Man pages for carlislerainey/separation
Using informative priors to deal with separation in logistic regression models

add_trunc_arrowIntended for internal use only
calc_pppdPartial prior predictive distribution
calc_qiCalculate a quantity of interest from objects of class...
combine_postCombine objects of class post.
combine_pppdCombine objects of class pppd.
combine_qiCombine objects of class qi.
compact_histPlots a histogram using the compact axis notation from the...
list_to_matrixConvert a list to a matrix
plot_hyp_testPlots a histogram using the compact axis notation from the...
plot.postPlot a quantity of interest
plot.postsPlots densities of model coefficients using the compact axis...
plot.pppdPlots a histogram using the compact axis notation from the...
plot.pppdsPlots histograms using the compact axis notation from the...
plot.qiPlot a quantity of interest
plot.qisPlots quantities of interest using the compact axis notation...
politics_and_needGovernors' decisions to oppose the medicaid expansion under...
politics_and_need_rescaledGovernors' decisions to oppose the medicaid expansion under...
post_to_bugsConvert an object of class "post" to an object of class...
print.postPrint summary of the partial prior predictive distribution.
print.pppdPrint summary of the partial prior predictive distribution.
set_at_medianSet variables at their medians
set_rest_at_medianVary one variable and set the rest at their medians
sim_post_gelmanObtain posterior simulations using Gelman et al.'s suggested...
sim_post_jeffreysObtain posterior simulations using Jeffreys' prior
sim_post_normalObtain posterior simulations using a normal prior on the...
carlislerainey/separation documentation built on May 13, 2019, 12:45 p.m.