Man pages for chedonat/DigitalPicoTools

ComputePhasingCodeCompute the Phaisng Code
DigitalPicoToolsDigitalPicoTools : A set of tools for Digital analysis of...
getBreadthGenomeCoverageCompute the percentage of the genome covered by the LFR set.
getBreadthGenomeCoverage-methodsRetrieves the fraction of the whole genomes covered by the...
getLFRsetComputing Long fragment Reads from the wells
getLFRStatsA function returning the following statistics from an LFR...
getLFRStats-methodsA function returning the following statistics from an LFR...
getLFRStatsPerWellA function returning the following statistics per wells from...
getLFRStatsPerWell-methodsA function returning the following statistics per wells from...
getMutationsOfLFRRetrieve the mutations on an LFR
getN50Compute the N50 of an LFR set.
getN50-methodsCompute the N50 value of an LFRset
getVariantAlleleInfoRetrieveing variants genomic and alleles count information
getVariantCoverageTableRetrieveing variants genomic and alleles count information...
getWellLFRset-methodsRetrieves all the LFRs oiginating from a given well
getWells-methodsRetrieving wells and fragments distribution
hist.LFRsetPlotting histograms on an LFR data set
initsWellSamplesInitialising a set of Well samples
LFRdataframe-classThe LFRdataframe class
LFRsetThe LFRset class
plotLFRDistributionA method for plotting the LFR distribution
plotLFRDistribution-methodsPlot the LFR distribution
plot.LFRsetPlotting an LFR data set
plot.VariantAlleleInfoPlotting the variant allele information
SampleCoverageThe SampleCoverage class
summary.LFRsetSummary statistics on an LFRset Object
VariantAlleleInfoThe VariantAlleleInfo class
WellSampleThe WellSample class
chedonat/DigitalPicoTools documentation built on May 13, 2019, 3:39 p.m.