
#TODO issues to deal with:
#create new or overwrite info in existing template? - need some way to identify which one the user intends to edit
#Templates may or may not have underscores instead of spaces
#would be nice to be able to clean out old parameters that are not used anymore

extractTemplates <- function(pageTitle, bot){
  #read the contents of the page
  textVal = read(title=pageTitle, bot)
  if (is.na(textVal)){
  } else {
    #extract all the templates
    matchingInfo = gregexpr("\\{\\{[^\\}]+\\}\\}", textVal)
    templateStartLocs = as.numeric(matchingInfo[[1]])
    templateEndLocs = attr(matchingInfo[[1]], "match.length")
    allTemplateInfo = NULL
    #TODO what about uppercase/lowercase names for template parameters?
    #TODO what is no parameters listed in the template?
    #Check if only one parameter set also
    #Check if newline characters are preserved
    for (i in c(1:length(templateStartLocs))){
      start = templateStartLocs[i]    
      end = start + templateEndLocs[i] - 1
      text = substring(textVal, start, end)
      #break the template into its parts
      parametersAndValues = strsplit(text, "\\|")[[1]]
      #extract name of template
      templateName = gsub("\n", "", gsub("\\{\\{|\\}\\}", "", parametersAndValues[1]))
      #replace spaces with underscores
      #this helps to make names consistent if multiple templates of the same type are included, but use both variations for the name
      templateName = gsub(" ", "_", templateName)
      #remove the part with the name of the template
      parametersAndValues = tail(parametersAndValues, n=-1L)
      #remove the }} ending the template from the last parameter
      parametersAndValues[length(parametersAndValues)] = gsub("\\}\\}", "", parametersAndValues[length(parametersAndValues)])
      parametersAndValues = gsub("\\n$", "", parametersAndValues)
      data = NULL
      if (length(parametersAndValues) > 0){
        #convert this all into a data frame
        parametersAndValues = colsplit(parametersAndValues, "=", names=c('parameter', 'value'))
        #store this in a vector with names that we can reference
        #also remove leading and trailing white space
        data = gsub(" +$", "", gsub("^ +", "", as.character(parametersAndValues[,2])))
        names(data) = gsub(" +$", "", gsub("^ +", "", parametersAndValues[,1]))
        #When there is an empty values for a template parameter, the value shows up as the name of the template parameter
        locs = which(data == names(data)) #find entries with this issue
        data[locs] = "" #set value to empty string
        #Convert to a list.  This allows us to reference values via data$point, etc.
        data = as.list(data)
      templateInfo = list(textVal, pageTitle, templateName, start, end, text, parametersAndValues, data)
      names(templateInfo) = c("pageText", "pageTitle", "name", "start", "end", "text", "parametersAndValues", "data")
      allTemplateInfo = c(allTemplateInfo, list(templateInfo))

#This can return multiple templates if you are using multiple instance templates
getTemplateByName <- function(templateName, pageTitle, bot){  
  allTemplateInfo = extractTemplates(pageTitle, bot)
  if(is.null(allTemplateInfo) || is.na(allTemplateInfo)){
  } else {
    templateName = gsub(" ", "_", templateName) #spaces are converted to underscores to ensure consistent matching
    templatesToReturn = NULL
    for (templateInfo in allTemplateInfo){
      #TODO error here
      if(templateInfo$name == templateName){
        templatesToReturn = c(templatesToReturn, list(templateInfo))

createTemplate <- function(templateName, pageTitle, bot){
  #TODO start and end cause original data to be erased
  templateInfo = list(templateName, pageTitle, -1, -1, data.frame())
  names(templateInfo) = c("name", "pageTitle", "start", "end", "data")
  #if page does not exist, pageText will be NA
  pageText = read(title=pageTitle, bot)
  templateInfo$pageText = pageText

writeDataFrameToPageTemplates <- function(dataFrame, bot, editSummary="", overWriteConflicts=FALSE){
  dataFrameEntriesWithConflicts = data.frame()
  #see if template exists, then grab it, otherwise, create template
  for(rowNum in c(1:nrow(dataFrame))){
    conflictFound = FALSE
    pageTitle = dataFrame[rowNum,1]
    templateName = dataFrame[rowNum,2]
    template = getTemplateByName(templateName, pageTitle, bot)[[1]]
    if (is.null(template)){ #need to create template
      template = createTemplate(templateName, pageTitle, bot)
      numParams = dim(dataFrame)[2]-2 #figure out the number of parameters in the csv file
      template$data = as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=1, ncol=numParams))
      colnames(template$data) = colnames(dataFrame)[c(3:dim(dataFrame)[2])]
      #rownames(template$data) = NULL
      for(colNum in c(3:dim(dataFrame)[2])){
        template$data[colnames(dataFrame)[colNum]] = dataFrame[rowNum, colNum]
    } else { #template already exists
      #TODO this doesn't handle multiple instance templates
      for(colNum in c(3:ncol(dataFrame))){
        # check for conflicts
        if(colnames(dataFrame)[colNum] %in% names(template$data)){
          if (template$data[colnames(dataFrame)[colNum]] != dataFrame[rowNum, colNum]){
            conflictFound == TRUE
            if (overWriteConflicts == FALSE){
              dataFrameEntriesWithConflicts = rbind(dataFrameEntriesWithConflicts, dataFrame[rowNum,])
              warning(paste("CONFLICT - for parameter", 
                            " trying to change ", 
                            " to ", 
                            dataFrame[rowNum, colNum]))
        template$data[colnames(dataFrame)[colNum]] = dataFrame[rowNum, colNum]
    if (overWriteConflicts == TRUE || conflictFound == FALSE){
      writeTemplateToPage(template, bot, editSummary=editSummary)

writeTemplateToPage <- function(template, bot, editSummary=""){
  header = paste("{{", template$name, "\n", sep="")
  dataSection = paste(paste(paste("| ", names(template$data), sep=""), template$data, sep="="), collapse="\n")
  footer = "}}\n"
  templateText = paste(header, dataSection, footer, sep="")
  #now put this back in the main text  
  #get text before and after template
  if (is.na(template$pageText)){ #this is a new page, or there is no text on the page
    textBeforeTemplate = ""
    textAfterTemplate = ""
  } else { #this is an existing page
    textBeforeTemplate = substr(template$pageText, 1, template$start-1)
    textAfterTemplate = substr(template$pageText, template$end+1, 1000000L)
  #put all the text back together, with the new contents of the template
  newPageText = paste(textBeforeTemplate, templateText, textAfterTemplate, sep="")
  edit(title=template$pageTitle, summary=editSummary, text=newPageText, bot)
cbdavis/RSemanticMediaWikiBot documentation built on May 13, 2019, 1:49 p.m.