#' @title Linear Mixed Regression with Interval-Censored Dependent Variable
#' @description This function estimates the linear mixed regression model when
#' the dependent
#' variable is interval-censored. The estimation of the standard errors is
#' fasciliated by a parametric bootstrap.
#' @param formula a two-sided linear formula object describing both the fixed-effects
#' and random-effects part of the model, with the response on the left of a ~ operator
#' and the terms, separated by + operators, on the right. Random-effects terms are
#' distinguished by vertical bars (|) separating expressions for design matrices from
#' grouping factors, as in \code{\link[lme4]{lmer}}. Note: Only models with a
#' maximum of one random intercept
#' and one random slope are implemented at this point (e.g. \code{y ~ x + (1|
#' ID)}, or \code{y ~ x + (x|ID)}). The
#' dependent variable is measured as interval-censored values; factor with
#' ordered factor values
#' @param data a data frame containing the variables of the model
#' @param classes numeric vector of classes; \code{-Inf} as lower interval bound and
#' \code{Inf} as upper interval bound
#' is allowed. If the Box-Cox or
#' logarithmic transformation is chosen, the minimum interval bound must be
#' \eqn{\ge 0}.
#' @param burnin the number of burn-in iterations of the SEM-algorithm
#' @param samples the number of additional iterations of the SEM-algorithm
#' for parameter estimation
#' @param trafo transformation of the dependent variable to fulfil the model assumptions
#' \itemize{
#' \item "log" for Logarithmic transformation
#' \item "bc" for Box-Cox transformation
#' }
#' default is \code{"None"}. Transformations can only be used if the minimum
#' interval bound is \eqn{\ge 0}.
#' @param adjust extends the number of iteration steps of the SEM-algorithm
#' for finding the optimal lambda of the Box-Cox transformation. The number of iterations
#' is extended in the following way: \code{(burnin+samples)*adjust}
#' @param bootstrap.se if \code{TRUE} standard errors of the regression parameters
#' are estimated
#' @param b number of bootstrap iterations for the estimation of the standard errors
#' @return An object of class "sem" that provides parameter estimated for linear
#' regression models with interval-censored dependent variable. Generic
#' functions such as, \code{\link{print}},
#' \code{\link{plot}}, and \code{\link{summary}} have methods that can be used
#' to obtain further information. See \code{\link{semObject}} for descriptions
#' of components
#' of objects of class "sem".
#' @details The model parameters are estimated using pseudo samples of the
#' interval-censored dependent variable. The object \code{pseudo.y} returns the
#' pseudo samples of each iteration step of the SEM-algorithm.
#' @references
#' Walter, P. (2019). A Selection of Statistical Methods for Interval-Censored
#' Data with Applications to the German Microcensus, PhD thesis,
#' Freie Universitaet Berlin
#' @seealso \code{\link[lme4]{lmer}}, \code{\link{print.sem}},
#' \code{\link{plot.sem}}, \code{\link{summary.sem}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom truncnorm rtruncnorm
#' @import formula.tools
#' @importFrom lme4 lmer ranef VarCorr
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load and prepare data
#' data <- Exam
#' classes <- c(1, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.7, 8.5, Inf)
#' data$examsc.class <- cut(data$examsc, classes)
#' # Run model with random intercept and default settings
#' model1 <- semLme(
#' formula = examsc.class ~ standLRT + schavg + (1 | school),
#' data = data, classes = classes
#' )
#' summary(model1)
#' }
#' \dontshow{
#' # Load and prepare data
#' data <- Exam
#' classes <- c(1, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.7, 8.5, Inf)
#' data$examsc.class <- cut(data$examsc, classes)
#' # Run model with random intercept and default settings
#' model1 <- semLme(
#' formula = examsc.class ~ standLRT + schavg + (1 | school),
#' data = data, classes = classes, burnin = 4, samples = 10
#' )
#' summary(model1)
#' }
semLme <- function(formula, data, classes, burnin = 40, samples = 200, trafo = "None",
adjust = 2, bootstrap.se = FALSE, b = 100) {
call <- match.call()
o.classes <- classes
o.data <- data
o.formula <- formula
lambda <- result_lambda <- b.lambda <- m.lambda <- se <- ci <- NULL
if (trafo == "log") {
classes <- logEst(y = classes)
if (trafo == "bc") {
suppressWarnings(lambda.est <-
formula = formula,
data = data,
classes = classes,
burnin = burnin,
samples = samples,
adjust = adjust
lambda <- lambda.est$lambda
result_lambda <- lambda.est$it.lambda
b.lambda <- lambda.est$b.lambda
m.lambda <- lambda.est$m.lambda
BoxCoxClasses <- boxcox.lme.est(dat = classes, lambda = lambda, inverse = FALSE)
classes <- BoxCoxClasses[[1]]
data <- midpoints.est(formula = formula, data = data, classes = classes)
formula <- as.formula(gsub(".*~", "pseudoy~", formula))
regclass <- lmer(formula, data = data)
resulty <- matrix(ncol = c(burnin + samples), nrow = nrow(data))
resultcoef <- matrix(ncol = c(burnin + samples), nrow = length(regclass@beta))
result_ranef <- vector("list", burnin + samples)
result_sigmae <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = burnin + samples)
result_r2c <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = burnin + samples)
result_r2m <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = burnin + samples)
result_icc <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = burnin + samples)
VaCovMa <- vector("list", burnin + samples)
for (j in 1:(burnin + samples)) {
data$predict <- predict(regclass, data)
sigmahat <- sigma(regclass)
for (i in 1:(length(classes) - 1)) {
if (nrow(data[data$yclassl == i, ]) != 0) {
mean <- data$predict[data$yclassl == i]
pseudoy <- rtruncnorm(length(mean), a = classes[i], b = classes[i + 1], mean = mean, sd = sigmahat)
data$pseudoy[data$yclassl == i] <- pseudoy
regclass <- lmer(formula, data = data)
resultcoef[, j] <- regclass@beta
result_ranef[[j]] <- as.matrix(ranef(regclass)[[1]])
result_sigmae[j] <- sigmahat
r_squared <-NA
if (is.matrix(r_squared)) {
result_r2m[j] <- unname(r_squared[1, 1])
result_r2c[j] <- unname(r_squared[1, 2])
} else {
result_r2m[j] <- unname(r_squared[1])
result_r2c[j] <- unname(r_squared[2])
result_icc[j] <- icc.est(model = regclass)
resulty[, j] <- data$pseudoy
VaCovMa[[j]] <- as.matrix(unclass(VarCorr(regclass))[[1]][1:ncol(ranef(regclass)[[1]]), ])
parameter.ma <- list(ranef = result_ranef, VaCov = VaCovMa)
parameter.final.ma <- parameters.est.ma(parameter = parameter.ma, burnin = burnin)
colnames(parameter.final.ma$VaCov) <- colnames(VaCovMa[[1]])
rownames(parameter.final.ma$VaCov) <- rownames(VaCovMa[[1]])
colnames(parameter.final.ma$ranef) <- colnames(result_ranef[[1]])
parameter <- list(
coef = resultcoef,
sigmae = result_sigmae,
r2m = result_r2m, r2c = result_r2c,
icc = result_icc
parameter.final <- parameters.est(parameter = parameter, burnin = burnin)
names(parameter.final$coef) <- rownames(summary(regclass)$coefficients)
if (bootstrap.se == TRUE) {
result_se <- standardErrorLME.est(
formula = o.formula,
data = o.data,
classes = o.classes,
burnin = burnin,
samples = samples,
trafo = trafo,
adjust = adjust,
b = b,
coef = parameter.final$coef,
sigmae = parameter.final$sigmae,
VaCov = parameter.final.ma$VaCov,
nameRI = names(ranef(regclass)),
nameRS = names(ranef(regclass)[[1]])[2],
regmodell = regclass,
lambda = m.lambda
se <- result_se$se
ci <- result_se$ci
rownames(ci) <- names(parameter.final$coef)
est <- list(
pseudo.y = resulty, coef = parameter.final$coef, ranef = parameter.final.ma$ranef,
sigmae = parameter.final$sigmae, VaCov = parameter.final.ma$VaCov,
se = se, ci = ci, lambda = lambda, bootstraps = b, r2m = parameter.final$r2m,
r2c = parameter.final$r2c, icc = parameter.final$icc, formula = o.formula,
transformation = trafo, n.classes = length(classes) - 1, conv.coef = resultcoef,
conv.sigmae = result_sigmae, conv.lambda = result_lambda, conv.VaCov = VaCovMa,
b.lambda = b.lambda, m.lambda = m.lambda, burnin = burnin, samples = samples,
classes = o.classes, original.y = data$y, call = call
class(est) <- c("sem", "lme")
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