#' @name validate_args
#' @title Perform error checking on function arguments
#' @description This will validate all supplied function arguments using the
#' \code{checkmate} package. All function arguments within the \code{rctools}
#' package should be contained in this function. To add new arguments, add the
#' argument to this function, then append the appropriate \code{vars} list in
#' this function's body.
#' This is an internal function only.
#' @param required Character. Vector of argument names which are required by
#' the calling function.
#' @param report_id Numeric, length == 1
#' @param batch_size Numeric, length == 1
#' @param sd_threshold Numeric, length == 1
#' @param url Character, length == 1
#' @param token Character, length == 1; 32 alpha-numeric characters
#' @param id_field Character, length == 1
#' @param logfile Character, length == 1
#' @param completion_field Character, length == 1
#' @param title Character, length == 1
#' @param outlier_var Character, length == 1
#' @param wrap_var Character, length == 1
#' @param y Character, length == 1
#' @param x Character, length == 1
#' @param records Character vector
#' @param fields Character vector
#' @param forms Character vector
#' @param events Character vector
#' @param colClasses Character vector
#' @param group_by Character vector
#' @param var_roots Character vector
#' @param repeats Character vector
#' @param factor_cols Character vector
#' @param filter_logic Character vector
#' @param overwriteBehavior Character, defined inputs, length == 1
#' @param returnContent Character, defined inputs, length == 1
#' @param error_handling Character, defined inputs, length == 1
#' @param plot_type Character, defined inputs, length == 1
#' @param legend_position Character, defined inputs, length == 1
#' @param survey Logical, length == 1
#' @param dag Logical, length == 1
#' @param form_complete_auto Logical, length == 1
#' @param format Logical, length == 1
#' @param factor_labels Logical, length == 1
#' @param labels Logical, length == 1
#' @param col_labels Logical, length == 1
#' @param dates Logical, length == 1
#' @param returnData Logical, length == 1
#' @param plot Logical, length == 1
#' @param filtered Logical, length == 1
#' @param long_format Logical, length == 1
#' @param make_repeat Logical, length == 1
#' @param columns Logical, length == 1
#' @param rows Logical, length == 1
#' @param sd_guides Logical, length == 1
#' @param strip Logical, length == 1
#' @param event_labels Logical, length == 1
#' @param record_data Data.frame; contains record_id column
#' @param data_dict Data.frame, ncol == 18
#' @param users Data.frame
#' @param form_perm Data.frame
#' @param instruments Data.frame
#' @param arms Data.frame
#' @param mappings Data.frame
#' @param proj_info Data.frame
#' @param long_data Data.frame
#' @param event_data Data.frame. As found in bundle$event_data
#' @param bundle List; redcapBundle
#' @param fields_list List
#' @param sex_var Character (length == 1) or NA
#' @author Marcus Lehr
validate_args <- function(required = NULL,
# Numerical, len=1
report_id = NULL,
batch_size = NULL,
sd_threshold = NULL,
# Character, len=1
url = NULL,
token = NULL,
id_field = NULL,
logfile = NULL,
completion_field = NULL,
title = NULL,
outlier_var = NULL,
wrap_var = NULL,
y = NULL,
x = NULL,
# Character
records = NULL,
fields = NULL,
forms = NULL,
events = NULL,
colClasses = NULL,
group_by = NULL,
var_roots = NULL,
repeats = NULL,
factor_cols = NULL,
filter_logic = NULL,
# Match Args
overwriteBehavior = NULL,
returnContent = NULL,
error_handling = NULL,
plot_type = NULL,
legend_position = NULL,
# Logical, len=1
survey = NULL,
dag = NULL,
form_complete_auto = NULL,
format = NULL,
factor_labels = NULL,
labels = NULL,
col_labels = NULL,
dates = NULL,
returnData = NULL,
plot = NULL,
filtered = NULL,
long_format = NULL,
make_repeat = NULL,
columns = NULL,
rows = NULL,
sd_guides = NULL,
strip = NULL,
event_labels = NULL,
# Data.frame
record_data = NULL,
data_dict = NULL,
users = NULL,
form_perm = NULL,
instruments = NULL,
arms = NULL,
mappings = NULL,
proj_info = NULL,
long_data = NULL,
event_data = NULL,
# List
bundle = NULL,
fields_list = NULL,
# Special
sex_var = NULL
) {
# Self Checks -------------------------------------------------------------
# Create error collection object
coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
checkmate::assert_character(required, null.ok = T, add = coll)
# Report
# Numerical, len=1-------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Input vars
vars = c('report_id','batch_size','sd_threshold')
# Make formula
massert_formula = stats::formula(paste('~',paste(vars,collapse = ' + ')))
# Generate null.ok list
null.ok = as.list(!vars %in% required)
names(null.ok) = vars
null.ok = null.ok,
fixed = list(len = 1,
add = coll))
# Character, len=1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Input vars
vars = c('url','token','id_field','logfile','completion_field','title','outlier_var',
# Make formula
massert_formula = stats::formula(paste('~',paste(vars,collapse = ' + ')))
# Generate null.ok list
null.ok = as.list(!vars %in% required)
names(null.ok) = vars
# Assert
null.ok = null.ok,
fixed = list(len = 1,
add = coll))
# Character ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate var list
vars = c('records','fields','forms','events','colClasses','group_by','var_roots',
# Make formula
massert_formula = stats::formula(paste('~',paste(vars,collapse = ' + ')))
# Generate null.ok list
null.ok = as.list(!vars %in% required)
names(null.ok) = vars
# Assert
null.ok = null.ok,
fixed = list(add = coll))
# Match Args ------------------------------------------------------
# Generate var list
vars = c('overwriteBehavior','returnContent','error_handling','plot_type',
if (any(vars %in% required)) {
# Make formula
massert_formula = stats::formula(paste('~',paste(vars,collapse = ' + ')))
# Assert
choices = list(overwriteBehavior = c('normal','overwrite'),
returnContent = c('count','ids','nothing','auto_ids','raw'),
error_handling = c('null','error'),
plot_type = c('standard','qq','hist'),
legend_position = c('none','top','bottom','left','right'),
event_names = c('label','raw')
fixed = list(several.ok = F,
add = coll))
# Logical, len=1 ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate var list
vars = c('survey','dag','form_complete_auto','format','factor_labels','labels','dates',
# Make formula
massert_formula = stats::formula(paste('~',paste(vars,collapse = ' + ')))
# Generate null.ok list
null.ok = as.list(!vars %in% required)
names(null.ok) = vars
# Assert
null.ok = null.ok,
fixed = list(len = 1,
add = coll))
# Data.frame --------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate var list
vars = c('record_data','data_dict','users','form_perm','instruments',
# Make formula
massert_formula = stats::formula(paste('~',paste(vars,collapse = ' + ')))
# Generate null.ok list
null.ok = as.list(!vars %in% required)
names(null.ok) = vars
# Assert
null.ok = null.ok,
fixed = list(classes = 'data.frame',
add = coll))
# List --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate var list
vars = c('bundle','fields_list')
# Make formula
massert_formula = stats::formula(paste('~',paste(vars,collapse = ' + ')))
# Generate null.ok list
null.ok = as.list(!vars %in% required)
names(null.ok) = vars
# Assert
null.ok = null.ok,
fixed = list(add = coll))
# Special Checks ----------------------------------------------------------
##--- token
if (!is.null(token)) {
# Attempt to read token from file. Catch errors to handle token strings instead of paths
invalid_path = F
tryCatch(token <- readr::read_lines(token)[1],
error = function(cond) invalid_path <<- T)
# Check token format
if (!grepl("^[[:alnum:]]{32}$", token)) invalid_format = T
else invalid_format = F
# File doesn't exist and the string isn't a token
if (invalid_path & invalid_format)
coll$push("Please provide a valid path to the token file.")
# File exists but doesn't contain a token
else if (invalid_format)
coll$push("REDCap tokens must be exactly 32 alpha-numeric characters.")
# Format is valid, therefore string is a valid token.
# Edge case of 32 character invalid path could make it here also
assign('token', token, envir = parent.frame())
##--- sex_var
if (!is.null(sex_var))
if (!is.na(sex_var))
len = 1,
null.ok = !sex_var %in% required,
add = coll)
##--- bundle
if (!is.null(bundle)) {
checkmate::assert_class(bundle, classes = 'redcapBundle', add = coll)
bundle_names = c("redcap_url","data_dict","id_field","users","form_perm","instruments",
if (#length(bundle) != 11 | # Need to make sure list items are being called by name only, not number
any(!bundle_names %in% names(bundle)))
warning("Please supply a bundle exactly as produced by rc_bundle()")
##--- record_data
if (!is.null(record_data)) {
# Get ID field and make sure it's in record_data
id_field = suppressWarnings(getID(record_data=record_data, id_field=id_field))
if (!id_field %in% names(record_data))# |
# !'redcap_event_name' %in% names(record_data)) This makes non-longitudinal projects incompatible
coll$push("Record_data must contain the record_id column.")
##--- data_dict validations
if (!is.null(data_dict)) {
# If data_dict has been exported via REDCap GUI and imported with read.csv/read_csv,
# rename columns names with those of REDCap API export
# Document names
data_dict_api_names = c('field_name','form_name','section_header','field_type','field_label',
'text_validation_min', 'text_validation_max', 'identifier','branching_logic', 'required_field',
'custom_alignment','question_number', 'matrix_group_name', 'matrix_ranking','field_annotation')
data_dict_read.csv_names = c("\u00EF..Variable...Field.Name","Form.Name","Section.Header",
data_dict_read_csv_names = c("Variable / Field Name","Form Name","Section Header",
"Field Type","Field Label","Choices, Calculations, OR Slider Labels","Field Note",
"Text Validation Type OR Show Slider Number","Text Validation Min","Text Validation Max",
"Identifier?","Branching Logic (Show field only if...)","Required Field?","Custom Alignment",
"Question Number (surveys only)","Matrix Group Name","Matrix Ranking?","Field Annotation")
# Check names and coerce if necessary
if (
identical(names(data_dict), data_dict_read.csv_names) |
identical(names(data_dict), data_dict_read_csv_names) &
length(data_dict) == 18
) {
# Rename columns using API names
names(data_dict) = data_dict_api_names
# Coerce format. Tibbles will cause errors downstream
data_dict = as.data.frame(data_dict)
# Update object in parent env
assign('data_dict', data_dict, envir = parent.frame())
# Make sure all columns are in data_dict
else if (any(!data_dict_api_names %in% names(data_dict)))
coll$push("Please supply a data dictionary exactly as produced by REDCap
or via a REDCap bundle, as created by rc_bundle()")
##--- Check field names against data_dict
if (!is.null(fields)){
# Generate list of fields plus checkbox fields
fields_valid = names(get_column_labels(field_names = data_dict$field_name,
data_dict = data_dict))
# Add redcap and _complete fields
fields_valid = c(fields_valid,
sprintf("%s_complete", unique(data_dict$form_name))) %>%
stats::na.omit() # Not sure this is necessary
# Find any fields not in the meta data
fields_bad = setdiff(fields, fields_valid)
if (length(fields_bad) > 0)
coll$push(paste0("The following are not valid field names: ",
paste0(fields_bad, collapse = ", ")))
# Check for bad forms
if (!is.null(forms)) {
forms_bad <- forms[!forms %in% data_dict$form_name]
if (length(forms_bad) > 0)
coll$push(paste0("The following are not valid form names: ",
paste0(forms_bad, collapse = ", ")))
##--- event_data validations
# Check for bad events
if (!is.null(events)) {
if (!is.null(bundle)) event_data = bundle$event_data
else event_data = getOption('redcap_bundle')$event_data
if (!is.null(event_data)) {
events_bad <- events[!events %in% event_data$unique_event_name]
if (length(events_bad) > 0)
coll$push(paste0("The following are not valid event names: ",
paste0(events_bad, collapse = ", ")))
} else
warning("The supplied events list cannot be validated without the project
events data. Please ensure a metadata bundle has been uploaded to the
session options using rc_bundle()")
# Report ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Final report
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.