read_jekyll_episodes <- function(path = NULL, rmd = FALSE, ...) {
# Old Lesson
md_src <- fs::path(path, "_episodes")
rmd_src <- fs::path(path, "_episodes_rmd")
# Enforce that we are using RMD files
rmd_exists <- fs::dir_exists(rmd_src)
md_exists <- fs::dir_exists(md_src)
no_episodes <- !rmd_exists && !md_exists
not_overview <- !endsWith(fs::path_file(path), "-workshop")
# Fail if it's not an overview and there are no episode folders
if (not_overview && no_episodes) {
stop(glue::glue("could not find either _episodes/ or _episodes_rmd/ in {path}"))
# Checking for the number of files in the source ----------------------------
# In the Jekyll-based lessons, R Markdown files were placed in the
# _episodes_rmd folder and then rendered to the _episodes folder. However,
# both folders were present in the lessons thanks to .gitkeep sentinel files,
# which means that we need to check the files in both folders and proceed
# from there.
# That's why this section is kinda weird and I will not attempt to optimize
rmd_files <- if (rmd_exists) fs::dir_ls(rmd_src, glob = "*Rmd") else character(0)
md_files <- if (md_exists) fs::dir_ls(md_src, glob = "*md") else character(0)
md_n <- length(md_files)
rmd_n <- length(rmd_files)
no_files <- md_n + rmd_n == 0L
# If there are no markdown files in the episode folders, we need to exit if
# it is also an overview.
is_overview <- (no_files || no_episodes) && !not_overview
if (is_overview) {
return(list(episodes = NULL, rmd = FALSE, overview = TRUE))
read_rmd <- rmd_n > 0L
if (read_rmd) {
rmd_slugs <- fs::path_ext_remove(fs::path_file(rmd_files))
md_slugs <- fs::path_ext_remove(fs::path_file(md_files))
all_rmd <- md_n == 0L || identical(rmd_slugs, md_slugs)
rmd <- TRUE
} else {
all_rmd <- FALSE
read_md <- md_exists && md_n > 0L && !all_rmd
eps <- list()
if (read_md) {
eps <- read_markdown_files(md_src, sandpaper = FALSE, ...)
} else if (all_rmd) {
pb_message("could not find _episodes/, using _episodes_rmd/ as the source")
} else if (md_exists && md_n == 0L) {
stop(glue::glue("The _episodes/ directory must have (R)markdown files"),
call. = FALSE
} else {
# source directory does not exist, but the rmd does
if (read_rmd) {
rmd_eps <- read_markdown_files(rmd_src, sandpaper = FALSE, ...)
if (!all_rmd) {
to_switch <- fs::path_ext_set(rmd_slugs[rmd_slugs %in% md_slugs], "md")
new_names <- fs::path_ext_set(to_switch, "Rmd")
eps[to_switch] <- rmd_eps[new_names]
names(eps) <- unname(purrr::map_chr(eps, "name"))
} else {
eps <- rmd_eps
return(list(episodes = eps, rmd = rmd, overview = FALSE))
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