
#' Extract the availability matrix from the biological Parameterfile (*.prm)
#' This function extacts the availability matrix from the biological Parameterfile
#' @param model-path
#' @param filename of the parameterfile
#' @examples 
#' get_availability_matrix(model_path = "Z://Atlantis//ATLANTIS NSmodel", filename = "NorthSea_biol_fishing_final.prm")
#' @export

get_availability_matrix <- function(model_path, filename)
  # Read in Parameterfile
  parfile <- readLines(file.path(model_path, filename), warn = F)
  # Extract search tags from the parameterfile! These are used to exract the data lateron and to create the pred/stanua columns in the final result!
  search <- parfile[grep(pattern = "pPREY", x = parfile)]
  search <- search[-c(1,2)]
  search <- str_split(search, pattern = "\t")
  search <- unlist(lapply(search, function(x)x[1]))
  # Extract positions in the Parameterfile. NOTE: The values are in the next row!
  pos <- unlist(lapply(search, grep, x = parfile))
  values <- parfile[pos + 1]
  values <- str_split(values, pattern = "\t")
  values <- lapply(values, as.numeric)

  # Transform to dataframe
  # NOTE: 2 Names are appened here namely "fishlarvae" and "import"! This is not needed when all names are provided in "FunctionalGroups.csv"
  result <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, values))
  names(result) <- c(as.vector(read.table(file.path(model_path, "functionalGroups.csv"), sep = ",", header = T)[,1]), "fishlarvae", "import")
  # Add Predator/Stanza columns to dataframe!
  result$code <- str_replace_all(search, pattern = "pPREY", replacement = "")  
  result$pred <- with(result, str_replace_all(code, pattern = c("[12]"), replacement = ""))  
  result$prey.cat <- ifelse(str_sub(result$code, start = -1) != "2", "adu", "juv")
  result$pred.cat <- ifelse(str_sub(result$code, start = 1, end = 1) != "2", "adu", "juv")

  # Transform dataframe! Conversion from wide to long! Not needed at the moment!
  # result <- melt(result, id.vars = c("pred", "pred.cat", "prey.cat"), measure.vars = names(result)[1:55], variable.name = "prey", value.name = "avail")
cddesja/R4Atlantis documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:20 p.m.