#' @title Add targets to WORCS Project
#' @description Add a computational pipeline to a `worcs` project using the
#' `targets` and `tarchetypes` packages (which must be installed). See those
#' packages for extensive documentation.
#' @param worcs_directory Character, indicating the WORCS project directory
#' to which to save data. The default value "." points to the current directory.
#' Default: '.'
#' @param verbose Logical. Whether or not to print status messages to the
#' console. Default: `TRUE`
#' @param ... Arguments passed to `targets::use_targets()`.
#' @return No return value. This function is called for its side effects.
#' @examples
#' # Create directory to run the example
#' old_wd <- getwd()
#' test_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "targets")
#' dir.create(test_dir)
#' setwd(test_dir)
#' file.create(".worcs")
#' add_targets()
#' # Cleaning example directory
#' setwd(old_wd)
#' unlink(test_dir, recursive = TRUE)
#' @rdname add_targets
#' @export
add_targets <- function (worcs_directory = ".", verbose = TRUE, ...){
checkworcs(worcs_directory, iserror = TRUE)
fn_worcs <- path_abs_worcs(".worcs", worcs_directory)
if (!file.exists(fn_worcs)) {
stop(".worcs file not found.")
if(!(requireNamespace("targets", quietly = TRUE) & requireNamespace("tarchetypes", quietly = TRUE))) {
c(requireNamespace("targets", quietly = TRUE) & requireNamespace("tarchetypes", quietly = TRUE))
col_message("Could not find required packages; please run ",
paste0(c(c("install.packages('targets')", "")[requireNamespace("targets", quietly = TRUE)+1L], c("install.packages('tarchetypes')", "")[requireNamespace("tarchetypes", quietly = TRUE)+1L]), collapse = "; "),
" then try again."
, success = FALSE
} else {
worcs_file <- yaml::read_yaml(fn_worcs)
# Add targets
if(!file.exists(file.path(worcs_directory, "_targets.Rmd"))){
# If this already exists, it will write _targets.R when first compiled
run_in_worcsdir(code = targets::use_targets(open = FALSE, ...), worcs_directory = worcs_directory)
col_message("Added targets to project.")
}, error = function(e){col_message("Could not add targets to project.", success = FALSE)})
# Add empty _targets dir
if(!dir.exists(file.path(worcs_directory, "_targets"))){
# If this already exists, it will write _targets.R when first compiled
dir.create(file.path(worcs_directory, "_targets"))
to_worcs <- list(filename = fn_worcs, modify = TRUE)
# Change entry point
if(file.exists(path_abs_worcs("run.r", worcs_directory = worcs_directory))){
col_message("Setting entry point to 'run.r'.", verbose = verbose)
to_worcs$entry_point <- "run.r"
to_worcs$recipe <- list(recipe = "source('run.r')", terminal = FALSE)
col_message("Setting recipe to source('run.r').", verbose = verbose)
} else {
if(file.exists(file.path(worcs_directory, "_targets.Rmd"))){
# If this already exists, it will write _targets.R when first compiled
to_worcs$recipe <- list(recipe = "rmarkdown::render('_targets.Rmd')", terminal = FALSE)
} else {
to_worcs$recipe <- list(recipe = "targets::tar_make()", terminal = FALSE)
col_message("Setting recipe to targets::tar_make().", verbose = verbose)
# Write worcsfile
do.call(write_worcsfile, to_worcs)
# Add manuscript to pipeline
if(file.exists(path_abs_worcs("manuscript/manuscript.Rmd", worcs_directory = worcs_directory)) & file.exists(path_abs_worcs("_targets.R", worcs_directory = worcs_directory))){
# First, add manuscript to pipeline
lnz <- readLines(path_abs_worcs("_targets.R", worcs_directory = worcs_directory))
# tar_option_set(priority = 1)
# # Replace the target list below with your own:
# list(
# tar_target(
# name = df,
# command = worcs::load_data(to_envir = FALSE)$df
# # format = "qs" # Efficient storage for general data objects.
# ),
# tar_target(
# name = model,
# command = run_regression(df)
# ),
# tar_target(
# name = tab_coef,
# command = table_coefficients(model)
# ),
# tarchetypes::tar_render(manuscript, "manuscript/manuscript.rmd", priority = 0)
if(all(tail(lnz, 2) == c(" )", ")"))){
if(any(lnz == "# Replace the target list below with your own:")){
thisln <- which(lnz == "# Replace the target list below with your own:")[1]
lnz <- c(lnz[1:(thisln-1L)], c("# Set default priority to 1 to ensure all results are completed before manuscript.", "tar_option_set(priority = 1)"), lnz[thisln:length(lnz)])
col_message("Adding rmarkdown manuscript to targets pipeline.", verbose = verbose)
lnz <- c(lnz[1:(length(lnz)-2)],
c(" ),", " tarchetypes::tar_render(manuscript, \"manuscript/manuscript.Rmd\", priority = 0) # Set priority to 0 to ensure the manuscript is rendered after other results are available",
writeLines(text = lnz, con = path_abs_worcs("_targets.R", worcs_directory = worcs_directory))
} else {
col_message("Could not add rmarkdown manuscript to targets pipeline.", verbose = verbose, success = FALSE)
# Then, add demo to manuscript
lnz <- readLines(path_abs_worcs("manuscript/manuscript.Rmd", worcs_directory = worcs_directory))
if(any(startsWith(lnz, "```{r setup"))){
col_message("Adding targets to rmarkdown manuscript.", verbose = verbose)
strt <- which(startsWith(lnz, "```{r setup"))
endd <- which(lnz == "```")
endd <- endd[endd > strt][1]
addthis <- c("# Setup for targets:","", "library(targets)",
"tar_config_set(store = \"../_targets\")",
"tar_load(model)", "# You can interact with tar objects as usual, e.g.:",
"# print(model)")
lnz <- c(lnz[1:(endd-1)], addthis, lnz[endd:length(lnz)])
writeLines(lnz, path_abs_worcs("manuscript/manuscript.Rmd", worcs_directory = worcs_directory))
} else {
col_message("Could not add targets to rmarkdown manuscript.", verbose = verbose, success = FALSE)
# Create R directory
if(!dir.exists(path_abs_worcs("r", worcs_directory = worcs_directory))){
col_message("Creating directory './R/' for targets scripts.", verbose = verbose)
dir.create(path_abs_worcs("R", worcs_directory = worcs_directory))
run_in_worcsdir <- function(code, worcs_directory){
code <- substitute(code)
dir <- getwd()
eval(parse(text = "setwd(dir)"))
eval(code, envir = parent.frame())
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.