#' @name numeric_only
#' @title Filters REDCap records data for numeric data only
#' @description Unless a vector of variables/field names is passed to the
#' \code{fields} argument, the fields to be analyzed will be guessed based on
#' column type. Furthermore, all non-numeric data will be removed before analysis.
#' If mixed numeric/non-numeric data (e.g. "160 cm") are passed, the first numerical
#' instance will be extracted from the data. A long format dataframe is returned.
#' This is an internal function only.
#' @param record_data Dataframe. Records data export from REDCap. For the
#' purposes of this function, only quantitative data will be kept.
#' @param data_dict Dataframe. REDCap project data data_dictionary. By default,
#' $data_dict is expected in the REDCap bundle option, as created by
#' \code{rc_bundle}.
#' @param sex_var String. Name of variable indicating the sex of subjects. If
#' included, it will be used as one of the melting factors.
#' @param fields Character. A vector of field/variable names to be analyzed
#' may be passed manually.
#' @param long_format Logical. Determines whether the returned dataframe will
#' be in long or wide format. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param drop_message Logical. Determine if a message is shown to the user about
#' dropping non-numerical data
#' @author Marcus Lehr
numeric_only <- function(record_data,
data_dict = getOption("redcap_bundle")$data_dict,
sex_var = NA, fields = NULL,
long_format = TRUE, drop_message = TRUE) {
# Notify user
if (drop_message == T)
message("This function is designed to work with numeric data only.
All non-numeric fields will be dropped.")
# Get ID column names
id_field = getID(record_data, data_dict)
rc_fields = c('redcap_event_name','redcap_repeat_instrument','redcap_repeat_instance')
# Remove unwanted columns from record data
record_data = dplyr::select(record_data,
-dplyr::contains('_complete'), # Form complete fields
-dplyr::contains('___')) # Checkbox data
# Generate fields if not provided
if (is.null(fields)) {
# Check format status of data and format if necessary
if (is.null(attributes(record_data)$redcap_formatting)) {
# Use data_dict if available
if (!is.null(data_dict))
record_data = suppressWarnings( rc_format(record_data, data_dict) )
else {
warning("Please provide data_dict or record_data formatted with rc_format() to avoid
inappropriate variables being passed.")
# Format columns without data_dict
record_data = suppressMessages(readr::type_convert(record_data))
# Select only fields which (may) contain quantitative data
fields = sapply(record_data,
function(x) any(grepl('integer|numeric|character',
class(x)))) %>% .[.==T] %>% names()
# Remove fields with < 3 levels (likely yes/no fields or other factors)
factor_names = names(record_data)[sapply(record_data, function(x)
length(levels(as.factor(x)))) < 3] %>% as.vector()
fields = setdiff(fields, factor_names)
## I don't think this offers any additional benefit and it requires data_dict
# text_fields = data_dict$field_name[grepl('text|calc',data_dict$field_type)]
# fields = intersect(num_fields, text_fields) %>% c(id_field,.) %>% unique()
# Create melting variables and add to fields list
rc_factors = c(id_field, sex_var, rc_fields) %>% stats::na.omit()
rc_factors = rc_factors[rc_factors %in% names(record_data)]
fields = c(rc_factors, fields) %>% unique()
# Subset data
record_data = record_data[fields]
# Fill sex variable before melt, if applicable
if (!is.na(sex_var))
if(any(is.na(record_data[sex_var]))) # This condition is an attempt to avoid an error when the
# var has already been filled. An error will still be thrown
# for an incomplete fill
record_data = rc_fill(record_data, sex_var)
# Convert to long format. Dates get destroyed by melt()
record_data = suppressWarnings(
reshape2::melt(record_data, id.vars=rc_factors, na.rm = T) %>%
# Insure against non-validated fields by making sure only digits are passed
record_data = record_data[stringr::str_detect(record_data$value,"\\d+"),]
# Give user a warning if numbers will be stripped
if (max(unlist(lapply(
stringr::str_extract_all(record_data$value, "\\d+\\.?\\d*"),length)
warning("Some fields contain multiple numbers. Only the first will be used.")
# Extract only first number from values
record_data$value = stringr::str_extract(record_data$value, "\\d+\\.?\\d*") %>% as.numeric()
if (!long_format) {
cast_formula = paste(paste(rc_factors, collapse = ' + '),"~ variable")
record_data = reshape2::dcast(record_data, cast_formula)
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