#' cFDR: a package for estimating conditional false discovery rates
#' The main functions are cFDR and FDR
#' @importFrom mvtnorm pmvnorm
#' @importFrom spatstat owin union.owin area
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom qvalue lfdr
#' @useDynLib cFDR
#' @docType package
#' @name cFDR

##' Calculate FDR given a vector of Z scores
##' @title FDR
##' @param Z vector of Z scores
##' @export
##' @return vector of local FDR
##' @author Chris Wallace
FDR <- function(Z) {
    f <- ecdf(p)
##' Assess power and FDR control for simulated data where it is known whether each Z score corresponds to the null or alternative hypothesis
##' .. content for \details{} ..
##' @title assess power and FDR control of FDR procedure
##' @param Z vector of Z scores
##' @param alt logical vector of equal length with Z, with TRUE indicating alternative hypotheses
##' @param alpha FDR threshold for assessment
##' @export
##' @return named vector of alpha, power, FDR
##' @author Chris Wallace
FDR.assess <- function(Z,alt,alpha) {
    pp <- FDR(Z)
    reject <- pp<=alpha
    power=if(any(alt)) { mean(reject[ alt ]) } else { 0 }
    ret <- c(alpha=alpha,power=power,fdr=fdr)
    names(ret) <- c("alpha","power","fdr")

#ggplot(allM,aes(x=x,y=y)) +  geom_rect(aes(xmin=0,xmax=x,ymin=0,ymax=y),data=Mrect)+ geom_point(aes(x=x,y=y),col="red") + geom_point(col="blue",data=allM[which.max(allM$y * allM$x),]) + geom_smooth(data=Mrect,se=FALSE)
findrects <- function(df) {
    o <- order(df$x,decreasing=TRUE)
    df <- df[o,]
    keep <- rects(df$x,df$y2)
    #keep <- rects(df$x,df$y1)
## findrects <- function(df) {
##     o <- order(df$x,decreasing=TRUE)
##     df <- df[o,]
##     df$n=1:nrow(df)
##     df$keep <- TRUE
##     for(i in 1:nrow(df)) {
##         if(df[i,"keep"]==FALSE)
##             next
##         wh <- which(df$n>i & df$y1<df[i,"y1"])
##         df[wh,"keep"] <- FALSE
##     }
##     return(df[which(df$keep==TRUE),,drop=FALSE])
## }

getA <- function(df,p2) {
## <<<<<<< HEAD
    y2diff <- diff(c(0,df$y2))
    df$x * y2diff
## =======
    ## y1diff <- diff(c(0,df$y1))
   ## df$A1 <- df$x * df$ydiff
    ## y2diff <- diff(c(0,df$y2))
    ## df$x * (y2diff + y1diff)
## >>>>>>> f5ad236c4d30b49bf9bca0a33bc8087ebc743ec5

##' Calculate cFDR given vectors of *independent* test and conditional Z scores
##' @title cFDR
##' @inheritParams FDR.assess
##' @inheritParams cFDR.assess
##' @param eps tolerance for FDR control to alpha
##' @param alpha vector of thresholds. overall cFDR will be assessed
##'     if all tests with cFDR<alpha were rejected
##' @param do.optimise logical, default FALSE. if true, and a single
##'     value of alpha is supplied, the rejection threshold will be
##'     optimised to control the overall FDR at alpha.
##' @param ... other arguments passed to cFDR.tune
##' @return a named list with three components.  alpha is the
##'     threshold for rejection, est.cFDR is the estimated FDR at this
##'     threshold, cFDR is a vector of conditional FDRs in rectangles
##'     defined the corresponding absolute Z and Zc values.
##' @author Chris Wallace
cFDR <- function(Z,Zc,eps=0.01,alpha=seq(0.01,0.1,by=0.005),do.optimise=FALSE,
                 method=c("empirical","unif","means","vars","both"),...) {
    method <- match.arg(method)
    pc <- 2*pnorm(abs(Zc),lower.tail=FALSE)
    pp <- p / cecdf(p,pc)
## <<<<<<< HEAD
##     Zc.fit <- switch(method,
##                      both=fit.both(Zc[abs(Z)<qnorm(0.4,lower.tail=FALSE)]),
##                      means=fit.both(Zc[abs(Z)<qnorm(0.4,lower.tail=FALSE)]),
##                      vars=fit.vars(Zc[abs(Z)<qnorm(0.4,lower.tail=FALSE)]),
##                      unif=NA)
##     ## empirical cdf of pc assuming p>0.8 all H0(x) 
    pc.ecdf <- ecdf(pc[p>0.8])

    ## lf <- locfdr(qnorm(x/2,lower.tail=FALSE) * sample(c(-1,1),n,replace=TRUE),nulltype=0)

    ## lf=lfdr(p)
    ## wpc.ecdf <- wecdf(pc,lf)
    data <- data.frame(x=p,y=pc,
                       ## y2=wpc.ecdf,
    ## pc2 <- pnorm(abs(Zc),Zc.fit["mu"],sd=sqrt(Zc.fit["sigma2"]),lower.tail=FALSE)*2
    ## data <- if(method=="unif") {
    ##             data.frame(x=p,y=pc,y2=pc,pp=pp)
    ##         } else {
    ##             data.frame(x=p,y=pc,y2=pc*Zc.fit["pi0"]+pc2*(1-Zc.fit["pi0"]),pp=pp)
    ##         }
## =======
##     Zc.fit <- fit.both(Zc[abs(Z)<qnorm(0.4,lower.tail=FALSE)]) # p value > 0.8
##     q <- qnorm(pc/2)
##     pc2 <- pnorm(q,Zc.fit["mu"],sd=sqrt(Zc.fit["sigma2"]))*2
##     data <- data.frame(x=p,y=pc,y1=pc*Zc.fit["pi0"],y2=pc2*(1-Zc.fit["pi0"]),pp=pp)
## >>>>>>> f5ad236c4d30b49bf9bca0a33bc8087ebc743ec5
     if(do.optimise) {
            stop("can only optimise to a single alpha")
        o <- optimise(cFDR.tune, data=data, ..., alpha.target=alpha, interval=alpha*c(0.00001,1),tol=eps)
        return(list(alpha=o$minimum, est.cFDR=alpha, cFDR=pp))
    est.cFDR <- sapply(alpha, cFDR.tune, data=data,...)
    list(alpha=alpha, est.cFDR=est.cFDR, cFDR=data$pp)

##' Estimate overal FDR for the cFDR procedure at a given alpha
##' @title cFDR.tune
##' @param alpha.current alpha to assess
##' @param p p values corresponding to test statistics
##' @param pc p values corresponding to conditional test statistics
##' @param pp local FDR calculated by FDR function for p
##' @param alpha.target optional (default 0). If set, will return the
##'     absolute difference between the estimated FDR and alpha.  Used
##'     if you want to optimise alpha to a pre-specified overall FDR
##'     control
##' @param method method for estimating overall FDR in a set of
##'     overlapping rectangles given known FDR control in each.
##'     default is liley.area, which is the published method - the
##'     others are purely experimental and shouldn't be used.
##' @export
##' @return absolute difference between estimated overall FDR control
##'     and alpha.target
##' @author Chris Wallace
cFDR.tune <- function(alpha.current=alpha.target, data, alpha.target=0.05,
                      method=c("liley.area","constant.density","liley.number","unadjusted")) {
    #method <- match.arg(method)
                                        #    message(method,"\t",alpha.current)
    reject <- data$pp<=alpha.current #& p<=p.max
    nL <- sum(reject)
    allM <- data[reject,,drop=FALSE]
    wh <- which.max(allM$y * allM$x)
## <<<<<<< HEAD
    ## aM <- allM$x[wh] * allM$y2[wh] # (allM$y1[wh] + allM$y2[wh])
## =======
    aM <- allM$x[wh] * allM$y # (allM$y1[wh] + allM$y2[wh])
## >>>>>>> f5ad236c4d30b49bf9bca0a33bc8087ebc743ec5
    alphaM <- allM$pp[wh]
    Mrect <- findrects(allM)
    Mrect$A <- getA(Mrect)
    aL <- sum(Mrect$A)
    ## biggestM <- which.max(allM[,3])
    ## x <- allM[biggestM,1]
    ## y <- allM[biggestM,2]
    ## nM <- sum(p<x & pc < y)
    ## lower.poly <- Mpoly(allM,upper=FALSE)
    ## upper.poly <- Mpoly(allM,upper=TRUE)
    ## Zc.fit <- fit.em(Zc[abs(Z)<qnorm(0.4,lower.tail=FALSE)]) # p value > 0.8
    alpha.obs <- ## switch(method,
                 ##        unadjusted=alpha.current,
                        ## liley.area=
    ## alphaM *
    alpha.current * aL/aM#, #areaLoverM(allM),
                        ## liley.number=alpha.current * nL/nM,
                        ## ## constant.density = alpha.current * nM * areaLoverM(allM) / nL,
                        ## conservative=1-(1-alpha.current)*nM/nL)
    abs(alpha.obs - alpha.target)

###' Calculate cFDR given vectors of *independent* test and conditional Z scores
##' @title cFDR
##' @inheritParams FDR.assess
##' @inheritParams cFDR.assess
##' @param eps tolerance for FDR control to alpha
##' @param alpha vector of thresholds. overall cFDR will be assessed
##'     if all tests with cFDR<alpha were rejected
##' @param do.optimise logical, default FALSE. if true, and a single
##'     value of alpha is supplied, the rejection threshold will be
##'     optimised to control the overall FDR at alpha.
##' @param ... other arguments passed to cFDR.tune
##' @return a named list with three components.  alpha is the
##'     threshold for rejection, est.cFDR is the estimated FDR at this
##'     threshold, cFDR is a vector of conditional FDRs in rectangles
##'     defined the corresponding absolute Z and Zc values.
##' @author Chris Wallace
cFDR2 <- function(Z1,Z2,Zc1,Zc2,eps=0.01,alpha=seq(0.01,0.1,by=0.005),do.optimise=FALSE,...) {
    pc1 <- 2*pnorm(abs(Zc1),lower.tail=FALSE)
    pc2 <- 2*pnorm(abs(Zc2),lower.tail=FALSE)
    ## pp2 <- p2 / cecdf(p2,pc2)
    return(p1 * p2 / cecdf2(p1,p2,pc1,pc2))
    ## if(do.optimise) { ## NB this is a shortcut - should optimise product of cFDRs to alpha, not each to sqrt(alpha)
    ##     if(length(alpha)>1)
    ##         stop("can only optimise to a single alpha")
    ##     o1 <- optimise(cFDR.tune, p=p1, pc=pc1, pp=pp1, ..., alpha.target=sqrt(alpha), interval=sqrt(alpha)*c(0.001,1),tol=eps)
    ##     o2 <- optimise(cFDR.tune, p=p2, pc=pc2, pp=pp2, ..., alpha.target=sqrt(alpha), interval=sqrt(alpha)*c(0.001,1),tol=eps)
    ##     return(list(alpha=o1$minimum*o2$minimum, est.cFDR=alpha, cFDR=pp1*pp2))
    ## }
    ## est.cFDR1 <- sapply(sqrt(alpha), cFDR.tune, p=p1, pc=pc1, pp=pp1,...)
    ## est.cFDR2 <- sapply(sqrt(alpha), cFDR.tune, p=p2, pc=pc2, pp=pp2,...)
    ## list(alpha=alpha, est.cFDR=est.cFDR1*est.cFDR2, cFDR=pp1*pp2)

##' Assess power and FDR control for the *independent* cFDR procedure for simulated
##' data where it is known whether each Z score corresponds to the
##' null or alternative hypothesis
##' @title cFDR
##' @inheritParams FDR.assess
##' @param Zc vector of Z scores for the conditional tests
##' @param ... other arguments passed to cFDR
##' @export
##' @return named vector of requested alpha, estimated alpha, power, fdr
##' @author Chris Wallace
cFDR.assess <- function(Z,Zc,alt,alpha,Z2=NULL,Zc2=NULL,...) {
    result <- if(is.null(Z2)) {
              } else {
    reject <- result$cFDR < result$alpha 
    power=if(any(alt)) { mean(reject[ alt ]) } else { 0 }

##' Calculate cFDR given vectors of *dependent* test and conditional Z scores
##' @title depcFDR
##' @inheritParams FDR.assess
##' @param rho correlation between Z and Zc under the null hypothesis
##' @param ... other arguments passed to cFDR.tune
##' @return a named list with three components.  alpha is the
##'     threshold for rejection, est.cFDR is the estimated FDR at this
##'     threshold, cFDR is a vector of conditional FDRs in rectangles
##'     defined the corresponding absolute Z and Zc values.
##' @author Chris Wallace
depcFDR <- function(Z,Zc,rho,mu=0,muc,eps=0.01,p.max=0.1,alpha=seq(0.01,0.1,by=0.005),do.optimise=FALSE,...) {
    pc <- 2*pnorm(abs(Zc),lower.tail=FALSE)
    upper <- rbind(-abs(Z),-abs(Zc))
    lower <- -upper
    sigma <- matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1),2)
    skip <- p>p.max
    ## microbenchmark(numer <- 2 * sapply(1:ncol(upper), function(i) { pmvnorm(upper=upper[,i]) + pmvnorm(lower=lower[,i]) }),
    ##                {
    denom <- numer <- rep(1,length(p))
    if(length(mu)==1 & length(muc)==1) {
        MU <- matrix(c(mu,muc),ncol=length(p),nrow=2)
    } else {
        MU <- rbind(mu,muc)
    numer[!skip] <- sapply(which(!skip), function(i) {
        pmvnorm(upper=upper[,i],sigma=sigma,mean=MU[,i]) +
        pmvnorm(lower=lower[,i],sigma=sigma,mean=MU[,i]) +
        pmvnorm(lower=c(-Inf,lower[2,i]), upper=c(upper[1,i],Inf),sigma=sigma,mean=MU[,i]) +
        pmvnorm(lower=c(lower[1,i],-Inf), upper=c(Inf,upper[2,i]),sigma=sigma,mean=MU[,i]) })## },
    denom[!skip] <- sapply(which(!skip), function(i) {
        pnorm(upper[2,i],mean=MU[2,i]) +
        pnorm(lower[2,i],mean=MU[2,i],lower.tail=FALSE) })
    ## times=10)
    pp <- numer / (denom * cecdf(p,pc))
    ## if(do.optimise) {
    ##     if(length(alpha)>1)
    ##         stop("can only optimise to a single alpha")
    ##     o <- optimise(cFDR.tune, p=p, pc=pc, pp=pp, ..., alpha.target=alpha, interval=alpha*c(0.001,1),tol=eps)
    ##     return(list(alpha=o$minimum, est.cFDR=alpha, cFDR=pp))
    ## }
    ## est.cFDR <- sapply(alpha, cFDR.tune, p=p, pc=pc, pp=pp,...)
    list(alpha=alpha, ## est.cFDR=est.cFDR, 

poly2rect <- function(p) {
    x <- p$bdry[[1]]$x
    y <- p$bdry[[1]]$y
    n <- length(x)
    xr <- x[seq(1,n-1,by=2)]
    yr <- y[seq(2,n,by=2)]
Mpoly <- function(M,upper=FALSE) {
    biggestM <- which.max(M[,3])
    x <- M[biggestM,1]
    y <- M[biggestM,2]
    use <- if(upper) { M[,1] <= x | M[,2] <= y } else { M[,1] >=x | M[,2] >= y }
    M <- M[use,,drop=FALSE]
    f <- if(upper) {
             function(i) owin(xrange=c(M[i,1],1), yrange=c(M[i,2], 1)) # check this
         } else {
             function(i) owin(xrange=c(0, M[i,1]), yrange=c(0, M[i,2]))
    polys <- lapply(1:nrow(M), f)

areaLoverM <- function(allM) {
    biggestM <- which.max(allM[,3])
        areaM <- allM[biggestM,3]
    x <- allM[biggestM,1]
    y <- allM[biggestM,2]
    allM <- allM[allM[,1]>=x | allM[,2] >=y,,drop=FALSE]
    polys <- lapply(1:nrow(allM), function(i) { owin(c(0, allM[i,1]), c(0, allM[i,2])) })
    merged.poly <- do.call("union.owin",polys)
    areaL <- area(merged.poly)
    if(areaL < areaM) # numerical inaccuracies
        areaL <- areaM
chr1swallace/cFDR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:18 p.m.