vars <- tibble::tribble(
    ~names, ~types, ~transform, ~flag, ~tag,
    "pool", "char", NULL, "required",
    "tag", "char", NULL, "required", "tag_seq",
    "barcode", "int", NULL, "required", NA_character_

calabrialab/ISAnalytics documentation built on Dec. 10, 2024, 10:50 p.m.