
# Example 1: Hierarchical example, with one binary A and bianry Y 
# True ATE of the community-based treatment is approximately 0.103716
data(comSample.wmT.bA.bY_list)  # load the sample data 
comSample.wmT.bA.bY <- comSample.wmT.bA.bY_list$comSample.wmT.bA.bY
N <- NROW(comSample.wmT.bA.bY)
Qform.corr <- "Y ~ E1 + E2 + W2 + W3 + A" # correct Q form
gform.corr <- "A ~ E1 + E2 + W1"  # correct g

# 1.1 Estimating the additive treatment effect (ATE) for two deterministic interventions
# (f_gstar1 = 1 vs f_gstar2 = 0) via community-level / individual-level analysis.
# speed.glm using correctly specified Qform, hform.g0 and hform.gstar;
# Setting global options that may be used in tmleCommunity(), e.g., using speed.glm
tmleCom_Options(Qestimator = "speedglm__glm", gestimator = "speedglm__glm", maxNperBin = N)

# Community-level analysis without a pooled individual-level regression on outcome
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.1a_sglm <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), f_gstar1 = 1L, f_gstar2 = 0L,
                community.step = "community_level", communityID = "id", pooled.Q = FALSE, 
                Qform = Qform.corr, hform.g0 = gform.corr, hform.gstar = gform.corr)

# Examples of estimates under f_gstar1 = 1:

# Examples of estimates under f_gstar0 = 0:

# Examples of estimates for ATE under f_gstar1 - f_gstar0:

# Community-level analysis with a pooled individual-level regression on outcome
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.1b_sglm <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), f_gstar1 = 1L, f_gstar2 = 0L,
                community.step = "community_level", communityID = "id", pooled.Q = TRUE, 
                Qform = Qform.corr, hform.g0 = gform.corr, hform.gstar = gform.corr)

# Individual-level analysis with both individual-level outcome and treatment mechanisms
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.2_sglm <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), f_gstar1 = 1L, f_gstar2 = 0L,
                community.step = "individual_level", communityID = "id", 
                Qform = Qform.corr, hform.g0 = gform.corr, hform.gstar = gform.corr)

# Failing to provide communityID will automatically set community.step to "NoCommunity"
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.NoC_sglm <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), f_gstar1 = 1L, f_gstar2 = 0L,
                community.step = "individual_level", communityID = NULL, 
                Qform = Qform.corr, hform.g0 = gform.corr, hform.gstar = gform.corr)

# Stratification analysis that run separate outcome (exposure) mechanism for each community
# use glm since only around 50 observations per community, speed.glm easily fails
# takes longer time than the tests above since doing 1000 TMLEs (one TMLE per community)
# so set verbose to TRUE to track running progress
tmleCom_Options(Qestimator = "glm__glm", gestimator = "glm__glm", maxNperBin = N)
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.str_sglm <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), f_gstar1 = 1L, f_gstar2 = 0L,
                community.step = "perCommunity", communityID = "id", verbose = TRUE,
                Qform = Qform.corr, hform.g0 = gform.corr, hform.gstar = gform.corr)

# 1.2 Same as above but for different Qestimator and gestimator through tmleCom_Options()
# via community-level analysis with a pooled individual-level regression on outcome.
# (See more details in examples in tmleCom_Options())
# SuperLearner for both outcome and treatment (clever covariate) regressions
# using all parent nodes (of Y and A) as regressors (respectively)
tmleCom_Options(Qestimator = "SuperLearner", gestimator = "SuperLearner", 
                maxNperBin = N, SL.library = c("SL.glm", "SL.step", "SL.bayesglm"))
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.2_SL <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), f_gstar1 = 1L, f_gstar2 = 0L,
                community.step = "community_level", communityID = "id", pooled.Q = TRUE, 
                Qform = NULL, hform.g0 = NULL, hform.gstar = NULL)

# SuperLearner for outcome regressions and glm for treatment regressions
# using all regressors in the correctly specified Qform and 
# all regressors in the misspecified hform.g0 and hform.gstar
tmleCom_Options(Qestimator = "SuperLearner", gestimator = "glm__glm", 
                maxNperBin = N, SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.stepAIC", "SL.bayesglm"))
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.2_SL.glm <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), f_gstar1 = 1L, f_gstar2 = 0L,
                community.step = "community_level", communityID = "id", pooled.Q = TRUE,
                Qform = NULL, hform.g0 = "A ~ W1", hform.gstar = "A ~ E1 + W2")
# Speedglm for outcome regressions and sl3 for treatment regressions
# using all regressors in the correctly specified Qform and 
# all regressors in the misspecified hform.g0 and hform.gstar  
tmleCom_Options(Qestimator = "speedglm__glm", gestimator = "sl3_pipelines", maxNperBin = N, 
                sl3_learners = list(glm_fast = sl3::make_learner(sl3::Lrnr_glm_fast), 
                                    xgb = sl3::make_learner(sl3::Lrnr_xgboost),), 
                sl3_metalearner = sl3::make_learner(
                  sl3::Lrnr_optim, loss_function = sl3::loss_loglik_binomial,
                  learner_function = sl3::metalearner_logistic_binomial))
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.2_speedglm.sl3 <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), f_gstar1 = 1L, f_gstar2 = 0L,
                community.step = "community_level", communityID = "id", pooled.Q = TRUE,
                Qform = NULL, hform.g0 = "A ~ W1", hform.gstar = "A ~ E1 + W2")

# 1.3 Evaluating mean population outcome under static intervention A = 0
# with different community-level and individual-level weight choices 
tmleCom_Options(Qestimator = "speedglm__glm", gestimator = "speedglm__glm", maxNperBin = N)
# weigh individuals in data equally & weigh community by its number of individuals
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.1a_w1 <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), f_gstar1 = 1L, 
                obs.wts = "equal.within.pop", community.wts = "size.community", 
                community.step = "community_level", communityID = "id")

# same as above but weigh individuals within the same community equally
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.1a_w2 <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), f_gstar1 = 1L, 
                obs.wts = "equal.within.community", community.wts = "size.community", 
                community.step = "community_level", communityID = "id")

# weigh individuals within the same community equally & weigh community equally
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.1a_w3 <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), f_gstar1 = 1L, 
                obs.wts = "equal.within.community", community.wts = "equal.community", 
                community.step = "community_level", communityID = "id")

# 1.4 Specifying user-supplied stochastic or deterministic intervention function
# Intervention function that will sample A with probability P(A=1) = prob.val
define_f.gstar <- function(prob.val, rndseed = NULL) {
  f.gstar <- function(data, ...) {
    print(paste0("probability of selection: ", prob.val))
    rbinom(n = NROW(data), size = 1, prob = prob.val)
# Stochastically set 50% of the population to A=1 
f.gstar_stoch.0.5 <- define_f.gstar(prob.val = 0.5)
# Deterministically set 100% of the population to A=1 
f.gstar_determ.1 <- define_f.gstar(prob.val = 1)
# Deterministically set 100% of the population to A=0
f.gstar_determ.0 <- define_f.gstar(prob.val = 0)

# 1.5 Equivalent ways of specifying user-supplied (static) intervention (f_gstar1 = 1)
# Alternative 1: via intervention functoin that sets every invidual's A to constant 1
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.1a_fgtar1 <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), f_gstar1 = f.gstar_determ.1, 
                community.step = "community_level", communityID = "id")

# Alternative 2: by simply setting f_gstar1 to 1
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.1a_fgtar2 <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), f_gstar1 = 1L,
                community.step = "community_level", communityID = "id")

# Alternative 3: by setting f_gstar1 to a vector of 1's of length NROW(data)
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.1a_fgtar3 <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), 
                f_gstar1 = rep(1L, NROW(comSample.wmT.bA.bY)), 
                community.step = "community_level", communityID = "id")

# 1.6 Running exactly the same estimator as 1.1 but using h_gstar/h_gN as a coviariate 
# in the targeting step (default to use weighted intercept-based TMLE)
# unweighted covariate-based TMLE
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.1a_covTMlE <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), f_gstar1 = 1L, f_gstar2 = 0L,
                community.step = "community_level", communityID = "id", pooled.Q = FALSE, 
                TMLE.targetStep = "tmle.covariate",  # default as "tmle.intercept"
                Qform = Qform.corr, hform.g0 = gform.corr, hform.gstar = gform.corr)

# 1.7 Equivalent ways of specifying the regression formulae 
# (if Ynode is specified as "Y" and WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"))
# For outcome regression, the left side of Qform will be ignored if Ynode is specified,
# with dependent variable being set to Ynode.
Qform1 <- "Y ~ E1 + E2 + W2 + W3 + A" 
Qform2 <- "AnythingIsFine ~ E1 + E2 + W2 + W3 + A" 
Qform3 <- NULL  # since all parent nodes of Y will be used as regressors

# For treatment regressions, if hform.gstar unspecified, it uses the same regression
# formula as hform.g0 does. 
# Alternative 1: specify hform.g0 and hform.gstar respectively
hform.g0 <- "A ~ E1 + E2 + W1"
hform.gstar <- "A ~ E1 + E2 + W1"

# Alternative 2: specify hform.g0 only
hform.g0 <- "A ~ E1 + E2 + W1"
hform.gstar <- NULL

# 1.8 Equivalent ways of allowing printing status message
# Controlling the global setting 
options(tmleCommunity.verbose = TRUE)
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.print1 <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), f_gstar1 = 1L, f_gstar2 = 0L,
                community.step = "community_level", communityID = "id")

# Alternative: using the verbose argument in tmleCommunity()
tmleCom_wmT.bA.bY.print2 <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = comSample.wmT.bA.bY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("E1", "E2", "W1", "W2", "W3"), f_gstar1 = 1L, f_gstar2 = 0L,
                community.step = "community_level", communityID = "id", verbose = TRUE)

# Example 2: Non-hierarchical example, with one continuous A and continuous Y 
# True mean population outcome under stochastic intervention (specified below)
# is approximately 3.50856
data(indSample.iid.cA.cY_list)  # load the sample data 
indSample.iid.cA.cY <- indSample.iid.cA.cY_list$indSample.iid.cA.cY
true.shift <- indSample.iid.cA.cY_list$shift.val  # 2
true.truncBD <- indSample.iid.cA.cY_list$truncBD  # 10
N <- NROW(indSample.iid.cA.cY)
Qform.corr <- "Y ~ W1 + W2 + W3 + W4 + A" # correct Q form
gform.corr <- "A ~ W1 + W2 + W3 + W4"  # correct g

# 2.1 Specifying stochastic intervention function that could represent the true 
# shifted version of the current treatment mechanism
define_f.gstar <- function(shift.val, truncBD, rndseed = NULL) {
  shift.const <- shift.val
  trunc.const <- truncBD
  f.gstar <- function(data, ...) {
    print(paste0("shift.const: ", shift.const))
    A.mu <- 0.86 * data[,"W1"] + 0.41 * data[,"W2"] - 0.34 * data[,"W3"] + 0.93 * data[,"W4"]
    untrunc.A <- rnorm(n = nrow(data), mean = A.mu + shift.const, sd = 1)
    r.new.A <- exp(0.8 * shift.const * (untrunc.A - A.mu - shift.const / 3))
    trunc.A <- ifelse(r.new.A > trunc.const, untrunc.A - shift.const, untrunc.A)
# correctly specified stochastic intervention with true shift value and truncated bound
f.gstar.corr <- define_f.gstar(shift = true.shift, truncBD = true.truncBD)
# Misspecified specified stochastic intervention 
f.gstar.mis <- define_f.gstar(shift = 5, truncBD = 8)

# 2.2 Estimating mean population outcome under different stochastic interventions
# speed.glm using correctly specified Qform, hform.g0 and hform.gstar
tmleCom_Options(Qestimator = "speedglm__glm", gestimator = "speedglm__glm", maxNperBin = N)
# correctly specified stochastic intervention 
tmleind_iid.cA.cY_true.fgstar <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = indSample.iid.cA.cY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("W1", "W2", "W3", "W4"), f_gstar1 = f.gstar.corr,
                Qform = Qform.corr, hform.g0 = gform.corr, hform.gstar = gform.corr)

# misspecified stochastic intervention
tmleind_iid.cA.cY_mis.fgstar <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = indSample.iid.cA.cY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("W1", "W2", "W3", "W4"), f_gstar1 = f.gstar.mis,
                Qform = Qform.corr, hform.g0 = gform.corr, hform.gstar = gform.corr)

# 2.3 Same as above but using larger number of Monte-Carlo simulations
# using all parent nodes (of Y and A) as regressors (respectively)
# A will be sampled 10 times (for a total sample size of NROW(data)*10 under f_gstar1)
tmleind_iid.cA.cY_10MC <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = indSample.iid.cA.cY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("W1", "W2", "W3", "W4"), f_gstar1 = f.gstar.corr, n_MCsims = 10)

# 2.4 Running exactly the same estimator as 2.1 but defining different values of bin cutoffs 
# using equal-length method with 10 bins 
tmleCom_Options(bin.method = "equal.len", nbins = 10, maxNperBin = N)
tmleind_iid.cA.cY_len <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = indSample.iid.cA.cY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("W1", "W2", "W3", "W4"), f_gstar1 = f.gstar.corr,
                Qform = Qform.corr, hform.g0 = gform.corr, hform.gstar = gform.corr)

# using combination of equal-length and equal-mass method with 20 bins 
tmleCom_Options(bin.method = "dhist", nbins = 20, maxNperBin = N)
tmleind_iid.cA.cY_dhist <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = indSample.iid.cA.cY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("W1", "W2", "W3", "W4"), f_gstar1 = f.gstar.corr,
                Qform = Qform.corr, hform.g0 = gform.corr, hform.gstar = gform.corr)

# 2.5 Estimating the additive treatment effect (ATE) for two stochastic interventions
# Intervention function that will shift A by constant rate (shift.rate)
# (A special case of stochastic intervention with constant shift)
define_f.gstar <- function(shift.rate) {
  f.gstar <- function(data, ...) {
    print(paste0("rate of shift: ", shift.rate))
    data[, "A"] * shift.rate
f.gstar_shift0.8 <- define_f.gstar(shift.rate = 0.8)
f.gstar_shift0.5 <- define_f.gstar(shift.rate = 0.6)

tmleCom_Options(bin.method = "equal.mass", nbins = 5, maxNperBin = N)
tmleind_iid.cA.cY_ATE <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = indSample.iid.cA.cY, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A", 
                WEnodes = c("W1", "W2", "W3", "W4"),
                f_gstar1 = f.gstar_shift0.8, f_gstar2 = f.gstar_shift0.5,
                Qform = Qform.corr, hform.g0 = gform.corr, hform.gstar = gform.corr)

# ATE estimates for f_gstar1-f_gstar2:

# Example 3: Non-Hierarchical example, with one binary A and one rare bianry Y 
# (Independent case-control)  True ATE is approximately 0.012662
indSample.iid.bA.bY.rareJ1 <- indSample.iid.bA.bY.rareJ1_list$indSample.iid.bA.bY.rareJ1
obs.wt.J1 <- indSample.iid.bA.bY.rareJ1_list$obs.wt.J1
Qform.corr <- "Y ~ W1 + W2*A + W3 + W4" # correct Q form
gform.corr <- "A ~ W1 + W2 + W3 + W4"  # correct g
tmleCom_Options(maxNperBin = NROW(indSample.iid.bA.bY.rareJ1))

# 3.1 Estimating ATE for f_gstar1 = 1 vs f_gstar2 = 0
# using correct observation weights and correctly specified Qform & gform 
tmleind_iid.bA.bY_corrWT <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = indSample.iid.bA.bY.rareJ1, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A",
                WEnodes = c("W1", "W2", "W3", "W4"), f_gstar1 = 1, f_gstar2 = 0,
                Qform = Qform.corr, hform.g0 = gform.corr, hform.gstar = gform.corr,
                obs.wts = obs.wt.J1, verbose = TRUE)
tmleind_iid.bA.bY_corrWT$ATE$estimates["tmle", ]  # 0.01220298, good estimate

# 3.2 Same as above but not specifying the observation weights
# obs.wts = NULL is equivalent to obs.wts = "equal.within.pop"
tmleind_iid.bA.bY_misWT <- 
  tmleCommunity(data = indSample.iid.bA.bY.rareJ1, Ynode = "Y", Anodes = "A",
                WEnodes = c("W1", "W2", "W3", "W4"), f_gstar1 = 1, f_gstar2 = 0,
                Qform = Qform.corr, hform.g0 = gform.corr, hform.gstar = gform.corr,
                obs.wts = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
tmleind_iid.bA.bY_misWT$ATE$estimates["tmle", ]  # 0.2466575, bad estimate
chizhangucb/tmleCommunity documentation built on May 20, 2019, 3:34 p.m.