#' write object out as nquads
#' @param x an object that can be represented as nquads
#' @param file output filename
#' @param prefix URI prefix that should be used to identify column names.
#' Can be of the form "http://schema.org/", or "iris:".
#' @param compress Compress nquads with gzip? (Very effective for large
#' files. Note that Virtuoso and other parsers can read compressed files
#' directly.)
#' @param ... additional parameters, see examples
#' @export
#' @examples
#' iris_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".nq.gz")
#' library(datasets)
#' write_nquads(iris, iris_file)
#' # Use key_column to indicate that a column should be treated
#' # as the primary key. This column is then prefixed (if not
#' # already a URI) and used as the subject for the corresponding
#' # rows.
#' car_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".nq")
#' mtcars$model <- rownames(mtcars)
#' mtcars$car_id <- 1:length(mtcars[[1]])
#' write_nquads(mtcars,
#' car_file,
#' prefix = "mtcars",
#' key_column = "car_id")
write_nquads <- function(x,
prefix = NULL,
compress = grepl("[.]gz$", file),
## FIXME Consider making these functions 'opt in' dependencies.
## dplyr, tidyr could be soft dependencies, like json-ld (& jsonlite)
## Alternately, this whole methods stack could be broken out to separate
## utility package.
## could also include a `read_nquads` that simply reverses these processes
## manually, returning data as (long-format) data.frame or list??
#' @export
write_nquads.data.frame <- function(x,
prefix = NULL,
compress = grepl("[.]gz$", file),
if (is.null(prefix)) {
prefix <- paste0(deparse(substitute(x)), ":")
warning(paste("prefix not declared, using", prefix))
prefix <- uri_prefix(prefix)
file <- gzfile(file, open = "wb")
df <- normalize_table(x, ...)
file = file,
prefix = prefix,
#' @export
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
write_nquads.list <- function(x,
prefix = NULL,
compress = grepl("[.]gz$", file),
file <- gzfile(file, open = "wb")
## Avoid a hard dependency on jsonld package
if (!requireNamespace("jsonld", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("jsonld package required to convert to lists to nquads",
call. = FALSE)
jsonld_to_rdf <- getExportedValue("jsonld", "jsonld_to_rdf")
## Handle prefix
if (is.null(prefix)) {
prefix <- paste0(deparse(substitute(x)), ":")
warning(paste("prefix not declared, using", prefix))
prefix <- uri_prefix(prefix)
## Handle compression
json <- jsonlite::toJSON(x, auto_unbox = TRUE, force = TRUE)
## Use context to set a prefix and a base URI
prepend <- paste0('{\n"@context": {"@base": "',
getOption("rdf_base_uri", "rdf://"), '", ',
'"@vocab": "', prefix,
'" },\n"@graph": ')
append <- '}'
jsonld <- paste(c(prepend, json, append), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n")
options <- list(base = getOption("rdf_base_uri", "rdf://"),
format = "application/nquads")
writeLines(jsonld_to_rdf(jsonld, options = options),
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
normalize_table <- function(df, key_column = NULL, ...){
## gather looses col-classes, so pre-compute them (with base R)
col_classes <- data.frame(datatype =
col_classes$predicate <- rownames(col_classes)
rownames(col_classes) <- NULL
## Use row names as key (subject), unless a key column is specified
## Should we verify that requested key column is indeed a unique key first?
out <- df
if (is.null(key_column)) {
out$subject <- as.character(1:dim(out)[[1]])
} else {
names(out)[names(out) == key_column] <- "subject"
## FIXME consider taking an already-gathered table to avoid dependency?
suppressWarnings(# Possible warnings about mixed types
out <- tidyr::gather(out,
key = "predicate",
value = "object",
## merge is Slow! ~ 5 seconds for 800K triples
## (almost as much time as rdf_parse)
# merge(out, col_classes, by = "predicate")
dplyr::left_join(out, col_classes, by = "predicate")
## Currently written to be base-R compatible,
## but a tidyverse implementation may speed serialization.
## However, this seems to be fast enough that it is rarely the bottleneck
## NOTE: paste0 is a little slow ~ 1 s on 800K triples
## No datatype on blank (missing) nodes
uri_table <- function(df, prefix){
blank_object <-is.na(df$object)
blank_subject <- is.na(df$subject)
df$subject[!blank_subject] <- vapply(df$subject[!blank_subject],
prefix = prefix)
df$predicate <- vapply(df$predicate,
prefix = prefix)
df$datatype[blank_object] <- as.character(NA)
## NA needs to become a unique blank node number, could do uuid or _:r<rownum>
df$object[blank_object] <- paste0("_:r", which(blank_object))
df$subject[blank_subject] <- paste0("_:r", which(blank_subject))
## strings and URIs do not get a datatype
is_uri_object <- grepl("^<*\\w+:/*\\w.*>*$", df$object)
## Strings should be quoted, if not fully quoted already
quoted <- grepl('^[\"\'].*[\"\']$', df$object)
is_string <- !is_uri_object & !blank_object & !quoted
df$object[is_string] <- paste0('\"', df$object[is_string] , '\"')
## Non-blank objects with URIs need <> instead, but not blanks!
df$object[!blank_object] <- gsub("(^\\w+:/*\\w.*$)", "<\\1>",
## x is a data.frame with columns: subject, predicate, object, & datatype
#' @importFrom utils write.table
table_to_nquads <- function(x,
graph = ".",
omit_header = FALSE,
x <- uri_table(x, prefix)
## quads format needs a graph column
if (! "graph" %in% names(x)) x$graph <- graph
## assumes datatype is not empty (e.g. string)
needs_type <- !is.na(x$datatype)
x$object[needs_type] <- paste0(x$object[needs_type],
'^^<', x$datatype[needs_type], ">")
## drop datatype column now
x <- x[c("subject", "predicate", "object", "graph")]
## drop column names before writing
colnames(x) <- NULL
## write table is a little slow, ~ 1s on 800K triples,
## but readr cannot write in nquads style
col.names = !omit_header, # for arkdb streaming only?
append = omit_header, # for arkdb streaming only?
quote = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE)
## Don't explicitly type characters as strings, since this is default
xs_class <- function(x){
type <- switch(class(x)[[1]],
"numeric" = "xs:decimal",
"factor" = "xs:string",
"logical" = "xs:boolean",
"integer" = "xs:integer",
"Date" = "xs:date",
"POSIXct" = "xs:dateTime",
string <- gsub("^xs:",
## consistent return length, character(1)
if (length(string) == 0) {
string <- as.character(NA)
# "x" -> "x:"
# "x:" -> "x:"
# "http://stuff" -> "http://stuff"
uri_prefix <- function(x){
abs_uri <- grepl("^\\w+://", x)
if (abs_uri) {
if (!grepl("[#/]$", x)) return(paste0(x, "#"))
if (!grepl(":$", x)) return(paste0(x, ":"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.