
Defines functions .mx_thresholds_internal as_ram.data.frame as_ram.tidy_sem as_ram.character as_ram lsub

Documented in as_ram lsub

#' @title Apply pattern replacement over a vector
#' @description \code{lsub} returns a list of the same length as
#' \code{replacement}, each element of which is the result of applying
#' \code{\link[base:grep]{gsub}} to \code{x} using \code{\link{lapply}}.
#' @param x A character vector where matches are sought.
#' @param replacement a character vector of length 1 or more. Each element is
#' applied to \code{x} in turn. Default: NULL
#' @param pattern A character string containing a regular expression (or
#' character string when \code{fixed = TRUE}). Default: \code{'{C}'}.
#' @param fixed logical. If TRUE, pattern is a string to be matched as is.
#' Default: TRUE
#' @param ... Parameters passed on to \code{\link[base:grep]{gsub}}.
#' @return A list of results returned by \code{\link[base:grep]{gsub}}.
#' @examples
#' lsub("a{C}", 1:3)
#' @rdname lsub
#' @export
lsub <- function(x, replacement = NULL, pattern = "{C}", fixed = TRUE, ...){
  lapply(replacement, gsub, pattern = pattern, x = x, fixed = fixed, ...)

#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace
vnames <- getFromNamespace("vnames", "lavaan")

#' @title Convert lavaan syntax to RAM specification
#' @description Converts SEM models to RAM models for
#' \code{OpenMx}.
#' @details For models specified using lavaan syntax, the procedure is as
#' follows:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item Apply \code{\link[lavaan]{lavaanify}} to the \code{model}. The default
#'  arguments to \code{\link[lavaan]{lavaanify}} correspond to those of the
#'  \code{\link[lavaan]{sem}} function.
#'  \item Convert each row of the resulting lavaan parameter table to a
#'  \code{\link[OpenMx]{mxPath}}.
#'  \item Apply \code{\link[OpenMx]{mxModel}} to the \code{mxPath}s to create
#'  an \code{OpenMx} model using RAM specification
#' }
#' @param x An object for which a method exists, such as a \code{tidy_sem}
#' object, or character vector describing the user-specified model using
#' the lavaan model syntax.
# @param groups Optional character vector for multi-group models, containing
# either group names, or if
# \code{x} is an object that contains data, the name of the column that
# contains a grouping
# variable.
# @param data Optional data.frame to include in the model.
#' @param ... Parameters passed on to other functions.
#' @return Returns an \code{\link[OpenMx]{mxModel}}.
#' @examples
#' as_ram("y ~ x")
#' @rdname as_ram
#' @export
#' @importFrom lavaan lavaanify
#' @importFrom OpenMx mxModel imxReportProgress
#' @importFrom OpenMx mxAutoStart mxData mxExpectationMixture mxPath
#' @importFrom OpenMx mxFitFunctionML mxMatrix mxModel mxRun mxTryHard
#' @importFrom OpenMx omxAssignFirstParameters mxCompare mxFitFunctionMultigroup
#' @importFrom lavaan mplus2lavaan.modelSyntax
#' @importFrom stats cutree dist hclust
#' @importFrom methods formalArgs
#' @import OpenMx
as_ram <- function(x, ...){
  UseMethod("as_ram", x)

#' @method as_ram character
#' @export
as_ram.character <- function(x, groups = NULL, data = NULL, ...){
  # defaults <- list(int.ov.free = TRUE, int.lv.free = FALSE, auto.fix.first = FALSE,
  #                  auto.fix.single = TRUE, auto.var = TRUE, auto.cov.lv.x = TRUE,
  #                  auto.efa = TRUE, auto.th = TRUE, auto.delta = TRUE, auto.cov.y = TRUE,
  #                  meanstructure = TRUE)
  dots <- list(...)
  Args_lav <- lav_from_dots(...)
  cl <- match.call()
  cl[names(Args_lav)] <- Args_lav
  cl[["model"]] <- x
    if(length(groups) == 1 & !is.null(data)){
      cl[["ngroups"]] <- length(unique(data[[groups]]))
    } else {
      cl[["ngroups"]] <- length(groups)
  cl <- cl[c(1L, which(names(cl) %in% c("model", "ngroups", "data", names(Args_lav))))]#lavaan_dots, names(defaults))))]
  cl[[1L]] <- str2lang("tidySEM:::tidysem_lavaanify")
  x <- eval.parent(cl)
  cl <- match.call()
  cl[[1L]] <- quote(as_ram)
  cl[["x"]] <- x

#' @method as_ram tidy_sem
#' @export
as_ram.tidy_sem <- function(x, ...){
  cl <- match.call()
  cl[[1L]] <- quote(as_ram)
  cl[["x"]] <- x$syntax
  if(is.null(cl[["data"]])) cl[["data"]] <- x$data
  gv <- group_var(x)
    cl[["groups"]] <- gv

#' @method as_ram data.frame
#' @export
as_ram.data.frame <- function(x, groups = NULL, data = NULL, ...){
  if(!all(c("lhs", "rhs", "op", "free", "ustart") %in% names(x))){
    stop("Not a valid lavaan parameter table.")
  dots <- list(...)
  groupnames <- groups
  usedata <- !is.null(data)
  if(length(groups) == 1 & usedata){
    groupnames <- as.character(unique(data[[groups]]))
    x <- x[!(x$group == 0), ]
    if(length(unique(x[["group"]])) > 1){
      cl <- match.call()
      grps <- lapply(1:length(groupnames), function(i){
        cl[["x"]] <- x[x$group == i, -which(names(x) == "group"), drop = FALSE]
          cl[["data"]] <- data[data[[groups]] == groupnames[i], -which(names(data) == groups), drop = FALSE]
        cl[[1L]] <- str2lang("tidySEM::as_ram")
        out <- eval.parent(cl)
        Args <- list(
          name = groupnames[i],
        # if(usedata) {
        #   Args <-
        #     c(Args, list(mxData(data[data[[groups]] == groupnames[i], -which(names(data) == groups), drop = FALSE], type = "raw")))
        # }
        do.call(mxModel, Args)
      grps <- do.call(mxModel, c(list(model = "mg", mxFitFunctionMultigroup(groupnames), grps)))
  dots <- list(...)
  lavtab <- x
  # Parse categorical variables
  cats <- which(lavtab$op %in% c("|", "~*~"))
  catlist <- NULL
  if(length(cats) > 0){
    cattab <- lavtab[cats, , drop = FALSE]
    cattab$label[cattab$label == ""] <- NA
    lavtab <- lavtab[-cats, ]
    catlist <- lapply(unique(cattab$lhs), function(v){
      vthres <- cattab[cattab$lhs == v & cattab$op == "|", ]
      tvalues <- tryCatch(update_thresholds(vthres$ustart), error = function(e){
        stop("Could not complete thresholds for variable '", v, "'; either specify all thresholds by hand, or remove constraints.")
      vthres <- vthres[order(vthres$rhs), ]
      Args <- list(
        vars = v,
        nThresh = nrow(vthres),
        free = !(vthres$free == 0),
        values = tvalues,
        labels = vthres$label
      do.call(mxThreshold, Args)
  # Parse defined parameters
  defined <- NULL
  defined_parameters <- which(lavtab$block == 0 & lavtab$plabel == "")
  if(length(defined_parameters) > 0){
    defined <- lavtab[defined_parameters, , drop = FALSE]
    lavtab <- lavtab[-defined_parameters, ]

  # Identify observed and latent
  vnames <- vnames(partable = lavtab, type = "all")

    latent <- unlist(vnames[["lv"]])
  } else {
    latent <- vector("character")
  obs <- unlist(vnames[["ov"]])
  # Intercept needs rhs
  lavtab$rhs[lavtab$op == "~1"] <- "one"
  lavtab$op[lavtab$op == "~1"] <- "~"
  # Convert lavtab to paths
  mxpath_dots <- names(dots)[names(dots) %in% formalArgs(OpenMx::mxPath)]
  mxpath_dots <- dots[mxpath_dots]
  path_list <- lapply(1:nrow(lavtab), function(i){
    path <- lavtab[i, ]
    Args <- c(list(
      name = "mxPath",
      from = switch(path[["op"]],
                    "=~" = path[["lhs"]],
      to = switch(path[["op"]],
                  "=~" = path[["rhs"]],
      connect = "single",
      arrows = switch(path[["op"]],
                      `~~` = 2,
      free = !(path[["free"]] == 0),
      values = path[["ustart"]]
    ), mxpath_dots)
    if(!path[["label"]] == "") Args$labels <- path[["label"]]
    do.call(call, Args)
  if(length(defined) > 0){
    path_list <- c(
      lapply(1:nrow(defined), function(i){
        path <- defined[i, ]
        cl <- call(name = "mxAlgebra")
        cl[["expression"]] <- str2lang(path$rhs)
        cl[["name"]] <- path$lhs
    path_list <- c(path_list, catlist)
  # mxModel-specific arguments
  mxmodel_args <- list(
    model = "model",
    manifestVars = obs,
    latentVars = latent)
  mxmodel_dots <- names(dots)[names(dots) %in% formalArgs(OpenMx::mxModel)]
    mxmodel_args[mxmodel_dots] <- dots[mxmodel_dots]
  out <- do.call(mxModel, c(mxmodel_args,
  # Add data if available
    cl <- match.call()
    cl[[1L]] <- str2lang("tidySEM:::mx_add_data")
    cl[["x"]] <- out
    out <- eval.parent(cl)

.mx_thresholds_internal <- function(df, ...){
  ord_vars <- sapply(df, inherits, what = "ordered")
  ord_var_nam <- names(df)[ord_vars]
  lapply(ord_var_nam, function(nam){
    tab <- table(df[[nam]])
    startvals <- qnorm(cumsum(prop.table(tab)[-length(tab)]))
    mxThreshold(vars = nam, nThresh = (length(tab)-1), free = TRUE, values = startvals)
cjvanlissa/tidySEM documentation built on March 16, 2024, 6:35 a.m.