
Defines functions tmle_estimate_q

Documented in tmle_estimate_q

# CK:
# Edits:
#  - SuperLearner needs to have saveFitLibrary = T. (critical tweak)
#  - return Q model.
#  - Stop if Qbounds is null.
#  - add default for id argument.
#  - add default for cvQinit (false),
#  - add NULL default for Z, Q, QForm arguments.
#' purpose: estimate Q=E(Y |Z, A,W) data-adaptively,
#' unless super learner not available, or user specifies
#' initial values or a regression formula
#' arguments:
#' @param Y outcome
#' @param Z intermediate variable between A and Y (default= 0 when no int. var.)
#' @param A treatment indicator (1=treatment, 0=control)
#' @param W baseline covariates
#' @param	Delta missingness indicator
#' @param	Q optional externally estimated values for Q
#' @param	Qbounds bounds for predicted values
#' @param	Qform optional regression formula to use for glm if
#	        non-data adaptive estimation specified
#' @param maptoYstar if TRUE, using logistic fluctuation for bounded, continuous outcomes
# 		estimation inital Q on linear scale, bounded by (0,1),and return on logit scale
#		(will work if family=poisson)
#' @param	SL.library library of prediction algorithms for Super Learner
#' @param cvQinit flag, if TRUE, cross-validate SL.
#' @param family regression family
#' @param	id subject identifier
#' @param V number of folds for SuperLearner
#' @param verbose Set T for extra output
# returns matrix of linear predictors for Q(A,W), Q(0,W), Q(1,W),
#   (for controlled direct effect, 2 additional columns: Q(Z=1,A=0,W), Q(Z=1,A=1,W))
#		family for stage 2 targeting
#		coef, NA, unless Q is estimated using a parametric model
# 		type, estimation method for Q
#' @importFrom utils packageDescription
#' @export
tmle_estimate_q <-
           Z = rep(0, length(Y)),
           Q = NULL,
           Qform = NULL,
           cvQinit = F,
           id = 1:length(Y),
           V = 10,
           verbose = F) {

  if (is.null(Qbounds)) stop("Qbounds must be defined.")
  SL.version <- 2
  Qfamily <- family
  m <- NULL
  coef <- NA
  CDE <- length(unique(Z)) > 1
  type <- "user-supplied values"
    if(verbose) { cat("\tEstimating initial regression of Y on A and W\n")}
    Q <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(Y), ncol = 5)
    colnames(Q)<- c("QAW", "Q0W", "Q1W", "Q0W.Z1", "Q1W.Z1")
      if(identical(as.character(as.formula(Qform)), c("~","Y", "."))){
          Qform <- paste("Y~Z+A+", paste(colnames(W), collapse="+"))
        } else {
          Qform <- paste("Y~A+", paste(colnames(W), collapse="+"))
      m <- suppressWarnings(glm(Qform, data=data.frame(Y,Z,A,W, Delta), family=family, subset=Delta==1))
      Q[,"QAW"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z,A,W), type="response")
      Q[,"Q0W"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=0,A=0,W), type="response")
      Q[,"Q1W"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=0,A=1,W), type="response")
      Q[,"Q0W.Z1"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=1,A=0,W), type="response")
      Q[,"Q1W.Z1"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=1,A=1,W), type="response")
      coef <- coef(m)
      type="glm, user-supplied model"
    } else {
        stop("cvQinit = T not supported sadly.")
        #m <- try(tmle::.estQcvSL(Y,X=cbind(Z,A,W),SL.library, family=family,
        #                   Delta=Delta, Qbounds=Qbounds,id=id, verbose=verbose))
        #if(!(identical(class(m), "try-error"))){
        #  type <- "cross-validated SL"
        #  Qinit <- m
        #  Q <- Qinit$Q
      } else {
        if(verbose) {cat("\t using SuperLearner\n")}
        n <- length(Y)
        X <- data.frame(Z,A,W)
        X00 <- data.frame(Z=0,A=0, W)
        X01 <- data.frame(Z=0,A=1, W)
        newX <- rbind(X, X00, X01)
        if(CDE) {
          X10 <- data.frame(Z=1,A=0, W)
          X11 <- data.frame(Z=1,A=1, W)
          newX <- rbind(newX, X10, X11)
        if(packageDescription("SuperLearner")$Version < SL.version){
          arglist <- list(Y=Y[Delta==1],X=X[Delta==1,], newX=newX, SL.library=SL.library,
                          V=V, family=family, save.fit.library=T, id=id[Delta==1])
        } else {
          arglist <- list(Y=Y[Delta==1],X=X[Delta==1,], newX=newX, SL.library=SL.library,
                          cvControl=list(V=V), family=family, control = list(saveFitLibrary=T), id=id[Delta==1])
          # CK: try to eliminate messages from loading packages.
          out = utils::capture.output({
              m <- try(do.call(SuperLearner::SuperLearner, arglist))
          # Set call to null because do.call() messes up that element.
          m$call = NULL
        if (identical(class(m),"SuperLearner")){
          #if (verbose) print(m)
          Q[,"QAW"] <- m$SL.predict[1:n]
          Q[,"Q0W"] <- m$SL.predict[(n+1):(2*n)]
          Q[,"Q1W"] <- m$SL.predict[(2*n+1):(3*n)]
            Q[,"Q0W.Z1"] <- m$SL.predict[(3*n+1):(4*n)]
            Q[,"Q1W.Z1"] <- m$SL.predict[(4*n+1):(5*n)]
          type <- "SuperLearner"
        } else {
          stop("Super Learner failed when estimating Q. Exiting program\n")
      } }
  if(is.na(Q[1,1]) | identical(class(m), "try-error")){
    if(verbose) {cat("\t Running main terms regression for 'Q' using glm\n")}
    Qform <- paste("Y~Z+A+", paste(colnames(W), collapse="+"))
    m <- glm(Qform, data=data.frame(Y,Z,A,W, Delta), family=family, subset=Delta==1)
    Q[,"QAW"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z,A,W), type="response")
    Q[,"Q1W"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=0,A=1,W), type="response")
    Q[,"Q0W"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=0,A=0,W), type="response")
    Q[,"Q0W.Z1"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=1,A=0,W), type="response")
    Q[,"Q1W.Z1"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=1,A=1,W), type="response")

    coef <- coef(m)
    type="glm, main terms model"
  Q <- varimpact::.bound(Q, Qbounds)
  if(maptoYstar | identical(Qfamily,"binomial") | identical(Qfamily, binomial)){
    Q <- qlogis(Q)
    Qfamily <- "binomial"
  } else if (identical(Qfamily, "poisson") | identical(Qfamily, poisson)) {
    Q <- log(Q)
    Qfamily <- "poisson"
    Q <- Q[,1:3]
    Qinit$Q <- Q
  } else {
    Qinit <- list(Q=Q, family=Qfamily, coef=coef, type=type, model = m)
ck37/varImpact documentation built on June 26, 2022, 4:02 a.m.