Man pages for charliex210/sctools
Tools for single cell RNAseq analysis

alter_labelRe-ordering clusters.
apclusKClustering genes to k clusters using affinity propagation...
aspeccSpectral clustering.
cheatmapHeatmap for gene expression pattern.
deDifferential expreesed analysis of two conditions.
FetchGOFetch genes in GO term.
find_orderFind clustering order using TSP algorithm.
glm.enetVariable selction based on elasticnet penalty.
go_enrichGene ontology enrichment analysis of gene clusters.
iforestDetect outliers.
p.corCalculate the p-value of correlation coefficient.
re_orderRe-write clustering labels.
sig.pcsDiscover significant latent variation in data.
sig.varDiscover high discriminant genes in unsupervised manner
snn_cliqSNN-Cliq clustering.
violinPlotViolin plot.
charliex210/sctools documentation built on Dec. 29, 2021, 11:19 p.m.