Man pages for cbg-ethz/pathTiMEx
Joint Inference of Mutually Exclusive Driver Pathways and their Progression Dynamics

addAllGenesNotInTiMExAppends the genes as single clusters
addNoiseAdd noise to a binary matrix
addPathBinarySummarizes the inferred groups
cleanGroupysRemoves empty groups
clustMetrIterTiMExAssesses the performance of the inferred groups after running...
compareStructsCompares two posets
computeScoreComputes clustering score
count.duplicatesCounts duplicates in a data frame
countPerfSimsAssesses how well each group was reconstructed
doPatForCBNProduces 'pat' files for H-CBN
drawSamplesDraws samples from a pathTiMEx model
generateFixedModelGenerates a pathTiMEx model for given structure and...
generateRandomModelRandomly generates a pathTiMEx model
generateStructureModelGenerates a pathTiMEx model for given parameters
genRandomPosetGenerates a poset
iterTiMExBinaryMatsInterative TiMEx on any binary dataset
iterTiMExSimsPerforms TiMEx iteratively on a simulated dataset
make_linear_posetSimulates a linear poset
optGroupsLocally optimizes pathway assignment
pathTiMEx-packageJoint Inference of Mutually Exclusive Driver Pathways and...
plotPosetPlots a poset
plotPosetPathsPlots a poset on pathways
returnAssignmentReturns assignment to groups as vector
returnMetricsClustEvaluates performance of inference of groups
runCBNRuns H-CBN
sampleMEPathwaysDraws samples from a mutually exclusive pathway
summarizeSimsAssesses how well each group was reconstructed
topologicalSortComputes the topological sort of a poset
transformAndWritePosetTransforms poset
trans_reductionTransforms a poset into its transitive reduction
writePosetForCBNWrites a poset to a file
cbg-ethz/pathTiMEx documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:03 p.m.