
Defines functions import_tramo import_fortran parse_fortran_format x11_to_fortran import.ts rem_defaults_from_args expand_spclist_to_args rem_quotes start_date_x13_to_ts ext_ser_call print.import.spc import.spc

Documented in import.spc import.ts print.import.spc

#' Import X-13 `.spc` Files
#' Utility function to import `.spc` files from X-13. It generates a list
#' of calls to `seas` (and  `import.ts`) that can be run in R.
#' Evaluating these calls should perform the same X-13 procedure as the original
#' `.spc` file. The `print` method displays the calls in a way that
#' they can be copy-pasted into an R script.
#' @param file   character, path to the X-13 `.spc` file
#' @param text   character, alternatively, the content of a `.spc` file as a character string.
#' @return returns an object of class `import.spc`, which is a list with the following (optional) objects of class `call`:
#'   \item{x}{the call to retrieve the data for the input series}
#'   \item{xtrans}{the call to retrieve the data for the `xtrans` series (if required by the call)}
#'   \item{xreg}{the call to retrieve the data for the `xreg` series (if required by the call)}
#'   \item{seas}{the call to [seas()]}
#' @export
#' @seealso [import.ts()], for importing X-13 data files.
#' @seealso [seas()] for the main function of seasonal.
#' @examples
#' # importing the orginal X-13 example file
#' import.spc(text =
#' '
#'   series{
#'     title="International Airline Passengers Data from Box and Jenkins"
#'     start=1949.01
#'     data=(
#'     112 118 132 129 121 135 148 148 136 119 104 118
#'     115 126 141 135 125 149 170 170 158 133 114 140
#'     145 150 178 163 172 178 199 199 184 162 146 166
#'     171 180 193 181 183 218 230 242 209 191 172 194
#'     196 196 236 235 229 243 264 272 237 211 180 201
#'     204 188 235 227 234 264 302 293 259 229 203 229
#'     242 233 267 269 270 315 364 347 312 274 237 278
#'     284 277 317 313 318 374 413 405 355 306 271 306
#'     315 301 356 348 355 422 465 467 404 347 305 336
#'     340 318 362 348 363 435 491 505 404 359 310 337
#'     360 342 406 396 420 472 548 559 463 407 362 405
#'     417 391 419 461 472 535 622 606 508 461 390 432)
#'     span=(1952.01, )
#'   }
#'   spectrum{
#'     savelog=peaks
#'   }
#'   transform{
#'     function=auto
#'     savelog=autotransform
#'   }
#'   regression{
#'     aictest=(td easter)
#'     savelog=aictest
#'   }
#'   automdl{
#'     savelog=automodel
#'   }
#'   outlier{ }
#'   x11{}
#' '
#' )
#' \donttest{
#' ### reading .spc with multiple user regression and transformation series
#' # running a complex seas call and save output in a temporary directory
#' tdir <- tempdir()
#' seas(x = AirPassengers, xreg = cbind(a = genhol(cny, start = 1, end = 4,
#'     center = "calendar"), b = genhol(cny, start = -3, end = 0,
#'     center = "calendar")), xtrans = cbind(sqrt(AirPassengers), AirPassengers^3),
#'     transform.function = "log", transform.type = "temporary",
#'     regression.aictest = "td", regression.usertype = "holiday", dir = tdir,
#'     out = TRUE)
#' # importing the .spc file from the temporary location
#' ll <- import.spc(file.path(tdir, "iofile.spc"))
#' # ll is list containing four calls:
#' # - 'll$x', 'll$xreg' and 'll$xtrans': calls to import.ts(), which read the
#' #   series from the X-13 data files
#' # - 'll$seas': a call to seas() which performs the seasonal adjustment in R
#' str(ll)
#' # to replicate the original X-13 operation, run all four calls in a series.
#' # You can either copy/paste and run the print() output:
#' ll
#' # or use eval() to evaluate the call(s). To evaluate the first call and
#' # import the x variable:
#' eval(ll$x)
#' # to run all four calls in 'll', use lapply() and eval():
#' ee <- lapply(ll, eval, envir = globalenv())
#' ee$seas  # the 'seas' object, produced by the final call to seas()
#' }
import.spc <- function(file, text = NULL){

  z <- list()

  if (is.null(text)){
    text <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE)
  } else {
    stopifnot(inherits(text, "character"))
    text <- paste(text, collapse = "\n")
    stopifnot(length(text) == 1)
    text <- strsplit(text, split = "\n")[[1]]
  text <- gsub("\\\\", "/", text)  # window file names to unix
  text <- gsub("#.*$", "", text) # remove comments

  # keep everything lowercase, except filenames
  pp.cap <- parse_spc(text)
  pp <- parse_spc(tolower(text))
  pp[['series']][['file']] <- pp.cap[['series']][['file']]
  pp[['transform']][['file']] <- pp.cap[['transform']][['file']]
  pp[['regression']][['file']] <- pp.cap[['regression']][['file']]

  xstr <- ext_ser_call(pp$series, "x")
  xregstr <- ext_ser_call(pp$regression, "xreg")
  xtransstr <- ext_ser_call(pp$transform, "xtrans")

  # clean args that are produced by seas
  pp[c("series", "regression", "transform")] <- lapply(pp[c("series", "regression", "transform")], function(spc) spc[!names(spc) %in% c("file", "data", "start", "name", "title", "format", "period", "user")])

  if (identical(pp$series, structure(list(), .Names = character(0)))){
    pp$series <- NULL

  # construct the main call
  ep <- expand_spclist_to_args(pp)
  ep <- rem_defaults_from_args(ep)

  # prettyfy non-standard arima models
  if (!is.null(ep$arima.model)){
    ep$arima.model <- gsub(" *, *", " ", ep$arima.model)
    ep$arima.model <- gsub("\\( ", "(", ep$arima.model)
    ep$arima.model <- gsub(" \\)", ")", ep$arima.model)

  # add xtrans, xreg and x as series
  if (!is.null(xtransstr)) ep <- c(list(xtrans = quote(xtrans)), ep)
  if (!is.null(xregstr)) ep <- c(list(xreg = quote(xreg)), ep)
  ep <- c(list(x = quote(x)), ep)

  z$x <- if (!is.null(xstr)) parse(text = xstr)[[1]]
  z$xtrans <- if (!is.null(xtransstr)) parse(text = xtransstr)[[1]]
  z$xreg <- if (!is.null(xregstr)) parse(text = xregstr)[[1]]

  z$seas <- as.call(c(quote(seas), ep))

  class(z) <- "import.spc"


#' @export
#' @rdname import.spc
#' @method print import.spc
#' @param x    object of class `import.spc`
#' @param ... further arguments, not used
print.import.spc <- function(x, ...){

  inps <- x[!names(x) == "seas"]
  if (length(inps) > 0){
    cat("## import input series\n")
    lapply(x[!names(x) == "seas"], print)

  cat("## main call to 'seas'\n")

ext_ser_call <- function(spc, vname){
  if (is.null(spc)) return(NULL)
  # the default data format for X-13 is "free"
  fformat <- ifelse(is.null(spc$format), "free", spc$format)
  frm <- rem_quotes(fformat)

  # analyze series spec
  if ("data" %in% names(spc)){
    start <- start_date_x13_to_ts(spc$start)

    f <- if (is.null(spc$period)) 12 else spc$period

    xstr <- paste0(vname, " <- ts(",
                paste(deparse(spc$data, control = "all"), collapse = ""),
                ", start = ", deparse(start), ", frequency = ", f, ")")

  } else if ("file" %in% names(spc)){
    # fragment for name, for fortran and x11 series
    if (!is.null(spc$name)) {
      nm <- rem_quotes(spc$name)
      if (frm %in% c("cs", "cs2")){
        nm <- substr(nm, 1, 8)
      } else {
        nm <- substr(nm, 1, 8)
      nmstr <- paste0(', name = "', nm, '"')
    } else {
      nmstr <- ""

    if (frm == "datevalue"){
      xstr <- paste0(vname, ' <- import.ts(', spc$file, ')')
    } else if (frm %in% c("datevaluecomma", "x13save")){
      xstr <- paste0(vname, ' <- import.ts(', spc$file, ', format = "', frm, '")')
    } else if (frm %in% c("1r", "2r", "1l", "2l", "2l2", "cs", "cs2")){
      frequency <- if (is.null(spc$period)) 12 else spc$period
      xstr <- paste0(vname, ' <- import.ts(', spc$file, ', format = "', frm, '", frequency = ', frequency, nmstr, ')')
    } else {
      start <- start_date_x13_to_ts(spc$start)
      frequency <- if (is.null(spc$period)) 12 else spc$period
      xstr <- paste0(vname, ' <- import.ts(', spc$file, ', format = "', frm, '", start = ', deparse(start) , ', frequency = ', frequency, nmstr, ')')
  } else {



start_date_x13_to_ts <- function(x){
  sspl <- strsplit(as.character(x), "\\.")[[1]]
  s1 <- sspl[1]
  s2 <- sspl[2]

  if (s2 %in% tolower(month.abb)){
    s2 <- match(sspl[2], tolower(month.abb))
  as.numeric(c(s1, s2))

rem_quotes <- function(x){
  x <- gsub('"', '', x)
  gsub("'", "", x)

expand_spclist_to_args <- function(ll){
  # substitute empty names lists by ""
  ll[sapply(ll, identical, structure(list(), .Names = character(0)))] <- ""
  do.call("c", ll)

rem_defaults_from_args <- function(x) {
  z <- x

  # default arguents
  e <- list(seats.noadmiss = "yes",
             transform.function = "auto",
             regression.aictest = c("td", "easter"),
             outlier = "",
             automdl = "")

  xe <- x[names(x) %in% names(e)]
  ex <- e[names(xe)]
  ne <- names(xe)[unlist(Map(identical, xe, ex))]
  z[ne] <- NULL

  # output defaults
  d <- list(transform.print = "aictransform",
             automdl.print = "bestfivemdl",
             estimate.save = c("model", "estimates", "residuals"),
             spectrum.print = "qs",
             x11.save = c("d10", "d11", "d12", "d13", "d16", "e18"),
             seats.save = c("s10", "s11", "s12", "s13", "s16", "s18")

  xd <- x[names(x) %in% names(d)]
  dx <- d[names(xd)]
  z[names(xd)] <- Map(setdiff, xd, dx)

  # remove 'NULL' entries produced by the routines above, but not the ones that
  # are explicitly specified in x

  is.zerolength <- lapply(z, length) == 0
  is.explicitnull <- vapply(x, is.null, TRUE)
  names.non.explicit.zero <- setdiff(names(is.zerolength)[is.zerolength],

  z[names(z) %in% names.non.explicit.zero] <- NULL

  # set these non-present specs to NULL
  if (!any(grepl("^automdl", names(x)))) {z['automdl'] <- list(NULL)}
  if (!any(grepl("^outlier", names(x)))) {z['outlier'] <- list(NULL)}
  if (!"regression.aictest" %in% names(x)) {z['regression.aictest'] <- list(NULL)}

  # make sure not to loose x11 with default save
  if (any(grepl("^x11", names(x))) & !any(grepl("^x11", names(z)))){
    z$x11 <- ""


#' Import Time Series from X-13 Data Files
#' Utility function to read time series from X-13 data files. A call to
#' `import.ts` is constructed and included in the output of
#' [import.spc()].
#' @param file character, name of the X-13 file which the data are to be read from
#' @param format a valid X-13 file format as described in 7.15 of the
#'  X-13 manual: `"datevalue"`, `"datevaluecomma"`, `"free"`,
#'  `"freecomma"`, `"x13save"`, `"tramo"` or an X-11 or Fortran format.
#' @param start vector of length 2, time of the first observation (only for
#'   formats `"free"` and `"freecomma"` and the Fortran formats.)
#' @param frequency  the number of observations per unit of time (only for
#'   formats `"free"`, `"freecomma"` and the X-11 or Fortran formats.)
#' @param name  (X-11 formats only) name of the series, to select from a
#'   file with multiple time series. Omit if you want to read all time series from an X-11 format file.
#' @export
#' @return an object of class `ts` or `mts`
#' @seealso [import.spc()], for importing X-13 `.spc` files.
#' @seealso [seas()] for the main function of seasonal.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' tdir <- tempdir()
#' seas(x = AirPassengers, dir = tdir)
#' import.ts(file.path(tdir, "iofile.dta"))
#' import.ts(file.path(tdir, "iofile.rsd"), format = "x13save")
#' }
import.ts <- function(file,
                    format = "datevalue",
                    start = NULL, frequency = NULL, name = NULL){


  if (format == "x13save"){
  if (format == "tramo"){
  if (format %in% c("1r", "2r", "1l", "2l", "2l2", "cs", "cs2")) {
    format <- x11_to_fortran(format, frequency)
    return(import_fortran(file = file, format = format, frequency = frequency, name = name))

  if (format %in% c("datevalue", "datevaluecomma", "free", "freecomma")){
    txt <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE)

    dec <- if (format %in% c("datevaluecomma", "freecomma")) "," else "."
    sep <- if (grepl("\\t", txt[2])) "\t" else " "

    txt <- gsub(" +", " ", txt)
    txt <- gsub("^ | $", "", txt)

    dta <- read.table(text = txt, sep = sep, dec = dec)

    if (format %in% c("datevalue", "datevaluecomma")){
      frequency <- length(unique(dta[, 2]))
      start <- c(as.matrix(dta[1, 1:2]))
      dta <- dta[,-c(1:2)]

  } else if (grepl("[\\(.+\\)]", format)){  # fortran format
    dta <- import_fortran(file = file, format = format, frequency = frequency, start = start, name = name)
  } else {
    stop("no valid format.")

  z <- ts(unname(dta), frequency = frequency, start = start)
  z <- na.omit(z)


x11_to_fortran <- function(x, frequency) {
  stopifnot(frequency %in% c(4, 12))
  stopifnot(x %in% c("1r", "2r", "1l", "2l", "2l2", "cs", "cs2"))
  p <- if (frequency == 4) "q" else "m"

  # x11fort <- data.frame(m = c("(12f6.0,i2,a6)",
  #                           "(6f12.0,/,6f12.0,i2,a6)",
  #                           "(a6,i2,12f6.0)",
  #                           "(a6,i2,6f12.0,/,8x,6f12.0)" ,
  #                           "(a8,i4,6f11.0,2x,/,12x,6f11.0,2x)",
  #                           "(a8,i2,10x,12e16.10,18x) ",
  #                           "(a8,i4,12x,12e16.10,14x)"),
  #                     q = c("(4(12x,f6.0),i2,a6)",
  #                           "(4f12.0,24x,i2,a6)",
  #                           "(a6,i2,4(12x,f6.0))",
  #                           "(a6,i2,4f12.0)",
  #                           "(a8,i4,4f11.0,2x)",
  #                           "(a8,i2,10x,12e16.10,18x)",
  #                           "(a8,i4,12x,12e16.10,14x)"),
  #                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  x11fort <- data.frame(m = c("(12f6.0,i2,a6)",
                            "(a6,i2,6f12.0,/,8x,6f12.0)" ,
                      q = c("(12x,f6.0,12x,f6.0,12x,f6.0,12x,f6.0,i2,a6)",
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  rownames(x11fort) = c("1r", "2r", "1l", "2l", "2l2", "cs", "cs2")
  x11fort[x, p]

parse_fortran_format <- function(format){
  if (grepl("/", format)){
    return(lapply(strsplit(format, "/")[[1]], parse_fortran_format))
  z <- strsplit(gsub("[\\(\\)]", "", format), ",")[[1]]
  z[z != ""]

import_fortran <- function(file, format, frequency, start = NULL, name = NULL){
  zr <- read.fortran(file, parse_fortran_format(format))

  # remove "\032" empty lines
  zr <- zr[zr[, 1] != "\032", ]

  zrcl <- sapply(zr, class)

  vcol <- which(zrcl == "character")
  ycol <- which(zrcl == "integer")

  zl <- split(zr, zr[, vcol])

  to_ts <- function(x){
    if (is.null(start)){
      sty <- x[1, c(ycol)]
      if (nchar(sty) == 2){   # if start yeear has 2 digits, guess 4 digits
        sty <- if (sty > 45) sty + 1900 else sty + 2000
      x <- x[, -c(vcol, ycol)]
      start <- c(sty, 1)
    ts(c(t(as.matrix(x))), start = start, frequency = frequency)

  zlts <- lapply(zl, to_ts)

  z <- do.call("cbind", zlts)

  if (!is.null(colnames(z))){
    colnames(z) <- tolower(colnames(z))
    colnames(z) <- gsub(" +$", "", colnames(z))

  if (!is.null(name) && !is.null(dim(z))){
    z <- z[, name]

  z2 <- try(na.omit(z), silent = TRUE)
  if (!inherits(z2, "try-error")){
    z <- z2

import_tramo <- function(file){
  txt <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE)
  ssp <- strsplit(gsub("^ +| +$", "", txt[2]), " ")[[1]]
  if (length(ssp) != 4){
    stop("tramo format: line 2 must have 4 elements.")
  ssp <- as.integer(ssp)

  z <- as.numeric(txt[3:length(txt)])
  if (length(z) != ssp[1]){
    message("tramo format: number of obs. different to specification, which will be ignored.")

  ts(z, start = c(ssp[2], ssp[3]), frequency = ssp[4])
christophsax/seasonal documentation built on Aug. 11, 2024, 9:44 a.m.