Man pages for carolinafishes/PhyInformR
Rapid Calculation of Phylogenetic Information Content

allmodel.signal.noiseA function to compute results of QIRP, QIHP, and QIPP...
ApproximatorQuantify Quartet Resolution Probabilities Using 2012...
cluster.signal.noiseQuantify Quartet Resolution Probabilities Using 2012...
defined.multi.profileA function to plot phylogenetic informativeness profiles...
informativeness.profileA function to plot phylogenetic informativeness profiles
multi.profileA function to plot phylogenetic informativeness profiles...
parallel.cluster.signal.noiseQuantify Quartet Resolution Probabilities Using 2012...
Plot.Another.TreeSIA function to visualize QIRP of additional data across a tree...
plotPosteriorA function to visualize outputs of QIRP, QIHP, and QIPP...
PlotTreeSIA funtion to visualize QIRP across a tree topology
prumetalratesRates for prumetal dataset
rag1Rates rag1 dataset
sample.ratesSimulated rates
sample.treeSample tree
sample.tree2Another Sample tree
space.makerCore Function required to assemble heatmaps of QIRP as in...
space.maker.narrowCore Function required to assemble more fine-scale heatmaps...
su.bayesA function to compute results of QIRP, QIHP, and QIPP across...
carolinafishes/PhyInformR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 12:50 p.m.