
#' When user is starting with mzML/mzXML file(s)
#' @param chosenDir user-chosen directory containing mzML and/or mzXML files
#' @return named character vector: values are mzXX file paths, names are the file names
#' @export
startingFromMZ <- function(chosenDir){
  paths <- list.files(chosenDir,
                      recursive = TRUE,
                      full.names = TRUE,
                      pattern = ".mz") 
  validate(need(length(paths) > 0), "Didn't find any mzML or mzXML files here.")
  names(paths) <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(base::basename(paths))

#' When user is starting with Bruker Flex file(s)
#' @param msconvertPath path to MSconvert, if none provided, it will search in Programs folder
#' @param convertWhere directory where temp mzML files are written to
#' @param samplePathList list where names are sample ids, and list elements are raw file paths
#' @return list(mzFile = convertTo, sampleID = names(convertFrom)))
proteoWizConvert <- function(msconvertPath = "",
  convertTo <- base::tempfile(pattern = rep("", length(samplePathList)), 
                              tmpdir = convertWhere,
                              fileext = ".mzML")
  convertTo <- base::normalizePath(convertTo, winslash = "\\", mustWork = FALSE)

  convertWhere <- base::shQuote(convertWhere)
  msconvertLocation <- ghosts::findMSconvert(msconvertPath)
  msconvertLocation <- base::normalizePath(msconvertLocation,
                                           winslash = "\\",
                                           mustWork = FALSE)
  msconvertLocation <- base::shQuote(msconvertLocation)
  #Command-line MSConvert, converts from proprietary vendor data to mzML
  # Nope to vectorized, loop through because mult files can be attributed to one sample id
  msconvertCmdLineCommands <- base::lapply(base::seq_along(samplePathList), 
                                                           " ",
                                                                        collapse = "",
                                                                        sep = " "),
                                                           " --mzML --merge -z  --32 -v",
                                                           " --outdir ", convertWhere,
                                                           " --outfile ", base::shQuote(convertTo[[x]])))
  functionTOrunMSCONVERTonCMDline <- function(x){
    system(command = x, 
           invisible = FALSE,
           wait = TRUE)
  lengthProgress <- length(msconvertCmdLineCommands)
  numCores <- parallel::detectCores()
  numCores <- ifelse(numCores > 2,
                     numCores - 1,
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(numCores)
                 cbind(convertTo, exists(convertTo))
  return(list(mzFile = convertTo,
              sampleID = names(samplePathList)))

#' Title
#' @param proteoWizardLocation proteoWizardLocation 
#' @return user's os
#' @export
findMSconvert <- function(proteoWizardLocation = ""){
  # Msconvert only works on Windows so abort function if not on Windows
  os <- ghosts::getOS()
  if (os == "windows") {
    # Look for msconvert if a path wasn't provided
    if (!file.exists(file.path(dirname(proteoWizardLocation), "msconvert.exe"))) {
      warning("Given path to msconvert didn't work, trying to auto-find in Programs")
      # Check 64
      proteoWizardLocation <- base::shell(cmd = "ECHO %ProgramFiles%\\ProteoWizard", 
                                          translate = TRUE, 
                                          intern = T)
      proteoWizardLocation <- base::list.files(proteoWizardLocation,
                                               recursive = TRUE, 
                                               pattern = "msconvert.exe",
                                               full.names = TRUE)
      if(length(proteoWizardLocation) == 0) {
        # Check 32
        proteoWizardLocation2 <- base::shell(cmd = "ECHO %programfiles(x86)%\\ProteoWizard", 
                                             translate = TRUE, 
                                             intern = T)
        proteoWizardLocation <- base::list.files(proteoWizardLocation,
                                                 recursive = TRUE, 
                                                 pattern = "msconvert.exe",
                                                 full.names = TRUE)
    } else {
      validate("Unfortunately msconvert is not currently available on this operating system, try again on Windows or start with 
               mzML or mzXML files instead of raw-data.")
    foundMSconvert <- tryCatch(base::file.exists(proteoWizardLocation),
                               error = function(e) return(FALSE))[[1]]
      proteoWizardLocation <- base::normalizePath(proteoWizardLocation[[1]])
    } else {
      proteoWizardLocation <- "error"
      warning("Unable to find msconvert.exe")
  warning(paste0("msconvert location: ", proteoWizardLocation))
chasemc/ghosts documentation built on May 8, 2019, 12:50 a.m.