#' #' Title
#' #'
#' #' @param x
#' #' @param drivers_list
#' #' @param function_column
#' #' @param gene_column
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' annotate_drivers = function(x,
#' drivers_list = CNAqc::DriverDBv3,
#' function_entries = c('exonic', "Exonic"),
#' function_column = 'ANNOVAR_FUNCTION',
#' gene_column = "GENE"
#' )
#' {
#' stopifnot(inherits(x, 'cnaqc'))
#' cli::cli_alert_info("Looking for exonic mutations using column {gene_column} and {function_column}: entries will be {function_entries}.")
#' if(!(gene_column %in% colnames(x$snvs))) stop("Gene column ", gene_column, " is not available in the data:\n\t", paste(colnames(x$snvs), collapse = ', '), '.')
#' if(!(function_column %in% colnames(x$snvs))) stop("Function column ", function_column, " is not available in the data:\n\t", paste(colnames(x$snvs), collapse = ', '), '.')
#' to_find = x$snvs[[gene_column]][x$snvs[[function_column]] %in% function_entries] %>% sort %>% unique
#' cli::cli_alert_info("Found exonic mutations in {length(to_find)} genes")
#' # print(to_find)
#' found = drivers_list %>%
#' filter(driver_gene %in% to_find) %>%
#' pull(driver_gene) %>%
#' unique
#' cli::cli_alert_info("{length(found)} found in the input list of {length(drivers_list$driver_gene) %>% unique()} genes.")
#' # if(length(found) > 0) print(found)
#' if(length(found) == 0) return(x)
#' which_driver = intersect(
#' which(x$snvs[[gene_column]] %in% drivers_list$driver_gene),
#' which(x$snvs[[function_column]] %in% function_entries)
#' )
#' x$snvs$is_driver = FALSE
#' x$snvs$is_driver[which_driver] = TRUE
#' cli::cli_h3('Drivers')
#' x$snvs %>%
#' filter(is_driver) %>%
#' print
#' # cli::cli_alert_info("Reassembling a new CNAqc object with these drivers")
#' # x = CNAqc::init(
#' # x$snvs,
#' # cna = x$cna,
#' # purity = x$purity,
#' # ref = x$reference_genome
#' # )
#' # cli::cli_alert_info("Updating the CNAqc object with these drivers")
#' return(x)
#' }
#' # exones_GRCh38
#' # exones = exones_hg19
#' #
#' # exones_idxs = easypar::run(
#' # FUN = function(i)
#' # {
#' # w = exones %>%
#' # dplyr::filter(chr == x$snvs$chr[i],
#' # from <= x$snvs$from[i],
#' # to >= x$snvs$to[i]) %>%
#' # distinct(gene)
#' #
#' # if (nrow(w) > 0) {
#' # # cli::cli_alert_success("Found exonic {.field {w$gene %>% paste(collapse = ':')}} mutation.")
#' # return(data.frame(idx = i , ensemble_genes = paste(w$gene, collapse = ':')))
#' # }
#' # else
#' # return(NULL)
#' # },
#' # PARAMS = lapply(1:nrow(x$snvs), list),
#' # parallel = FALSE,
#' # filter_errors = F,
#' # export = 'exones'
#' # )
#' # exones_idxs = Reduce(bind_rows, exones_idxs)
#' #
#' # x$snvs$ensembl_exon = FALSE
#' # x$snvs$ensembl_exon[exones_idxs$idx] = TRUE
#' # x$snvs$ensembl_exon_gene = NA
#' # x$snvs$ensembl_exon_gene[exones_idxs$idx] = exones_idxs$ensemble_genes
#' #
#' # x$snvs %>% filter(ensembl_exon) %>% dplyr::select(GENE, ANNOVAR_FUNCTION, starts_with("ensembl_exon"))
#' #
#' # drv_list = CNAqc::DriverDBv3 %>%
#' # distinct(driver_gene)
#' #
#' # rename(ensembl_exon_gene = driver_gene)
#' #
#' # x$snvs = x$snvs %>%
#' # left_join(drv_list, by = 'ensembl_exon_gene') %>%
#' # mutate(is_driver = !is.na(n_tools))
#' #
#' # x$snvs %>% filter(is_driver) %>% dplyr::select(GENE, ANNOVAR_FUNCTION, starts_with("ensembl_exon"), cancer, n_tools) %>% View
#' # exones_GRCh38 %>% filter(gene =='TP53') %>% pull(from) %>% min
#' # exones_GRCh38 %>% filter(gene =='TP53') %>% pull(from) %>% max
#' # gene_coordinates_GRCh38 %>% filter(gene =='TP53')
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