
Defines functions landscape.freq.locnames landscape.make.genpop landscape.sample.stages landscape.sample.pops landscape.sample

# Landscape (l) locus names
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom rmetasim landscape.ploidy landscape.locus landscape.democol
landscape.freq.locnames <- function(l) {
  num.loc <- length(landscape.ploidy(l))
  namevec <- NULL
  for (loc in 1:num.loc) {
    genos <- landscape.locus(l, loc)[, -1:-landscape.democol()]
    loc.names <- paste(loc, names(table(unlist(genos))), sep = ".")
    # not a fast construct, I know.  But re member Knuth "early optimization is the root of all
    namevec <- c(namevec,paste("L", loc.names, sep = ''))

# Create genpop object from landscape (l)
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom adegenet genind2genpop
landscape.make.genpop <- function(l) {

# Sample stages from a landscape - duplicates
#' @keywords internal
landscape.sample.stages <- function(Rland, ns = NULL, svec = NULL) {
  if(is.null(svec)) {
  } else { #there are stages to check out
    stgs <- 0:((Rland$intparam$stages * Rland$intparam$habitats)-1)
    if(sum(!(svec %in% stgs)) > 0) {
      stop("you have specified demographic stages that do no occur in this landscape")
    Rland$individuals <- Rland$individuals[Rland$individuals[, 1] %in% svec, ]
    if(!is.null(ns)) {
      for(s in svec) {
        inds <- Rland$individuals[Rland$individuals[, 1] == s, ]
        Rland$individuals <-  Rland$individuals[Rland$individuals[, 1] != s, ]
        inddim <- dim(inds)[1]
        if(inddim > 0) {
          Rland$individuals <- if (inddim < ns) {
            rbind(Rland$individuals, inds)
          } else {
            rbind(Rland$individuals, inds[sample(1:inddim, ns, replace = F), ])
          ord <- order(Rland$individuals[, 1], Rland$individuals[, 4])
          Rland$individuals <- Rland$individuals[ord, ]

# Sample populations from a landscape
#' @keywords internal
landscape.sample.pops <- function(Rland, ns = NULL, pvec = NULL) {
  if (is.null(pvec)) {
  } else { #there are pops
    pops <- 1:Rland$intparam$habitats
    if(sum(!(pvec %in% pops)) > 0) {
      stop ("you have specified populations that can not occur in this landscape")
    Rland$individuals <- Rland$individuals[landscape.populations(Rland) %in% pvec, ]
    if(!is.null(ns)) {
      for(p in pvec) {
        inds <- Rland$individuals[landscape.populations(Rland) == p, ]
        Rland$individuals <-Rland$individuals[landscape.populations(Rland) != p, ]
        inddim <- dim(inds)[1]
        Rland$individuals <- if (inddim < ns) {
          rbind(Rland$individuals, inds)
        } else {
          rbind(Rland$individuals, inds[sample(1:inddim, ns, replace = F), ])
      ord <- order(Rland$individuals[, 1], Rland$individuals[, 4])
      Rland$individuals <- Rland$individuals[ord, ]

landscape.sample <- function(Rland, np = NULL, ns = NULL, pvec = NULL, svec = NULL) {
  if((!is.null(svec)) & (!is.null(pvec))) {
    stop ("either pvec or svec should be specified, not both")

  if((!is.null(np)) | (!is.null(pvec))) {
    if(is.null(pvec)) {
      if(Rland$intparam$habitats < np) {
        stop("can't sample more populations than exist in landscape")
      pvec <- sample(1:Rland$intparam$habitats, np, F)
    } else {
      pvec <- unique(pvec)
    if((!is.null(np)) & (!is.null(pvec))) {
      if(np != length(pvec)) {
        stop("if you specify both np and pvec, the length of pvec has to equal np")
    landscape.sample.pops(Rland, ns = ns, pvec = pvec)
  } else if(!is.null(svec)) {
    landscape.sample.stages(Rland, ns = ns, svec = svec)
  } else if(!is.null(ns)) {
    landscape.sample.pops(Rland, ns = ns, pvec = 1:Rland$intparam$habitats)
  } else Rland
christianparobek/skeleSim documentation built on Feb. 29, 2020, 6:58 p.m.