round_url <- function(rounds, format = NULL) { # nocov start
# Get unique rounds to avoid repeting rounds
rounds <- sort(unique(rounds))
# Check rounds
round_codes <- paste0("ESS", rounds)
# Extract download urls from selected_rounds
round_links <- sort(grep(pattern = paste0(round_codes, collapse = "|"),
x = get_rounds_link(.global_vars$ess_website),
value = TRUE))
full_url <- get_download_url(round_links, format)
} # nocov end
country_url <- function(country, rounds, format = NULL) { # nocov start
# And also the rounds for that country
check_country_rounds(country, rounds)
# Only select the rounds that match this:
# /download.html\\?file= for the downoad section
# ESS[0-9] for any of the rounds
# [A-Z]{1,1} followed by a capital letter for
# the country name, as in DK
# (.*) anything in between
# [0-9]{4, } for the year of round
country_regex <- "^/download.html\\?file=ESS[0-9][A-Z]{1,2}(.*)[0-9]{4, }$"
full_urls <- grab_url(country, rounds, country_regex, format)
} # nocov end
country_url_sddf <- function(country, rounds, format = NULL) { # nocov start
# And also the rounds for that country
check_country_sddf_rounds(country, rounds)
# Only select the rounds that match this:
# /download.html\\?file= for the downoad section
# ESS[0-9]{1,} for any of the rounds
# [A-Z]{1,1} followed by a capital letter for
# the country name, as in DK
# (.*) anything in between
# [0-9]{4, } for the year of round
sddf_regex <-
"^/download.html\\?file=ESS[0-9]{1,}_[A-Z]{1,2}_SDDF(.*)[0-9]{4, }$"
full_urls <- grab_url(country, rounds, sddf_regex, format)
} # nocov end
country_url_sddf_late_rounds <- function(country, rounds, format = NULL) { # nocov start
# And also the rounds for that country
check_country_sddf_rounds(country, rounds)
# No need to add regex as in country_url because grabbing the rounds
# returns the direct paths
full_urls <- grab_url_sddf_late_rounds(rounds, format)
} # nocov end
grab_url <- function(country, rounds, regex, format) { # nocov start
# Get unique rounds to avoid repeting rounds
rounds <- sort(unique(rounds))
# Get unique country to avoid repetitions
country <- sort(unique(country))
# Returns the chosen countries html that contains
# the links to all round website.
country_round_html <- extract_country_html(country,
# Go deeper in the node to grab that countries url to the rounds
country_node <- xml2::xml_find_all(country_round_html, "//ul //li //a")
# Here we have all href from the website
country_href <- xml2::xml_attrs(country_node, "href")
incomplete_links <-
value = TRUE))
# Extract round numbers
round_numbers <- as.numeric(string_extract(incomplete_links,
# Build final ESS round links
round_links <- incomplete_links[which(round_numbers %in% rounds)]
# Using each separate round html, extract the stata or spss direct link
# to download the data. Return the full direct path.
full_urls <- get_download_url(round_links, format)
} # nocov end
grab_url_sddf_late_rounds <- function(rounds, format) { #nocov start
# Get unique rounds to avoid repeting rounds
rounds <- sort(unique(rounds))
# Returns the all late SDDF rounds main page
late_sddf_mainpage <-
"//ul [@class='docliste']//a"
# Here we have all late SDDF main websites
late_sddf_href <- xml2::xml_attrs(late_sddf_mainpage, "href")
# Extract round numbers
round_numbers <-
string_extract(late_sddf_href, "[0-9]{1,}")
# Build final ESS round links
round_links <- late_sddf_href[which(round_numbers %in% rounds)]
# Using each separate round html, extract the stata or spss direct link
# to download the data. Return the full direct path.
full_urls <- get_download_url(round_links, format)
} #nocov end
# Given a country/round website such as,
# extracts the stata (or spss, in that specific order if one is not available) path and
# returns the complete url path to download the data
get_download_url <- function(round_links, format) { # nocov start
# Create empty character slot with the same length as round links
# to populate it in the loop
format.files <- character(length(round_links))
# Build paths for each round
for (index in seq_along(round_links)) {
download_page <- safe_GET(paste0(.global_vars$ess_website,
html_ess <- xml2::read_html(download_page)
z <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(html_ess, "//a/@href"))
format.files[index] <- format_preference(z, format)
full_urls <- sort(paste0(.global_vars$ess_website, format.files))
} # nocov end
# Function accepts the chosen country and the list
# of all available countries and returns the html doc
# for the chosen country that contains the whole list of
# links to download that countries rounds.
extract_country_html <- function(chosen_module, module_index) { # nocov start
country_refs <- get_href(.global_vars$ess_website, module_index)
# Returns "/data/country.html?c=ukraine" for all countries
all_module_links <-
all_module_countries <- xml2::xml_text(country_refs)
# Build full url for chosen country
chosen_module_link <-
all_module_links[which(chosen_module == all_module_countries)]
# index where the country because all_module_links and
# all_module_countries are in the same order
# Extract html from country link to donwnload rounds
module_rounds <- safe_GET(chosen_module_link)
module_round_html <- xml2::read_html(module_rounds)
} # nocov end
# Function to grab <a href="/data/country.html?c=latvia">Latvia</a>
# for each country. The default href path should take all td lists
# of class labelled (most ESS HTML lists) but for SDDF this changes
# to all li lists of clas docliste
get_href <- function(ess_website,
href_xpath = "//td [@class='label']//a") { # nocov start
download_page <- safe_GET(paste0(ess_website, module_index))
country_node <-
} # nocov end
# This will return a link like "/download.html?file=ESS8e01&y=2016"
# for every round available in the ess website.
get_rounds_link <- function(ess_website) { # nocov start
download_page <- safe_GET(paste0(ess_website, "/data/download.html?r="))
html_ess <- xml2::read_html(download_page)
z <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(html_ess, "//a/@href"))
downloads <- unique(grep("^/download.html(.*)[0-9]{4, }$", z, value = TRUE))
} # nocov end
# Function to automatically clean attributes such as
# <a> something <\a>. This will clean to: something
# if a and /a are specified as arguments.
clean_attr <- function(x, ...) { # nocov start
other_attrs <- paste0((list(...)), collapse = "|")
gsub(paste0(">|", "<|", other_attrs), "", x)
} # nocov end
# Function to find regex in x with preference in `formats`
format_preference <- function(x, format) { # nocov start
format <- if (is.null(format)) c("stata", "spss", "sas") else format
# If the user didn't supply the format (user can only supply only one
# format and the format arg was manually imputed from above)
if (length(format) > 1) {
# Read each format and return the one that has a match
for (i in format) {
format_link <- grep(i, x, value = TRUE)
if (length(format_link) > 0) return(format_link)
} else {
# If the user supplied the format, try reading that format
# return the link if found or an error otherwise
format_link <- grep(format, x, value = TRUE)
if (length(format_link) > 0) {
} else {
stop(paste0("Format '", format, "' not available."))
} # nocov end
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.