
Defines functions runCrossValidation executeCrossValidation parseDatabaseFilename printConfigData calculatePerformanceCross tracesMatch recognitionRate dtwDistParallel

Documented in calculatePerformanceCross dtwDistParallel dtwDistParallel executeCrossValidation parseDatabaseFilename parseDatabaseFilename printConfigData printConfigData recognitionRate recognitionRate runCrossValidation tracesMatch tracesMatch

#' runCrossValidation
#' Runs an N-fold cross validation with m test samples per round for all possible combinations of parameters
#' @param inPath Path containing timeseries databases.
#' @param windowTypes Window types.
#' @param stepPatterns Step patterns.
#' @param windowSizes Window sizes.
#' @param P Time averaging parameter.
#' @param maxLength Maximum trace length
#' @param sampFun Sampling function.
#' @param N Number of cross validation rounds - one per reference sample.
#' @param m Number of test samples per round.
#' @param logFile Log file, defaults to NA.
#' @return results Summary table with performance for each combination of
#' parameters.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' runCrossValidation('dbs/')

runCrossValidation <- function(inPath,
                               windowTypes = c('sakoechiba', 'slantedband', 'itakura'),
                               stepPatterns = c('symmetric1', 'symmetric2', 'asymmetric'),
                               windowSizes = c(1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100),
                               P = c(1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50),
                               maxLength = c(1000, 2000, 3000, 4000),
                               sampFun = c('sum', 'max'),
                               N, m,
                               logFile = NA){
  results <- data.frame(maxLength = NULL, P = NULL, sampFun = NULL, windowType = NULL, stepPattern = NULL,
                        windowSize = NULL, tolerance = NULL, rate = NULL)
  parameters <- as.data.frame(expand.grid(windowType = windowTypes,
                                             stepPattern = stepPatterns,
                                             windowSize = windowSizes,
                                             P = P, maxLength = maxLength, sampFun = sampFun))

 # parameters <- parameters[-which(parameters$windowType == 'itakura' & parameters$windowSize != 100),]

  for (p in 1:nrow(parameters)){
    conf <- parameters[p,]
    perf <- executeCrossValidation(inPath, conf, N, m, logFile)

    for (tol in names(perf)){
      results <- rbind(results, data.frame(maxLength = conf$maxLength, P = conf$P, sampFun = conf$sampFun,
                                           windowType = conf$windowType, stepPattern = conf$stepPattern,
                                           windowSize = conf$windowSize, tolerance = as.numeric(tol),
                                           rate = perf[tol]))

#' executeCrossValidation
#' Executes N-fold cross validation with m tests per round for a fixed set of DTW parameters
#' @param conf DTW parameters including step pattern and window type & size.
#' @param N Number of rounds in the cross validation.
#' @param m Number of test samples per round.
#' @param logFile Name of log file, defaults to NA
#' @return perf Performance vector averaged over all m*N classifications.

executeCrossValidation <- function(inPath, conf, N, m, logFile=NA) {

    # Copy all output into a log file
    if (!is.na(logFile)) {
     #   sink(logFile, split = TRUE)

    # Get dbs of timeseries
    dbs <- list.files(inPath, pattern=paste0("\\.db$"))
    # Creates directory for temp cross distance matrix
    suppressWarnings(dir.create(paste(inPath, "crossMatrices", sep="")))
    # For each different type of time series
    for (dbname in dbs) {
        # Extract db parameters
        tsParameters <- parseDatabaseFilename(dbname)

        # Load db
        print(paste("Loading ", inPath, dbname, sep=""), quote = F)
        db <- readRDS(paste(inPath, dbname, sep=""))

        # Print parameters
        print(paste("Conf:", printConfigData(conf)), quote = F)

        # Calculates rounds of DTW with given config
        perf <- calculatePerformanceCross(db, conf, N, m, paste(inPath, "crossMatrices/", sep=""))
        # Print perforamnce
        print(paste("Performance: ", paste(perf, collapse=" ")), quote = F)
        print("=============", quote = F)


#' parseDatabaseFilename
#' Extract parameters from db filename
#' @param name Filename.
#' @return Named list of parameters.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' parseDatabaseFilename("ts_1000_20_sum.db")
parseDatabaseFilename <- function(name) {

    x <- stringr::str_match_all(name, "ts_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)_([a-zA-Z]+)\\.db")
    if (length(x) != 0) {
        return(list(maxLength=x[[1]][1,2], P=x[[1]][1,3], sampFun=x[[1]][1,4]))


#' printConfigData
#' Returns formatted config data string
#' @param conf Config data.frame.
#' @return String.
#' @export
printConfigData <- function(conf) {

    return(paste0("window - ", conf$windowType,
                 " | step - ", conf$stepPattern,
                 " | size - ", conf$windowSize,
                 " | P - ", conf$P,
                 " | length - ", conf$maxLength))


#' calculatePerformanceCross
#' Calculates aprox. matching rate for given a database and configuration
#' @param db Database of timeseries.
#' @param conf Configuration for DTW algorithm as a data.frame row.
#' @param N Number of rounds, with one different reference set each round.
#' @param m Number of test sets per round.
#' @param keepMatrices Save intermediate cross DTW matrices in files. Defaults to NA. 
#' @return Average matching rate after N rounds.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' calculatePerformanceCross(db, conf, keepMatrices="dbs/crossMatrices/")

calculatePerformanceCross <- function(db, conf, N=10, m=3, keepMatrices=NA) {

    tmp <- names(db)[[1]]
    pattern <- stringr::str_replace(tmp, "_[0-9]+\\.json$", "")
    tmp <- names(db[grepl(pattern, names(db))])
    sets <- as.numeric(stringr::str_match(tmp, "_([0-9]+)\\.json")[,2])

    # Select N references
    set.seed(42) # use same samples for every calculations
    randSamples <- sample(sets, N, replace=FALSE)

    # Performance per round (2 times beacuse asymetry)
    performance <- matrix(0, ncol=5, nrow=N, dimnames=list(NULL, c("1","3","5","10","30")))

    # Do N rounds
    for (k in 1:N) {

        print(paste("Round: ", k, "/", N, sep=""))
        r <- randSamples[k] # reference sample
        ref <- db[grepl(paste("_", r, "\\.json$", sep=""), names(db))]
        set.seed(k) # change test sets each round
        tSamples <- sample(sets[sets!=sets[k]], m, replace = FALSE) # test samples

        for (t in tSamples){
          # Database timeseries names have the format 'webpage_k.json' (k in [0:14])
          test <- db[grepl(paste("_", t,"\\.json$", sep=""), names(db))]

          # Compute cross DTW matrix for each configuration and pair of test/ref
          crossDTWmatrix <- dtwDistParallel(test, ref, conf, paste(r,t,sep="-"), output=keepMatrices)

          # Calculate matching rate 
          performance[k,] <- performance[k,] + recognitionRate(crossDTWmatrix)
        performance[k,] <- performance[k,]/m # performance averaged over the m tests

    return(colMeans(performance)) # performance averaged over the N rounds/refs


#' tracesMatch
#' Returns true if trace's names are from same page
#' @param a Query's trace name
#' @param b List of names ordered by proximity.
#' @param tolerance Tolerance. Defaults to 1.
#' @return TRUE if query's name is in "tolerance" firsts sublist.
#' @export
tracesMatch <- function(query, response, tolerance=1) {
    query <- stringr::str_replace(query, "_[0-9]+\\.json$", "")
    # optional, remove TLDs with 'tldextract'
    for (j in 1:tolerance) {
        response[j] <- stringr::str_replace(response[j], "_[0-9]+\\.json$", "")
        if (query == response[j]) return(TRUE)
    return (FALSE)

#' recognitionRate
#' Given a cross distance matrix returns recognition rate
#' @param M Cross distance matrix.
#' @param tolerance Tolerance. Defaults to 1.
#' @return Recognition rate.
#' @export
recognitionRate <- function(M) {

    count <- rep(0,5)
    i <- 1

    for (t in c("1","3","5","10","30")) {

        tmp <- sapply(rownames(M), function(q) tracesMatch(q, colnames(M)[order(M[q,])], as.numeric(t)))
        count[i] <- length(tmp[tmp == TRUE])

        tmp <- sapply(colnames(M), function(q) tracesMatch(q, rownames(M)[order(M[,q])], as.numeric(t)))
        count[i] <- count[i] + length(tmp[tmp == TRUE])

        count[i] <- count[i] / (dim(M)[1] * 2) # count twice because of asymetry

        i <- i + 1




#' dtwDistParallel
#' Calculates cross DTW distance matrix for X and Y (lists of timeseries)
#' @param mx List of timeseries.
#' @param my List of timeseries.
#' @param conf Parameters for 'dtw' function.
#' @param output Output folder to save the cross DTW distance matrix. Defaults to NA.
#' @return Returns the cross DTW distance matrix.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dtwDistParallel()

dtwDistParallel <- function(mx, my, conf, tag, output=NA) {

    # Try to load previously calculated matrix
    if (!is.na(output)) {
        name <- paste("crossDTWmatrix", conf$maxLength, conf$P, conf$windowType,
                      conf$stepPattern, conf$windowSize, tag, sep="_")
        name <- paste(output, name, ".dat", sep="")

        if (file.exists(name)) {
            print("Loading precalculated matrix...")


    # Prepare matrix
    print("Start matrix computation (may take a long time)")
    ptm <- proc.time()

    # Register parallel support

    # Calculate DTW
    res <- foreach::foreach(e=1:(length(mx)*length(my)), .inorder=TRUE) %dopar% {

        i <- ((e-1) %% length(my)) + 1
        j <- floor(e / length(my)) + 1

            dtw::dtw(unlist(mx[[i]]), unlist(my[[j]]), dist.method="Euclidean",
                distance.only=TRUE, keep.internals=FALSE,
        }, error = function(e) {
            return(Inf) # return Infinite if not alignment found


    # Move res vector into M
    M <- matrix(unlist(res), nrow=length(mx), ncol=length(my), dimnames=list(names(mx), names(my)))

    # Unregister parallel support
    print(paste("Execution time:", (proc.time() - ptm)[3]))

    # Save matrix into file
    if (!is.na(output)) {
        print("Storing computed matrix")
        saveRDS(M, file=name)


cgvwzq/rlang-loophole documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:10 p.m.