
#' Main function. Run all save sub-routines for one LiPD record
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @param d Metadata
#' @param name Name of current LiPD record
#' @return none
saveLipdFile <- function(d, name){
    # verify name format
    name <- verifyOutputFilename(name)
    # Create the folder hierarchy for Bagit
    # Make the tmp folder and move into it
    initial.dir <- getwd()
    tmp <- createTmpDir()
    if (!dir.exists(tmp)){
    # Remove the lipd dir if it already exists
    if (dir.exists(name)){
      unlink(name, recursive=TRUE)
    # Create a lipd dir
    dir.create(name, showWarnings=FALSE)
    lipd.dir <- file.path(tmp, name)
    # Need an extra (identical) level for zipping later.
    dir.create(name, showWarnings=FALSE)
    lipd2.dir <- file.path(tmp,name,name)

    # reverse columns to index by number
    d <- indexByNumberSave(d)
    # collect all csv data into an organized list
    all.data <- collectCsvs(name, d)
    # clean csv
    all.data[["csv"]] <- cleanCsv(all.data[["csv"]])
    # use the organized list to write out all csv files
    csv.success <- writeCsvs(all.data[["csv"]])
    # only continue if csv files were written
    if (csv.success){
      # remove all empty objs and null values
      j <- removeEmptyRec(all.data[["metadata"]])
      j <- confirmLipdVersion(j)
      # turn data structure into json
      j <- jsonlite::toJSON(j, pretty=TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE)
      # filename.lpd
      lpd.jsonld <- paste0(name, ".jsonld")
      # write json to file
      write(j, file=lpd.jsonld)
      # move up to lipd dir level
      # bag the lipd directory
      # lipd directory is lipd name without extension
      bag.success <- bagit(lipd2.dir, initial.dir)
      # if bagit success, zip the lipd.dir. if bagit failed, zip lipd.dir2
      if (bag.success){
        zipper(lipd.dir, tmp)
      } else if (!bag.success){
        zipper(lipd.dir2, lipd.dir)
      # rename the file
      name.zip <- paste0(name, ".zip")
      name.lpd <- paste0(name, ".lpd")
      if (file.exists(name.zip)){
        file.rename(name.zip, name.lpd)
      # move file to initial directory
        file.copy(name.lpd, initial.dir, overwrite=TRUE)
    } # end csv.success
  }, error=function(cond){
    print(paste0("error save_lipds_file: ", cond))

  # remove the tmp folder and contents
  unlink(tmp, recursive=TRUE)

  # return back to the initial directory

chrismheiser/lipdR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:55 p.m.