
#' This function performs genome-wide association study pathway analysis (GWASPA) to
#' identify statistically significant associations between variants on gene regulatory pathways
#' and a given phenotype.
#' @description This function performs genome-wide association study pathway analysis (GWASPA) to
#'              identify statistically significant associations between variants on gene
#'              regulatory pathways and a given phenotype.
#' @usage GWASPA(dataset, nCases, nControls, Signed.GWASPA = FALSE, Decorated.Pvalues = TRUE,
#'        threshold = 0.05, K = 10, pathLength = 5, n_permutations = 100,
#'        strataF = NA, nthreads = NA)
#' @param dataset Filename of the phenotype data. First column must correspond
#'                to the gene symbols, and all other columns correspond to the
#'                patients. The First column must be named \code{Gene.Symbols} and
#'                must contain strings corresponding to the symbols of the genes.
#'                All other columns either contain a 1 if the patient has a variant
#'                in the gene, and 0 otherwise.
#' @param nCases The number of cases (Must be greater than 1).
#' @param nControls The number of controls (Must be greater than 1).
#' @param Signed.GWASPA A boolean parameter indicating whether to compute
#'                     signed-GWASPA. The default value is \code{Signed.GWASPA = FALSE}.
#' @param Decorated.Pvalues A boolean parameter indicating whether to compute the
#'                          decorated P-values. The default value is
#'                          \code{Decorated.Pvalues = TRUE}.
#' @param threshold All variants which occur in less than \code{threshold * 100}
#'                  number of patients are kept for processing. The default
#'                  value is \code{threshold = 0.05}.
#' @param K The top \code{K} paths to be returned of each path length. The default
#'          value is \code{K = 10}.
#' @param pathLength The maximum path length for which the top \code{K} paths
#'                   will be computed. The default value is \code{pathLength = 5}.
#'                   Note that \code{pathLength} cannot be set to less than 1 or
#'                   greater than 5.
#' @param n_permutations The number of permutations to be used for computing the
#'                   p-values. The default value is 100 (The minimum acceptable
#'                   value is 1).
#' @param strataF Filename for the strata file. \code{strataF} must be a file
#'                of two columns: The first column must be named \code{subjid}
#'                and contains the patient names and must match the patients names
#'                in \code{dataset} file, and the
#'                second column named \code{stratum} must contain the integer
#'                corresponding to the stratum.
#' @param nthreads The number of threads to be used in the parallel region
#'                 of the code. Default value is \code{nthreads = NA}, in
#'                 which case only one thread will be used.
#' @return This function returns a list  with the following items:
#'         \item{GWASPA.Results}{The top \code{K} paths for each length sorted in
#'          increasing order of the p-values. The results are stored in a data
#'          frame with the following columns:\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{SignedPaths  } The top \code{K} signed paths for each length.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Paths  } The top \code{K} paths for each length.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Lengths  } The length of each path.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Scores  } The score of each path.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Pvalues  } The p-value of each path.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Cases  } The number of cases with variants for each path.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Controls  } The number of controls with variants for each path.\cr}
#'         \item{Decorated.Pvalues.Results}{If \code{Decorated.Pvalues = TRUE} then the decorated p-values
#'          of the partitioned paths are computed. The results are stored in a data frame with the following columns:\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{SignedPaths  } The top \code{K} signed paths for each length.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Paths  } The top \code{K} paths for each length.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Subpaths1  } The first subpath partition.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Subpaths1.Cases  } The number of cases with variants for \code{Subpaths1}.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Subpaths1.Controls  } The number of controls with variants for \code{Subpaths1}.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Subpaths2  } The second subpath partition.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Subpaths2.Cases  } The number of cases with variants for \code{Subpaths2}.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Subpaths2.Controls  } The number of controls with variants for \code{Subpaths2}.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Direction  } Direction of splitting along the path.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Lengths  } The length of each path.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Scores  } The score of each path.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Pvalues  } The p-value of each path.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{DecoratedPvalues  } The decorated p-value of each path.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Cases  } The number of cases with variants for each path.\cr
#'          \code{-} \code{Controls  } The number of controls with variants for each path.\cr}
#' @author Carl Tony Fakhry
#' @references Franceschini, A (2013). STRING v9.1: protein-protein interaction networks, with increased coverage
#'             and integration. In:'Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan;41(Database issue):D808-15. doi: 10.1093/nar/gks1094.
#'             Epub 2012 Nov 29'.
GWASPA <- function(dataset, nCases, nControls, Signed.GWASPA = FALSE, Decorated.Pvalues = TRUE,
                  threshold = 0.05, K = 10, pathLength = 5, n_permutations = 100, strataF = NA, nthreads = NA){

  dataset3 = dataset
  # accept numeric method ids to match old interface --dmitri
  # if(is.numeric(method))
  #   method <- paste0('method', toString(method))
  # else if(grepl('^enrich', method))
  #   method <- 'method1'
  # else if(grepl('^direct', method))
  #   method <- 'method2'
  method <- "method1"
  method2 <- 1
    method <- "method2"
    method2 <- 2

  # Check the input parameters
  check_input(nCases, nControls, method, threshold, K, pathLength, n_permutations, nthreads)
  if(is.na(nthreads)) nthreads <- -1
  # path <- normalizePath(path)
  # if(substr(path, nchar(path),1) != "/") path <- paste(path, "/", sep = "")

  # Precompute values table
  print("Precomputing Scoring Table...")
  ValueTable <- getValuesTable(nCases, nControls)

  # Preprocessing Phenotype dataset, all genes which occur in more
  # than threshold of patients will be removed from the
  # dataset, also genes which do not occur in any patients will be removed
  print("Processing Phenotype dataset...")
  dataset <- PreprocessTable(dataset, threshold, nCases, nControls)
  genes <- dataset$genes
  data <- dataset$data
  genes_data <- data.frame(genes = genes, data)
  patients <- dataset$patients

  # Read in Stringdb (Already parsed)
  print("Processing Network...")
  KB <- getStringKB()
  Rels <- KB$Rels
  Ents <- KB$Ents

  # Keep gene symbols in Ents which are present in the dataset
  Ents <- Ents[Ents$symbol != "-1",]
  Ents <- Ents[!duplicated(Ents$symbol),]
  Ents <- Ents[Ents$symbol %in% genes_data$genes,]
  Ents <- Ents[order(Ents$uid),]

  # Keep gene symbols in data which are present in Ents
  genes_data <- genes_data[genes_data$genes %in% Ents$symbol,]

  # Remove edges in Stringdb which have genes not present
  # in Ents
  Rels <- Rels[,c(1,2,3)]
  names(Rels) <- c("srcuid", "trguid", "sign")
  Rels <- unique(Rels)
  Rels <- Rels[Rels$srcuid %in% Ents$uid,]
  Rels2 <- Rels   # Rels2 could contain target genes which are not present in Ents (and dataset)
  Rels <- Rels[Rels$trguid %in% Ents$uid,] # Rels only contains both source and target genes present in Ents (and dataset)
  Rels <- Rels[Rels$srcuid != Rels$trguid,]

  # genes2, data2 and geneuids2 have the same order as Ents2$symbol
  # Keep only genes which are still present in source nodes of Network
  leftuids2 <- unique(Rels2$srcuid)
  Ents2 <- Ents[Ents$uid %in% leftuids2,]
  Ents2 <- Ents2[order(Ents2$uid),]
  genes_data2 <- genes_data[match(Ents2$symbol, genes_data$genes),]
  data2 <- as.matrix(genes_data2[,2:ncol(genes_data2),drop=FALSE])
  genes_data2 <- cbind(uid = Ents2$uid, genes_data2)

  # genes, data and geneuids have the same order as Ents$symbol
  # Keep only genes which are still present in Network
  leftuids <- unique(c(Rels$srcuid, Rels$trguid))
  Ents <- Ents[Ents$uid %in% leftuids,]
  Ents <- Ents[order(Ents$uid),]
  genes_data <- genes_data[match(Ents$symbol, genes_data$genes),]
  data <- as.matrix(genes_data[,2:ncol(genes_data),drop=FALSE])
  genes_data <- cbind(uid = Ents$uid, genes_data)

  stratagroups <- NA
  stratanumbers <- NA

  # Handling Strata File
  if(length(strataF) == 1 & !is.na(strataF)){
    strata <- read.table(strataF, header = T,stringsAsFactors = F)
    if(names(strata)[1] != "subjid") stop("First column name in the strata file should be named subjid!")
    if(names(strata)[2] != "stratum") stop("Second column name in the strata file should be named stratum!")
    if(!all(strata[,1] %in% patients)) stop("All patient names in the strata file should be present in the column names of dataset!")
    if(!all(patients %in% strata[,1])) stop("All patient names in the dataset should be present in the strata file!")
    inds <- match(patients, strata[,1])
    strata <- strata[inds,] # strata patients now have the same order as the column names in the dataset
    stratanumbers <- as.integer(as.vector(strata[,2]))
    stratagroups <- as.vector(unique(stratanumbers))

  # Precompute the permuted columns to be used in producing randomized paths for computing
  # the p-values of the paths
  CaseORControl <- matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
  if(n_permutations > 0) {
    RandIndicesMat <- getRandIndicesMat(ncol(data), n_permutations, strataF, nCases, nControls, stratagroups, stratanumbers)
    CaseORControl <- getCaseORControl(RandIndicesMat, nCases, nControls)

  UserKpaths <- c()
  UserKsignpaths <- c()
  UserSymbPaths <- c()
  UserSymbSignPaths <- c()
  UserScores <- c()
  UserCases <- c()
  UserControls <- c()
  UserDebug <- c()
  UserLengths <- c()
  UserPvalues <- c()

  # Create the relations data frame for the input data. This data frame will be used in the joining
  # of the paths of length 1 and 2.
  Rels_data <- data.frame(srcuid = Ents$uid)
  Rels_data2 <- data.frame(srcuid = Ents2$uid)

  # Create the relations data frame for paths of length 3
  Rels <- Rels[order(Rels$srcuid, Rels$trguid),]
  Rels2 <- Rels
  names(Rels2) <- c("trguid", "trguid2", "sign2")

  srcuids1 <- Rels_data$srcuid
  trguids1 <- Rels_data$srcuid
  joining_gene_sign1 <- rep(1,length(Ents$uid))
  uids_CountLoc1 <- getUidsCountsLocations(srcuids1, Rels_data$srcuid)
  data_inds1 <- matchDataIndices(genes_data, Rels_data$srcuid) - 1

  srcuids1_2 <-Rels_data2$srcuid
  trguids1_2 <- Rels_data2$srcuid
  joining_gene_sign1_2  <- rep(1, length(Ents2$uid))
  uids_CountLoc1_2 <- getUidsCountsLocations(srcuids1_2, Rels_data2$srcuid)
  data_inds1_2 <- matchDataIndices(genes_data2, Rels_data2$srcuid) - 1

  srcuids2 <- Rels_data$srcuid
  trguids2 <- Rels_data$srcuid
  joining_gene_sign2 <- Rels$sign
  uids_CountLoc2 <- getUidsCountsLocations(srcuids2, Rels$srcuid)
  data_inds2 <- matchDataIndices(genes_data, Rels$trguid) - 1

  srcuids3 <- Rels$srcuid
  trguids3 <- Rels$trguid
  joining_gene_sign3 <- Rels$sign
  uids_CountLoc3 <- getUidsCountsLocations(trguids3, Rels$srcuid)
  data_inds3 <- matchDataIndices(genes_data, Rels$trguid) - 1

  # Create the relations data frame for paths of length 3
  Rels3 <- getRels3(Rels$srcuid, Rels$trguid, Rels$sign, uids_CountLoc3)

  # Get the sign of the third gene in a path of length 3 assuming the first
  # gene in the path has a positive sign
  third_gene_sign <- rep(1, nrow(Rels3))
  third_gene_sign[Rels3$sign == -1 & Rels3$sign2 == 1] <- -1
  third_gene_sign[Rels3$sign == 1 & Rels3$sign2 == -1] <- -1

  srcuids4 <- Rels3$srcuid
  trguids4 <- Rels3$trguid2
  joining_gene_sign4 <- third_gene_sign
  uids_CountLoc4 <- getUidsCountsLocations(trguids4, Rels$srcuid)

  srcuids5 <- Rels3$srcuid
  trguids5 <- Rels3$trguid2
  joining_gene_sign5 <- third_gene_sign
  uids_CountLoc5 <- getUidsCountsLocations(trguids5, Rels3$srcuid)

    print("Computing Signed-GWASPA...")
    print("Computing GWASPA...")

  lsts <- ProcessPaths(srcuids1, trguids1, uids_CountLoc1, joining_gene_sign1,
                       srcuids1_2, trguids1_2, uids_CountLoc1_2, joining_gene_sign1_2,
                       srcuids2, trguids2, uids_CountLoc2, joining_gene_sign2,
                       srcuids3, trguids3, uids_CountLoc3, joining_gene_sign3,
                       srcuids4, trguids4, uids_CountLoc4, joining_gene_sign4,
                       srcuids5, trguids5, uids_CountLoc5, joining_gene_sign5,
                       data_inds1, data_inds1_2, data_inds2, data_inds3,
                       data, data2, ValueTable, nCases, nControls, K,
                       n_permutations, CaseORControl, method, pathLength, nthreads)

  for(path_length in 1:pathLength){

    lst <- NULL
    lst_paths <- NULL

    if(path_length == 1){
      lst <- lsts$lst1
      lst_paths <- getPaths(lst, path_length, Rels_data2, Rels_data2)
    }else if(path_length == 2){
      lst <- lsts$lst2
      lst_paths <- getPaths(lst, path_length, Rels_data, Rels)
    }else if(path_length == 3){
      lst <- lsts$lst3
      lst_paths <- getPaths(lst, path_length, Rels, Rels)
    }else if(path_length == 4){
      lst <- lsts$lst4
      lst_paths <- getPaths(lst, path_length, Rels3, Rels)
      lst <- lsts$lst5
      lst_paths <- getPaths(lst, path_length, Rels3, Rels3)

    UserScores <- c(UserScores, lst$scores)
    UserCases <- c(UserCases, lst$cases)
    UserControls <- c(UserControls, lst$controls)
    UserDebug <- c(UserDebug, lst$debug)
    UserKpaths <- c(UserKpaths, lst_paths$path)

    if(path_length == 1){
      UserSymbPaths <- c(UserSymbPaths, Uid2Symbol(Ents2, lst_paths$path))
      UserSymbPaths <- c(UserSymbPaths, Uid2Symbol(Ents, lst_paths$path))

    UserKsignpaths <- c(UserKsignpaths, lst$signpath)

    if(path_length == 1){
      UserSymbSignPaths <- c(UserSymbSignPaths, SignUid2SignSymbol(Ents2, lst_paths$signpath))
      UserSymbSignPaths <- c(UserSymbSignPaths, SignUid2SignSymbol(Ents, lst_paths$signpath))
    TestScores <- lst$TestScores

    Pvalues <- sapply(lst$scores, function(x, y) {length(which(TestScores >= x))/length(TestScores)}, y = TestScores)
    UserPvalues <- c(UserPvalues, Pvalues)
    UserLengths <- c(UserLengths, rep(path_length, length(Pvalues)))


  # GWASPA.Results <- data.frame(UserSymbSignPaths, UserSymbPaths, UserLengths, UserScores, UserPvalues, UserCases, UserControls, UserDebug, stringsAsFactors = F)
  GWASPA.Results <- data.frame(UserSymbSignPaths, UserSymbPaths, UserLengths, UserScores, UserPvalues, UserCases, UserControls, stringsAsFactors = F)
  GWASPA.Results <- GWASPA.Results[order(GWASPA.Results$UserPvalues,-GWASPA.Results$UserScores),]
  names(GWASPA.Results) <- c("SignedPaths", "Paths", "Lengths", "Scores", "Pvalues", "Cases", "Controls")
  rownames(GWASPA.Results) <- NULL
  lst <- list()
  lst[["GWASPA.Results"]] <- GWASPA.Results

  if(Decorated.Pvalues & pathLength != 1){
    Decorated.Pvalues <- getDecoratedPvalues(dataset3, GWASPA.Results, pathLength, nCases, nControls,
                                             method2, threshold, n_permutations, strataF,
                                             ValueTable = ValueTable)
    Decorated.Pvalues <- Decorated.Pvalues[Decorated.Pvalues$Lengths != 1,]
    lst[["Decorated.Pvalues.Results"]] <- Decorated.Pvalues
  }else if(pathLength == 1 & Decorated.Pvalues){
    warning("Can only compute the Decorated P-values for pathLength > 1!")



carltonyfakhry/geneticsCRE documentation built on May 13, 2019, 12:49 p.m.