
Defines functions nebula

Documented in nebula

#' nebula
#' Network based latent dirichlet subtype analysis
#' (ver. 20190920)
#' @param data list of M data matrices, where each matrix is n samples by p_m features for modality M
#' @param modtype M-length vector of feature types for M modalities. Currently supports continuous(=0) and binary(=1)
#' @param E e by 4 matrix, each tuple (row) of which represents an edge; (m1,j1,m2,j2) variable j1 of modality m1 is connected to variable j2 of modality m2
#' @param H the number of clusters to be fit
#' @param modeta length M vector of sparsity parameters for M modalities
#' @param nu smoothness parameter for gamma's
#' @param alpha concentration parameter for dirichlet process
#' @param lam shrinkage parameter for means of selected continuous features
#' @param alpha_sigma shape parameter of the prior of residual variance(sigma^2) (default = 1, i.e. noninformative)
#' @param beta_sigma rate parameter of the prior of residual variance(sigma^2) (default = 1, i.e. noninformative)
#' @param alpha_p first shape parameter of the prior of the 'active' probabilities(p_hj) of binary features (default = 1, i.e. noninformative)
#' @param beta_p second shape parameter of the prior of the 'active' probabilities(p_hj) of binary features (default = 1, i.e. noninformative)
#' @param mu0 mean of the non-selected continuous features (default is 0)
#' @param sig0 variance of the non-selected continuous features (default is 20)
#' @param pr0 'active' probability of the non-selected binary features (default is 0.5)
#' @param binit n by H initial matrix of B, exp(B_ih) is proportional to Pr(z_i=h). If NULL (default), random numbers are filled in.
#' @return A list containing clustering assignments, variable selection, and
#'   posterior probabilities
#' \itemize{
#' \item clustering cluster assignment
#' \item defvar list of M matrices; each matrix is p_m by H indicating the variable j in modality m is a defining variable for the cluster h.
#' \item clus_pr n by H matrix containing the probability that the subject i belongs to the cluster h.
#' \item defvar_pr list of M matrices; each matrix is p_m by H containing the probability that the variable j in modality m is a defining variable for the cluster h.
#' \item def_m list of M matrices; each matrix is p_m by H containing the mean of the variable j as a defining variable for the cluster h. (continuous variable only)
#' \item def_lpr list of M matrices: each matrix is p_m by H containing the log probabilities of the variable j being 'active' and a defining variable for the cluster h. (binary variable only)
#' \item iter the number of iterations until the algorithm converges.
#' \item param A list of the input parameters used in the clustering solution.
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Changgee Chang
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' res <- nebula(
#'          data = colon$modal,
#'          modtype = c(0, 1),
#'          E = colon$network,
#'          H = 3,
#'          modeta = c(1, 0.2),
#'          nu = 1,
#'          alpha = 1,
#'          lam = 1,
#'          alpha_sigma = 10,
#'          beta_sigma = 10,
#'          alpha_p = 1,
#'          beta_p = 1,
#'          )
#'  }
nebula <- function(data, modtype, E, H, modeta, nu, alpha, lam, alpha_sigma = 1,
                   beta_sigma = 1, alpha_p = 1, beta_p = 1, mu0 = 0, sig0 = 20, pr0 = 0.5, binit = NULL) {

# check inputs for missing or incorrect
    stop("Must specify model type(s) for data. modtype supports continuous (=0) or binary (=1).")
    stop("Must specify modeta sparsity parameters for M modalities.")
    stop("Must specify H for the number of clusters to be fit.")
    stop("Must specify nu for smoothness parameter for gammas.")
    stop("Must specify alpha concentration parameter for dirichlet process.")
    stop("Must specify lam shrinkage parameter for selected continuous features.")
  if(pr0>1 | pr0 <0)
    stop("pr0 must be a probability between 0 and 1.")
  if(sig0 <0)
    stop("sig0 must be a positive value to define variance of the non-selected continuous features.")

  M <- length(data)

  if (length(modtype) != M) {
    stop("length of modtype needs to match number of matrices in input data")
  if (length(modeta) != M) {
    stop("length of modeta needs to match number of matrices in input data")

  p <- rep(0, M)
  #checks for same number of samples
  for (m in 1:M)
    if (m == 1) {
      n <- nrow(data[[1]])
    } else if (nrow(data[[m]]) != n) {
      stop("Input data matrices need to have same number of samples (rows)")
    p[m] <- ncol(data[[m]])

  #check for missing data
    stop("Data cannot have NAs. Please exclude or impute missing values.")

  #check that binit is correct dimension
  if ( !is.null(binit) )
    if(dim(binit)[1] != n | dim(binit)[2] != H)
      stop("binit must be NULL or have dimensions n by H.")

  P <- sum(p) #sum of features across all modalities
  cump <- stats::diffinv(p)

  X <- matrix(0, n, P) #blank matrix of n samples by P total features
  mod <- matrix(FALSE, P, M) # modality
  type <- rep(0, P) # variable type
  if (ncol(E) != 4) {
    stop("Matrix E must have 4 columns")
  E2 <- E[, c(2, 4)] + cump[E[, c(1, 3)]]
  eta <- rep(0, P) # sparsity parameter for each variable
  for (m in 1:M)
    #make single data matrix for input into core nebula formula
    X[, (cump[m] + 1):cump[m + 1]] <- data[[m]]
    mod[(cump[m] + 1):cump[m + 1], m] <- TRUE
    if (modtype[m] != 0 & modtype[m] != 1) {
      stop("modtype must be specified as 0 (continuous) or 1 (binary) for each modality")
    type[(cump[m] + 1):cump[m + 1]] <- modtype[m]
    eta[(cump[m] + 1):cump[m + 1]] <- modeta[m]

  out <- NebulaCore(X, type, E2, H, eta, nu, alpha, lam, alpha_sigma, beta_sigma, alpha_p, beta_p, mu0, sig0, pr0, binit)

  defvar <- defvar_pr <- def_m <- def_lpr <- list()

  for (m in 1:M)
    defvar[[m]] <- matrix(out$Egam[mod[, m], ] > 0.5, ncol = H)
    defvar_pr[[m]] <- matrix(out$Egam[mod[, m], ], ncol = H)
    if (modtype[m] != 0) { out$m[mod[, m], ] <- NA}
    def_m[[m]] <- matrix(out$m[mod[, m], ], ncol = H)
    if (modtype[m] != 1) {out$lpr[mod[, m], ] <- NA}
    def_lpr[[m]] <- matrix(out$lpr[mod[, m], ], ncol = H)

  param <- list(modtype = modtype, E = E, H = H, modeta = modeta, nu = nu, alpha = alpha, lam = lam, alpha_sigma = alpha_sigma, beta_sigma = beta_sigma, alpha_p = alpha_p, beta_p = beta_p, mu0 = mu0, sig0 = sig0, pr0 = pr0, binit = binit)

  # Outputs
  # clustering: cluster assignment
  # defvar: list of M matrices; each matrix is p_m by H indicating the variable j in modality m is a defining variable for the cluster h.
  # clus_pr: n by H matrix containing the probability that the subject i belongs to the cluster h.
  # defvar_pr: list of M matrices; each matrix is p_m by H containing the probability that the variable j in modality m is a defining variable for the cluster h.
  # def_m: list of M matrices; each matrix is p_m by H containing the mean of the variable j as a defining variable for the cluster h. (continuous variable only)
  # def_lpr: list of M matrices: each matrix is p_m by H containing the log probabilities of the variable j being 'active' ad a defining variable for the cluster h. (binary variable only)
  # iter: the number of iterations until the algorithm converges.
  list(clustering = apply(out$EI, 1, which.max), defvar = defvar, clus_pr = out$EI, defvar_pr = defvar_pr, def_m = def_m, def_lpr = def_lpr, iter = out$iter, param = param)
changgee/Nebula documentation built on Dec. 13, 2020, 10:50 a.m.