
#' Compute data to draw an ROC curve
#' Grab the data for the ROC curve from the null & test distributions
#' @param a distribution (vector of samples) of the test statistic 
#' under the null hypothesis
#' @param the values under the test hypothesis
#' @param pts (optional) number of output points desired, defaults to 50, 
#' should not be more than the number of points in each distribution
#' @return a data frame with thresholds, false positive and 
#' corresponding true positive rates
#' @export
roc_data <- function(null_dist, test_dist, pts=50,
                    lower = min(null_dist, test_dist),
                    upper = max(null_dist, test_dist),
                    threshold = seq(lower, upper, length=pts)
  # Creates the ROC curve from the output of the bootstrap function
  n_null <- length(null_dist)
  n_test <- length(test_dist)

  # Calculate the ROC curve
  roc <- sapply(threshold, 
                  c(sum(null_dist > thresh)/n_null,
	                sum(test_dist > thresh)/n_test)
  roc <- t(roc)

  # Caculate the AUC
  f<-approx(roc[,1], roc[,2], n=200) 
  delta <- f$x[2] - f$x[1]
  area  <- sum(f$y*delta)

  # display some summary information
  message(paste("Area Under Curve = ", area))
  id <- which(roc[,1]<=.05)[1]
  message(paste("True Pos Prob = ", roc[id,2], "at false pos rate of", roc[id,1]))

  out <- as.data.frame(cbind(threshold,roc))
  names(out) <- c("Threshold", "FalsePos", "TruePos")

reformat_tau_dists <- function(taus){
# rename tau_dists so that they follow the same naming conv as likelihood
# this lets them work with the same commands as the montecarlotest output
# but does not break any functionality of functions using the old form.
      pow$null_dist <- pow$null_tau_dist[1,] # just tau, not p-values
      pow$test_dist <- pow$test_tau_dist[1,] # just tau, not p-values

      # mc plot fns look for this, need to remove. meanwhile: 
      dummy <- list(loglik=0, k=0)
      class(dummy) <- "gauss"
      pow$test <- dummy 
      pow$null <- dummy


find_threshold <- function(rate, pow,given=c("false.positive",
                           "true.positive", "threshold")){
# Returns the threshold value corresponding to a given false postive
#   or true positive rate.  

    given <- match.arg(given)
    threshold <- NULL
    n_null <- length(pow$null_dist)
    n_test <- length(pow$test_dist)
    null_dist <- sort(pow$null_dist) 
    test_dist <- sort(pow$test_dist) 
    f <- function(thresh){
                c(sum(pow$null_dist > thresh)/n_null,
                sum(pow$test_dist > thresh)/n_test)
    if(given == "false.positive"){
      # achieve no more than that rate of false positives
      threshold.index <- ceiling((1-rate)*n_null)
      threshold <- null_dist[threshold.index]
    } else if(given == "true.positive") {
      # achieve at least that rate of true.positives
      threshold.index <- floor((1-rate)*n_test)
      threshold <- test_dist[threshold.index] 
    } else if(given == "threshold"){ 
      threshold <- rate

  c(threshold = threshold, false.positive=f(threshold)[1],

roc_curve <- function(pow, add=FALSE, pts=50, ...){
  # Creates the ROC curve from the output of the bootstrap function
  n_null <- length(pow$null_dist)
  n_test <- length(pow$test_dist)

  lower <- min(pow$null_dist, pow$test_dist)
  upper <- max(pow$null_dist, pow$test_dist)
  threshold <- seq(lower, upper, length=pts)

  # Calculate the ROC curve
  roc <- sapply(threshold, 
                  c(sum(pow$null_dist > thresh)/n_null,
	                sum(pow$test_dist > thresh)/n_test)
  roc <- t(roc)

  # Caculate the AUC
  f<-approx(roc[,1], roc[,2], n=200) 
  delta <- f$x[2] - f$x[1]
  area  <- sum(f$y*delta)
  print(paste("Area Under Curve = ", area))
    lines(roc, ...)
    plot(roc, xlab="False Positive", type="l",
         ylab="True Positive", ylim=c(0,1), xlim=c(0,1), ...)
  curve(1*x, add=TRUE, lty=2)

  id <- which(roc[,1]<=.05)[1]
  print(paste("True Pos Prob = ", roc[id,2], "at false pos rate of", roc[id,1]))


## don't use this function! breaks the distributions
remove_unconverged <- function(pow, nested=FALSE){
## Removes results in which montecarlotest fails to converge
## Indicate failed convergence using both algorithm reporting
## or if the nested model fits better than the richer one...
  null_converged <- which(!as.logical(pow$null_par_dist["convergence",]))
  test_converged <- which(!as.logical(pow$test_par_dist["convergence",]))

  # initialize thes
  null_pos <- 1:length(pow$null_dist)
  test_pos <- null_pos

    null_pos <- which(pow$null_dist >= 0)
    test_pos <- which(pow$test_dist >= 0)
  pow$null_dist <- pow$null_dist[ c(null_converged, null_pos) ]
  pow$test_dist <- pow$test_dist[ c(test_converged, test_pos) ]
  # Don't prune the par_dists, since this is just messing that up anyhow
cboettig/warningsignals documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:12 p.m.