#' Comprehensive citation Knit function for 'RStudio'
#' This is a wrapper for \code{\link[rmarkdown]{render}}. First, this function
#' parses the citations in the document, converting citations
#' marked with double at sign, e.g.: \code{@@@@reference2020}, into normal
#' citations, e.g.: \code{@@reference2020}. Then, it renders the file.
#' @param ... All arguments are passed to \code{\link[rmarkdown]{render}}.
#' @export
#' @return Returns \code{NULL} invisibly. This
#' function is called for its side effect of rendering an
#' 'R Markdown' file.
#' @examples
#' # NOTE: Do not use this function interactively, as in the example below.
#' # Only specify it as custom knit function in an 'R Markdown' file, like so:
#' # knit: worcs::cite_all
#' if (rmarkdown::pandoc_available("2.0")){
#' file_name <- file.path(tempdir(), "citeall.Rmd")
#' loc <- rmarkdown::draft(file_name,
#' template = "github_document",
#' package = "rmarkdown",
#' create_dir = FALSE,
#' edit = FALSE)
#' write(c("", "Optional reference: @@reference2020"),
#' file = file_name, append = TRUE)
#' cite_all(file_name)
#' }
cite_all <- function(...){
comprehensive_cite(..., citeall = TRUE)
#' Essential citations Knit function for 'RStudio'
#' This is a wrapper for \code{\link[rmarkdown]{render}}. First, this function
#' parses the citations in the document, removing citations
#' marked with double at sign, e.g.: \code{@@@@reference2020}. Then, it renders
#' the file.
#' @param ... All arguments are passed to \code{\link[rmarkdown]{render}}.
#' @export
#' @return Returns \code{NULL} invisibly. This
#' function is called for its side effect of rendering an
#' 'R Markdown' file.
#' @examples
#' # NOTE: Do not use this function interactively, as in the example below.
#' # Only specify it as custom knit function in an R Markdown file, like so:
#' # knit: worcs::cite_all
#' if (rmarkdown::pandoc_available("2.0")){
#' file_name <- tempfile("citeessential", fileext = ".Rmd")
#' rmarkdown::draft(file_name,
#' template = "github_document",
#' package = "rmarkdown",
#' create_dir = FALSE,
#' edit = FALSE)
#' write(c("", "Optional reference: @@reference2020"),
#' file = file_name, append = TRUE)
#' cite_essential(file_name)
#' }
cite_essential <- function(...){
comprehensive_cite(..., citeall = FALSE)
#' @importFrom rmarkdown render pandoc_available
comprehensive_cite <- function(input, encoding = "UTF-8", ..., citeall = TRUE) {
message("Using rmarkdown requires pandoc version >= 2.0.")
dots <- list(...)
dots$encoding <- encoding
dots$input <- input
doc_text <- readLines(input, encoding = encoding)
write_as_utf(.nonessential_to_normal(doc_text), input)
} else {
write_as_utf(.remove_nonessential(doc_text), input)
do.call(render, dots)
write_as_utf(doc_text, input) # reset file to original state
.nonessential_to_normal <- function(text){
text <- gsub("(?<!`)@@", "@", text, perl = TRUE)
text <- gsub("\\@\\@", "@@", text, fixed = TRUE)
.remove_nonessential <- function(text){
out <- paste0(c(text, " onzin"), collapse = "\n")
out <- as.list(strsplit(out, "[", fixed = TRUE)[[1]])
out <- lapply(out, function(x){
if(grepl("@@", x, fixed = TRUE)){
ref_sec <- unlist(strsplit(x, split = "]", fixed = TRUE))
if(length(ref_sec) > 1){
if(grepl("@@", ref_sec[1], fixed = TRUE)){
each_ref_sec <- unlist(strsplit(ref_sec[1], split = ";"))
ref_sec[1] <- paste0(each_ref_sec[!grepl("@@", each_ref_sec, fixed = TRUE)], collapse = ";")
if(ref_sec[1] == "") ref_sec[1] <- "XXXXXDELETEMEXXXXX"
if(grepl("@@", ref_sec[2], fixed = TRUE)){
ref_sec[2] <- gsub("\\s{0,1}-?@@.+?\\b\\s{0,1}", " ", ref_sec[2])
} else {
ref_sec[1] <- gsub("\\s{0,1}-?@@.+?\\b\\s{0,1}", " ", ref_sec[1])
paste0(ref_sec, collapse = "]")
} else {
out <- paste0(unlist(out), collapse = "[")
out <- gsub("\\s{0,1}\\[XXXXXDELETEMEXXXXX\\]", "", out) # The \\s might cause trouble
substr(out, 1, nchar(out)-6)
# Extract citations
# This function extracts all citations from a character vector.
# @param txt Character vector, defaults to
# \code{readLines("manuscript/manuscript.Rmd")}.
# @param split Character vector to use for splitting, passed to
# \code{\link{strsplit}}.
# @param ... Additional arguments are passed to \code{\link{strsplit}}.
# @return Character vector.
# @examples
# extract_citations("This is just an example [@extract_cites; @works].")
extract_citations <- function(x = readLines("manuscript/manuscript.Rmd"),
split = "@+", ...){
cl <- match.call()
cl[[1L]] <- quote(strsplit)
cl[["x"]] <- gsub("\\w@", "", paste0(x, collapse = ""))
cl[["split"]] <- split
cites <- eval(cl, envir = environment())[[1]][-1]
cites <- gsub("^([a-zA-Z0-9-]+?)\\b.*$", "\\1", cites)
tabcit <- as.data.frame.table(table(cites))
tabcit[order(tabcit$Freq, decreasing = T), ]
string_citations <- function(x = readLines("manuscript/manuscript.Rmd"),
split = "@+", ...){
cl <- match.call()
cl[[1L]] <- quote(strsplit)
cl[["x"]] <- gsub("\\w@", "", paste0(x, collapse = ""))
cl[["split"]] <- split
cites <- eval(cl, envir = environment())[[1]][-1]
gsub("^([a-zA-Z0-9-]+?)\\b.*$", "\\1", cites)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.