
Defines functions run_swatplus

Documented in run_swatplus

#' Run SWAT+
#' This function allows to run a SWAT+ project in R. Basic
#' settings for the SWAT run such as the simulation period or the time interval
#' for the outputs can be done directly. SWAT simulation outputs can be
#' defined that are returned in a 'tidy' format in R. Functionality such as model
#' parametrization, parallel execution of simulations, or incremental saving of
#' simulation runs is provided.
#' @param project_path  Character string that provides the path to the SWAT project
#'   folder (i.e. TxtInOut).
#' @param output Define the output variables to extract from the SWAT model
#'   runs. See function \code{\link{define_output}} help file to see how to
#'   define simulation outputs.
#' @param parameter (optional) SWAT model parameters either provided as named
#'   vector or a tibble. The parameter changes provided with \code{parameter}
#'   are performed during the model execution accordingly. To learn how to
#'   modify parameters see the \href{https://chrisschuerz.github.io/SWATplusR/articles/SWATplusR.html}{Get started} page of \code{SWATplusR}.
#' @param start_date (optional) Start date of the SWAT simulation. Provided as
#'   character string in any ymd format (e.g. 'yyyy-mm-dd'), numeric value
#'   in the form yyyymmdd, or in Date format.
#' @param end_date (optional) End date of the SWAT simulation. Provided as
#'   character string in any ymd format (e.g. 'yyyy-mm-dd'), numeric value
#'   in the form yyyymmdd, or in Date format.
#' @param years_skip (optional) Integer value to define the number of simulation
#'   years that are skipped before writing SWAT model outputs.
#' @param start_date_print (optional) Start date for printing of the simulation
#'   outputs. \code{start_date_print} overrules \code{years_skip}. Provided
#'   as character string in any ymd format (e.g. 'yyyy-mm-dd'), numeric value
#'   in the form yyyymmdd, or in Date format.
#' @param run_index (optional) Numeric vector (e.g.\code{run_index = c(1:100,
#'   110, 115)}) to run a subset of the provided \code{parameter} sets. If NULL
#'   all provided parameter sets are used in the simulation.
#' @param run_path (optional) Character string that provides the path where the
#'   '.model_run' folder is written and the SWAT models are executed. If NULL
#'   '.model_run' is built in the project folder.
#' @param n_thread (optional) Number of threads to be used for the parallel
#'   model run. If not provided models are run on single core. The parameter is
#'   ineffective for single simulations.
#' @param save_path (optional) Character string to define the path where the
#'   model runs are saved if \code{save_file} is defined. If \code{save_path = NULL}
#'   the \code{save_file} is saved in the project_path.
#' @param save_file (optional) Character string to define the name of the folder
#'   where data bases are generated that store the simulations incrementally.
#' @param return_output (optional) Logical. Whether outputs should be returned
#'   or not. Set \code{return_out = FALSE} and provide \code{save_file} if
#'   outputs should only be saved on the hard drive and not be returned in R.
#'   '\code{Default = TRUE}
#' @param add_date (optional) Logical. If \code{add_date = TRUE} a date column
#'   is added to every simulation output table.  \code{Default = TRUE}
#' @param add_parameter (optional) Logical. If \code{add_parameter = TRUE}, the
#'   values of the parameter changes and information on the changes are saved
#'   and/or returned together with the model outputs. \code{Default = TRUE}
#' @param refresh (optional) Logical. \code{refresh = TRUE} always forces that
#'   '.model_run' is newly written when SWAT run ins started. \code{Default =
#'   TRUE}
#' @param keep_folder (optional) Logical. If \code{keep_folder = TRUE}
#'   '.model_run' is kept and not deleted after finishing model runs. In this
#'   case '.model_run' is reused in a new model run if \code{refresh = FALSE}.
#'   \code{Default = FALSE}
#' @param quiet (optional) Logical. If \code{quiet = TRUE} no messages are
#'   written.  \code{Default = FALSE}
#' @param revision (optional) Numeric. If \code{revision} is defined
#'   \code{run_swatplus()} uses the input revision number (e.g. \code{revision = 59.3}.
#'   Otherwise the revision number is acquired from the SWAT executable.
#' @param time_out (optional) Numeric. Timeout for simulation in seconds.
#'   Simulations may get stuck due to specific parameter combinations. A timeout
#'   kills any simulation if the runtime exceeds the set time in seconds.
#'   Be careful with this setting as a timeout set too short will also kill
#'   all potentially sucessful runs before finishing.
#' @section Examples:
#'   To learn the basics on how to use \code{SWATplusR} see the
#'   \href{https://chrisschuerz.github.io/SWATplusR/articles/SWATplusR.html#first-swat-model-runs}{Get started}
#'   page on the package's github page.
#' @return Returns the simulation results for the defined output variables as a
#'   tibble. If more than one parameter set was provided a list of tibbles is
#'   returned where each column is a model run and each list entry is an output
#'   variable.
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom doSNOW registerDoSNOW
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom lubridate now
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores makeCluster parSapply stopCluster
#' @importFrom processx run
#' @importFrom purrr map map_if map_lgl
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom tibble tibble as_tibble
#' @export
run_swatplus <- function(project_path, output, parameter = NULL,
                         start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL,
                         years_skip = NULL, start_date_print = NULL,
                         run_index = NULL, run_path = NULL,
                         n_thread = NULL, save_path = NULL,
                         save_file = NULL, return_output = TRUE,
                         add_parameter = TRUE, add_date = TRUE,
                         refresh = TRUE, keep_folder = FALSE,
                         quiet = FALSE, revision = NULL,
                         time_out = Inf) {


  # Check input parameters for additional inputs
  # Not implemented currently, might be required if soft calibration is
  # implemented
  # add_input <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots=FALSE))[["..."]]

  # Check settings before starting to set up '.model_run'
  ## General function input checks

  ## Check if all parameter names exist in cal_parms.cal and plants.plt
  if(!is.null(parameter)) {
    parameter <- format_swatplus_parameter(parameter)
    check_swatplus_parameter(project_path, parameter)
    unit_cons <- read_unit_conditions(project_path, parameter)
  ## Read the plants.plt data base if plant parameters should be adjusted.
    if('pdb' %in% parameter$definition$file_name) {
      parameter$plants_plt <-
        as_tibble(fread(paste0(project_path, '/plants.plt'),skip = 1))

    # here would also be clever to implement parameter boundary checkup keep
    # parameter boundary file in R package and write to project folder when it
    # does not exist. Otherwise read boundary file from there and do check! Jeff
    # provides some workaround in SWAT+ internally (automatic setting to
    # lower/upper boundary)
  ## Check values provided with run_index and prepare run_index for simulation
    run_index <- check_run_index(run_index, parameter$values)
  } else {
    run_index <- 1:max(nrow(parameter$values), 1)

  ## Set the .model_run folder as the run_path
  if (is.null(run_path)) {
    run_path <- paste0(project_path, '/.model_run')
  } else {
    run_path <- paste0(run_path, '/.model_run')

  ## Convert output to named list in case single unnamed output was defined
  output <- prepare_output_definition(output, "plus", project_path)

  ## Read and modify the projects' files defining simulation period years to
  ## skip, interval, etc.
  model_setup <- setup_swatplus(project_path, parameter, output,
                                start_date, end_date, start_date_print,
                                years_skip, unit_cons)

  run_info <- initialize_run_info(model_setup, output, project_path, run_path)

  # Check if weather inputs accord with start and end date
  check_dates(project_path, model_setup)

  ## Define save_path and check if planned simulations already exist in save file
  if(!is.null(save_file)) {
    save_path <- set_save_path(project_path, save_path, save_file)
    run_info <- initialize_save_file(save_path, parameter, run_info, run_index)

  # Build folder structure where the model will be executed
  ## Identify the required number of parallel threads to build.
  n_thread <- min(max(nrow(parameter$values),1),

  ## Identify operating system and find the SWAT executable in the project folder
  os <- get_os()

  ## Manage the handling of the '.model_run' folder structure.
  swat_exe <- manage_model_run(project_path, run_path, n_thread, os,
                               "plus", refresh, quiet)
    revision <- check_revision(project_path, run_path, os, swat_exe)
  # cat("SWAT revision is ",swat_rev,"\n")
  # output <- translate_outfile_names(output, model_setup$output_interval, revision)
  # Write files
  ## Write model setup: Files that define the time range etc. of the SWAT
  ## simulation
  write_swatplus_setup(run_path, model_setup)

  # Initiate foreach loop to run SWAT models
  ## make and register cluster, create table that links the parallel worker
  ## with the created parallel thread folders in '.model_run'
  cl <- makeCluster(n_thread)
  worker <- tibble(worker_id = parSapply(cl, 1:n_thread,
                                         function(x) paste(Sys.info()[['nodename']],
                                                           Sys.getpid(), sep = "-")),
                   thread_id = dir(run_path) %>% .[grepl("thread_",.)])

  # Start parallel SWAT model execution with foreach

  ## If not quiet a function for displaying the simulation progress is generated
  ## and provided to foreach via the SNOW options
  n_run <- length(run_index)
  t0 <- now()

  if(!quiet) {
    cat("Performing", n_run, "simulation"%&%plural(n_run),"on", n_thread,
        "core"%&%plural(n_thread)%&%":", "\n")
    progress <- function(n){
      display_progress(n, n_run, t0, "Simulation")
    opts <- list(progress = progress)
  } else {
    opts <- list()

  sim_result <- foreach(i_run = 1:n_run,
   .packages = c("dplyr", "lubridate", "processx", "stringr"),
   .options.snow = opts) %dopar% {
    # for(i_run in 1:max(nrow(parameter), 1)) {
    ## Identify worker of the parallel process and link it with respective thread
    worker_id <- paste(Sys.info()[['nodename']], Sys.getpid(), sep = "-")
    thread_id <- worker[worker$worker_id == worker_id, 2][[1]]
    thread_path <- run_path%//%thread_id
    # thread_path <- run_path%//%"thread_1"

        ## Modify model parameters if parameter set was provided and write
    ## calibration file. If no parameters provided write empty calibration file
    if(is.null(parameter)) {
      if(file.exists(thread_path%//%"calibration.cal")) {
    } else {
      write_calibration(thread_path, parameter, model_setup$calibration.cal,
                        run_index, i_run)
      # parameter <- parameter[c('values', 'definition')]

    ## Execute the SWAT exe file located in the thread folder
    msg <- run(run_os(swat_exe, os), wd = thread_path,
               error_on_status = FALSE, timeout = time_out)

    if(msg$timeout) {
      out_msg <- str_split(msg$stdout, '\r\n|\r|\n', simplify = TRUE) %>%
        .[max(1, length(.) - 10):length(.)]
      err_msg <- c('Error:', paste0('Simulation timed out after ', time_out, ' sec'),
                   'Simulation run:', out_msg)
      model_output <- err_msg
      if(!is.null(save_path)) {
        save_error_log(save_path, model_output, parameter, run_index, i_run)
        # update_run_log(save_path, run_index[i_run], 'time_out')
    } else if(nchar(msg$stderr) == 0) {
      model_output <- read_swatplus_output(output, thread_path, add_date, revision)

      if(!is.null(save_path)) {
        save_run(save_path, model_output, parameter, run_index, i_run, thread_id)
        # update_run_log(save_path, run_index[i_run], 'finished')
    } else {
      out_msg <- str_split(msg$stdout, '\r\n|\r|\n', simplify = TRUE) %>%
        .[max(1, length(.) - 10):length(.)]
      err_msg <- str_split(msg$stderr, '\r\n|\r|\n', simplify = TRUE)
      err_msg <- c('Last output:', out_msg, 'Error:', err_msg)
      model_output <- err_msg
      if(!is.null(save_path)) {
        save_error_log(save_path, model_output, parameter, run_index, i_run)
        # update_run_log(save_path, run_index[i_run], 'error')

    if(return_output) {

  ## Stop cluster after parallel run

  ## Show total runs and elapsed time in console if not quiet
  if(!quiet) {
    finish_progress(n_run, t0, "simulation")

  n_digit <- get_digit(parameter$values)
  sim_result <- set_names(sim_result,
                          "run"%_%sprintf("%0"%&%n_digit%&%"d", run_index))

  run_info <- add_run_info(run_info, sim_result, run_index)

  if(!is.null(save_file)) {
    update_sim_log(save_path, run_info)

  ## Delete the parallel threads if keep_folder is not TRUE
  if(!keep_folder) unlink(run_path, recursive = TRUE)

  if("error_report" %in% names(sim_result)) {
    warning("Some simulations runs failed! Check '.$error_report' in your",
            " simulation results for further information.")
  ##Tidy up results if return_output is TRUE
  if(return_output) {
    output_list <- list()

    if(add_parameter) {
      output_list$parameter <- parameter[c('values', 'definition')]
    output_list$simulation <- tidy_simulations(sim_result)
    output_list$error_report <- prepare_error_report(sim_result)
    output_list$run_info <- run_info
    ## ...and return simulation results if return_output is TRUE
chrisschuerz/SWATplusR documentation built on Feb. 18, 2024, 6:56 p.m.