Defines functions EDA

Documented in EDA

#' Performs Multiple EDA Analyis Functions
#' @description Performs multiple exploratory functions on dataframe
#' @description Provides:
#' @description For Object - name, object class, and random sample of values
#' @description For Rows - missing values, percent of total row, and duplicate rows
#' @description For Columns - value type, missing values (count & percent),
#' range (min, max, & spread), Shapiro-Wilk Normality (p-value and 95% determination),
#' and count any outliers (inner and outer)
#' @param x A matrix-like R Object
#' @param expR Interger of expected row number
#' @param expC Integer of expected column number
#' @param plots Logical value to produce plots
#' @return A list of ggplot2 plots
#' @export
#' @rawNamespace import(huxtable, except = theme_grey)
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_density xlab theme_minimal geom_boxplot
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' x <- data.frame("X1" = c(1,2,3,1,2,3),
#'                 "X2" = 1:6,
#'                 "X3"= c("a","b","c","a","b","c"))
#' EDA(x)
#' plot_value <- EDA(x,plots = TRUE)
#' }
EDA <- function(x, expR = NULL, expC = NULL, plots = FALSE){

  ########### Error Checks ####################################

  ## Check for supported input types and values
  if (!(is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x) || is.double(x))) {
    stop("object must be of type: dataframe, matrix")
  if(!(is.integer(expR)||is.double(expR) || is.null(expR))){
    stop("expR must be of type: integer")
  if(!(is.integer(expC)||is.double(expC) || is.null(expC))){
    stop("expC must be of type: integer")

  ########### Obtaining Values ##################################

  #File Load Verification
     #RowValid <- function(x, n = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     #ColValid <- function(x, n = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
  load_valid <- cbind(RowValid(x,expR,verbose = FALSE),
                      ColValid(x,expC,verbose = FALSE))
  ht_lv <- CreateHux(load_valid, "Data Loading Information")

  samp <- RowSample(x)
  ht_samp <- CreateHux(samp, "Sample")

  #Row -Missing Values
  ht_rowNA <- CreateHux(FindRowNA(x,verbose = FALSE),"Rows with Missing Values")
  #Row - Duplicates
  ht_rowDup <- CreateHux(RowDup(x,verbose = FALSE),"Rows with Duplicate Values")


  #Column Information

  c_num <- data.frame("Column" = colnames(x), "Position" = 1:ncol(x))
  #ColType <- function(x, verbose = TRUE)
  c_type <- ColType(x, verbose = FALSE)
  #FindColNA <- function(x, verbose = TRUE)
  c_NA <- FindColNA(x,verbose = FALSE)
  #Rng <- function(x, verbose = TRUE)
  c_rng <- Rng(x, verbose = FALSE)
  #SWNormality <- function(x, verbose = TRUE)
  c_nor <- SWNormality(x, verbose = FALSE)
  #Out <- function(x, verbose = TRUE)
  c_out <- Out(x,verbose = FALSE)
  #CountVal <- function(x, verbose = TRUE)
  c_dup <- CountVal(x, verbose = FALSE)

  #Combining All Column Results
  c_total <- Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all=TRUE),
                    list(c_num,c_type,c_NA, c_dup, c_rng, c_nor, c_out))

  c_total_ordered <- c_total[order(c_total$Col_Types),]
  ht_col <-CreateHux(c_total_ordered, "Column Details")
  #ht_col <- ht_col[order(ht_col$Col_Types),]

  ################ Plot Information ######################################
  #Position of any Factor Column

  for(c  in 1:ncol(x)){
      fact_pos <- c(fact_pos,c)

  #col_data <- ifelse(length(fact_pos) == 1, fact_pos, NULL)

  #Plots <- function(x, column, colorData=NULL, ptype = 1)
  if(length(fact_pos) == 1) {
    plot_eda <- lapply(colnames(x[,]), Plots, x = x, colorData = x[,fact_pos], ptype = 1)
    plot_eda <- lapply(colnames(x[,]), Plots, x = x, ptype = 1)

  ################ Print Statements ######################################

  cat(paste("Name of Object:", deparse(substitute(x)), "\n"))
  cat(paste("Class of Object:", class(x),"\n\n"))

  print_screen(ht_lv, colnames = FALSE)

  #RowSample RowSample <- function(x, n = 5)
  cat(" \n" )
  print_screen(ht_samp, colnames = FALSE)


  print_screen(ht_rowNA, colnames = FALSE)
  print_screen(ht_rowDup, colnames = FALSE)

  #right_padding(ht_col) <- 100
  #left_padding(ht_col) <- 10
  align(ht_col) <- "right"
  font_size(ht_col) <- 0.1
  width(ht_col) <-0.2
  #col_width(ht_col) <- c(1,.5,.5,.75,.75,.75,.75,.5,.75,.75,.75)
  ht_col1 <- ht_col[,1:7]
  ht_col2 <- ht_col[, c(1,8:14)]
  caption(ht_col2) <-NA
  print_screen(ht_col1, colnames = FALSE)
  print_screen(ht_col2, colnames = FALSE)


ckornafel/expldata documentation built on Dec. 27, 2019, 2:20 a.m.