Man pages for chris-hsiung/bears01
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

assembleCas9DualgRNALibraryOligoFunction to facilitate assembly of oligo pool synthesis for...
calculate_quantilethrespercCalculate Quantile Threshold Percentages And Counts
clean_nameClean Name
copy_to_globalCopy Variables from One Environment to the Global Environment
countBlpIsum total occurrence of sites for a dsDNA sequence (input one...
countBsmBIsum total occurrence of sites for a dsDNA sequence (input one...
countBstXIsum total occurrence of sites for a dsDNA sequence (input one...
fasta2dfwrapper for seqinr::read.fasta
fasta2targetsitesBy Chris Hsiung 2022-02-15
flowjo2dfFunction to read csv file exported from flowjo. The original...
getBestCRISPickSpacersGet Best CRISPick Spacers. As written is currently intended...
getBothStrandsFASTAby Chris Hsiung, updated 2022-02-15
getCas9gRNAoligos_BstxIBlpIfor designing oligos to be cloned into BstxI/BlpI site (e.g....
getGammaScoreThis function calculates gamma from screen raw read counts
gethammingdistfunction for getting the hamming distance between 2 strings
getHumanBiomaRtwrapper for getting ensemblID association with gene symbols...
getLibraryOligoCas12a6plexgRNAFunction to assemble oligo for pooled synthesis for Cas12a...
getLibraryOligoCas12aDoublegRNAFunction to assemble oligo for pooled synthesis for Cas12a...
getLibraryOligoCas12aSinglegRNAFunction to assemble oligo for pooled synthesis for Cas12a...
getLibraryOligoCas12aTriplegRNAFunction to assemble oligo for pooled synthesis for Cas12a...
getOligosCas12a4plexgRNAVariantDR_BsmbIfor individually cloning Cas12a 4-plex spacer array into...
getOligosCas12a5plexgRNAVariantDR_BsmbIfor individually cloning Cas12a 5-plex spacer array into...
getOligosCas12a6plexgRNAVariantDR_BsmbIfor individually cloning Cas12a 6-plex spacer array into...
getOligosCas12aDualgRNA_BsmbIfor cloning double spacer into vector with BsmBI site (e.g....
getOligosCas12aSinglegRNA_BsmbIfor cloning single spacer into vector with BsmBI site...
getOligosCas12aTriplegRNALbDR_BsmbIfor individually cloning Cas12a triple spacer array using Lb...
getOligosCas12aTriplegRNAVariantAsDR_BsmbIfor individually cloning Cas12a triple spacer array into...
getReverseComplementWrapper for Biostring::reverseComplement()
getSpacersForGeneByRankfor given gene retrieve top rows corresponding to (number of...
getTargetSitesFunction to extract target sites for each sequence sequence...
plothalfviolin_withthresPlot Half Violin with Thresholds
plotscatter_withthresScatter Plot with Thresholds and Quadrant Statistics
plotsplitviolin_withthresPlot Split Violin with Thresholds
processFlowjoExportDirFunction to batch process .csv files (containing the...
propensityscore_multimatchPropensity Score Matching for Multiple Control Groups
proptestfordfProportion Test for Two Groups in a DataFrame
removeBadCRISPickSpacersFunction reads CRISPick results as data frame and remove...
RNAfold2dfFunction to parse the output from RNAfold 2.4.18 into data...
subsample_groupeddfSubsample a Data Frame
ttestfordft Test for Two Groups in a DataFrame
wilcoxtestfordfWilcoxon Test for Two Groups in a DataFrame
writedf2fastawrapper for seqinr::write.fasta that takes data frame as...
chris-hsiung/bears01 documentation built on April 9, 2024, 2:01 a.m.