Man pages for claudia-codeco/AlertTools
utility functions for the Alerta Dengue System

adjustIncidenceCorrect incidence data with notification delay (nowcasting).
AlertTools-packageutility functions for the Alerta Dengue System
applyGenTimeDistCalculate matrix of generation time distribution for cities...
applymemGet epidemic thresholds for a list of cities
bayesnowcastingCorrect incidence data with notification delay (nowcasting).
bestWUChooses the most updated meteorological data for a city from...
data2SEDefine Epidemiological Week.
daySEdayReturn the first day of the Epidemiological Week and...
DenguedbConnectReturns the connection to the database.
episemDefine Epidemiological Week.
epiYearDefine Epidemiological Year.
fouralertDefine conditions to issue a four level alert...
GenTimeDistCalculates temperature dependent generation time distribution
geraMapaPlot the alert map for any state.
getCasesGet Case Data and aggregate per week and area
getCasesinRioGet cases from an APS in Rio de Janeiro and aggregate them...
getCidadesget list of cities.
getdelaydataGet delay data for one or more cities for delay analysis
getRegionaisget list of regionais.
getTweetGet Tweeter Data
getWUGet Climate Data
getWUstationget meteorological stations
infodengue_apply_meminfodengue_apply_mem —– Function to apply MEM algorithm to...
insert_city_infodengueInitial setup of a new city in the alerta system. Insert into...
lastDBdateReturns the most recent date present in the database table.
lastepiweeklastepiweek ——–
map_RioPlot the alert map for Rio de Janeiro city.
nafillmethods to substitute NAs. Use the function na.approx from...
pipe_infodenguepipeline used by infodengue
pipe_infodengue_intra4 level alert Green-Yellow-Orange-Red for partitions within...
plot_alertaPlot the time series of infodengue's alert levels for one or...
plot_alertaRioPlot the time series of alerts for each APS. Specific for the...
read.casesFunction to extract case count for covered municipalities
read.parametersGet city-level alert parameters for the infodengue pipeline.
RtComputes the effective reproductive number using alternative...
RtoriginalComputes the effective reproductive number using a Alerta's...
SE2dateReturn the first day of the Epidemiological Week
seqSESequence of epidemiological weeks.
setCriteriaDefine rules to issue a four level alert...
setWUstationset meteorological stations
sevendigitgeocodeconvert 6 to 7 digits geocodes.
tabela_historicoConvert the alert object into a data.frame and calculate...
tabela_historico_intraConvert the alert object into a data.frame and calculate...
temp.predictFit arima to fill in missing data at the end of temperature...
write_alertaWrite historico_alerta into the database.
write_alerta_localWrite historico_alerta into the local SQLite database.
write_alertaRioWrite the Rio de janeiro alert into the database.
write_parametersCity's parameterization.
claudia-codeco/AlertTools documentation built on Aug. 12, 2021, 9:58 a.m.