
test_that("internal counter produces a counter object", {
  the_count <- cp_counter("test-")
  expect_equal(the_count(), "test-1")
  expect_equal(the_count(), "test-2")
  expect_equal(the_count(reset = TRUE), "test-0")

test_that("coo option works for the engine", {
  ENG <- engine_generic_carp("challenge")
  chopts <- knitr::opts_chunk$get()
  chopts$code <- "#' hello"
  chopts$engine <- "challenge"
  chopts$coo <- TRUE
  res <- ENG(chopts)
  expect_equal(res, "```r\n#' hello\n```\n<div class='challenge' markdown='1'>\n\nhello\n\n</div>\n")
  chopts$coo <- FALSE
  res <- ENG(chopts)
  expect_equal(res, "<div class='challenge' markdown='1'>\n\nhello\n\n</div>")

test_that("engines have been registered", {

  # We are not in a knitr document
  expect_output(print(knitr::knit_global()), "R_GlobalEnv")
  UNC <- knitr::opts_knit$get("unnamed.chunk.label")
  d <- tempfile(pattern = "DIR")
  # We have a a provision that if "base.dir" is set, then the chunk has to move
  # there in order to complete its journey. This is how we deal with relative
  # paths in the input to knitr. Note that this may not work with reading in
  # files and I have to test the different strategies for handling this.
  dir.create(file.path(d, "fiddle", "bow"), recursive = TRUE)
  l <- list.files(tempdir())

  # Testing that the function works without assigning something to to global
  # namespace.
  kenv <- getFromNamespace(".knitEnv", asNamespace("knitr"))
  e <- new.env()
  assign("knit_global", e, kenv)
  withr::defer((rm("knit_global", envir = kenv)))

  txt <- "
#' Hello Challenge
#' Say hello
#' @solution olleH Solution
#' ```{r}
#' getwd()
#' h$ello
#' h$ere
#' plot(1:10)
#' ```

  withr::with_dir(file.path(d, "fiddle", "bow"), {
    bd <- knitr::opts_knit$get("base.dir")
    withr::defer(knitr::opts_knit$set(base.dir = bd))
    knitr::opts_knit$set(base.dir = normalizePath("../.."))

    for (i in OUR_TAGS) {
      # Assign a new environment in knitr to reset the counter
      e <- new.env()
      assign("h", list(ello = "hello", ere = "there"), envir = e)
      assign("knit_global", e, kenv)

      # Nothing has been produced
      expect_false(fs::file_exists(fs::path(d, "figure", "dovetail-chunk-1-1-1.png")))
      ENG <- engine_generic_carp(i)
      KNG <- knitr::knit_engines$get(i)
      expect_type(ENG, "closure")
      # The chunk labels are the time with a random number
          res <- ENG(list(engine = i, code = txt))
        paste("label:", "dovetail-chunk-1"),
        fixed = TRUE
      # Assign a new environment in knitr to reset the counter
      e <- new.env()
      assign("h", list(ello = "hello", ere = "there"), envir = e)
      assign("knit_global", e, kenv)
          kes <- KNG(list(engine = i, code = txt))
        paste("label:", "dovetail-chunk-1"),
        fixed = TRUE

      expect_identical(res, kes)
      # Output is produced
      expect_match(res, "fiddle/bow") # the working directory in bow
      expect_match(res, '[1] "hello"', fixed = TRUE)
      expect_match(res, '[1] "there"', fixed = TRUE)
      expect_true(fs::file_exists(fs::path(d, "figure", "dovetail-chunk-1-1-1.png")))
      try(fs::dir_delete(fs::path(d, "figure")), silent = TRUE)
      # Div tags are applied
      div_expected <- paste0("<div class='", i, "' markdown='1'>")
      expect_match(res, div_expected, fixed = TRUE)
      # Unnamed chunk label stays the same
      expect_identical(knitr::opts_knit$get("unnamed.chunk.label"), UNC)

test_that("engines work with calls to knitr", {

  # We are not in a knitr document
  expect_output(print(knitr::knit_global()), "R_GlobalEnv")
  tmp <- make_tmp()
  f <- example_file("test-engine.Rmd")

  n_words <- 9
  n_char <- 42
      knitr::knit(f, output = tmp, envir = new.env(), encoding = "UTF-8")
    'engine: chr "challenge"',
    fixed = TRUE

  txt <- paste(readLines(tmp), collapse = "\n")
  expect_match(txt, "Now that we know that there are 6 words and 19 characters", fixed = TRUE)

      knitr::knit(f, output = tmp, encoding = "UTF-8")
    'engine: chr "challenge"',
    fixed = TRUE

  txt <- paste(readLines(tmp), collapse = "\n")
  expect_match(txt, "Now that we know that there are 6 words and 19 characters", fixed = TRUE)

test_that("engines work with calls to rmarkdown", {

  # Note: RMarkdown behaves a bit differently than knitr in that it's a bit more
  # opinionated with its output.
  # We are not in a knitr document
  expect_output(print(knitr::knit_global()), "R_GlobalEnv")
  tmp <- make_tmp()
  f <- example_file("test-engine.Rmd")

  n_words <- 9
  n_char <- 42
  eng <- rmarkdown::md_document(variant = "markdown_mmd")
      rmarkdown::render(f, output_file = tmp, envir = new.env(), encoding = "UTF-8", output_format = eng)
    'engine: chr "challenge"',
    fixed = TRUE

  txt <- paste(readLines(tmp), collapse = "\n")
  expect_match(txt, "Now that we know that there are 6 words and 19 characters", fixed = TRUE)

      rmarkdown::render(f, output_file = tmp, encoding = "UTF-8", output_format = eng)
    'engine: chr "challenge"',
    fixed = TRUE

  txt <- paste(readLines(tmp), collapse = "\n")
  expect_match(txt, "Now that we know that there are 6 words and 19 characters", fixed = TRUE)

# Reset knitr environment
carpentries/dovetail documentation built on Sept. 23, 2021, 9:35 p.m.