
Defines functions commit_lake_item get_europe_mep_data

Documented in commit_lake_item get_europe_mep_data

# Module      : dev_e.R
# Description : This module is used to gather all functions related to the 'E'
#               data EXTRACTION of the ELT methodology of the data pipelines at
#               the CLESSN
#               E: Extract is about extracting data from a source in order to
#               do something with it, such as transforming it, enriching it
#               and storing it somewhere else in order for it to be consumed
#               or simply move it forward in the data pipelines.
#               The source of the data entering the 'E' stage it typically the
#               web (tweets, web pages, youtube videos etc)
# WARNING     : The functions in this file HAVE NOT BEEN VERIFIED and HAVE NOT
#               been subject to the CLESSN package VERIFICATION checklist
#               Also, their relevance into the clessnverse package has not
#               been oconfirmes either


# Add functions useful for extracting data from the web here

#' @title clessnverse::getEuropeMepData
#' @description retrieves attributes of a MEP in the european parliament
#' @param mep_full_name : the full name of the MEP to lookup
#' @return a dataframe
#' @examples example
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#' @export
get_europe_mep_data <- function(mep_full_name) {
  url <- "https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/download/advanced/xml?name="
  mep_full_name <- stringr::str_replace_all(mep_full_name, " ", "+")
  mep_full_name <- RCurl::curlEscape(mep_full_name)
  url <- paste(url, mep_full_name, "&groupCode=&countryCode=&bodyType=ALL", sep = "")
  url <- stringr::str_replace_all(url, "%2B", "+")
  html <- RCurl::getURL(url)
  xml <- XML::xmlTreeParse(html, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
  top <- XML::xmlRoot(xml)

  fullname <- XML::xmlValue(top[["mep"]][["fullName"]][[1]])
  country <- XML::xmlValue(top[["mep"]][["country"]][[1]])
  polgroup <- XML::xmlValue(top[["mep"]][["politicalGroup"]][[1]])
  mepid <- XML::xmlValue(top[["mep"]][["id"]][[1]])
  party <- XML::xmlValue(top[["mep"]][["nationalPoliticalGroup"]][[1]])

  return(data.frame(fullname = fullname, country = country, polgroup = polgroup, mepid = mepid, party = party))


#' @title clessnverse::commit_lake_item
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Adds or replaces an object in the lake in a specific path, with
#' a specific key
#' @param data A named list object containing a key, a path and the item to be
#'             added to the data lake
#' @param metadata A named list object containing the metadata to be applied to
#'                 the lake item
#' @param mode A string object.
#'             If mode = "refresh", then if an object already exists with this
#'             key in the data lake, then it will be overwritten.
#'             If mode = "newonly", then if an object already exists with this
#'             key in the data lake, then it will be skipped and a warning will
#'             be logged
#' @param credentials These are your HUBLOT credentials.  They are obtained by
#'                    usung the hubblot::get_credentials function.
#'                    ATTENTION:
#'                    DO NOT explicitely leave your cresential information
#'                    (username and password) in your code.  Use environment
#'                    variables instead, using the .Renviron file in your
#'                    user home directory.
#' @return the function returns
#'         - the hublot id of the element that was added to the datalake if
#'           the operation was successful.
#'         - 1 if there was an error.
#'         - 2 if there was a warning.
#' @examples example
#' @export
commit_lake_item <- function(data, metadata, mode, credentials) {
  retcode <- 0
  if (!is.null(data$item)) {
    # This is the object "item" that we will commit to the lake item
    if (grepl("file", metadata$format)) {
      metadata$format <- gsub("file", "", metadata$format)
      file.rename(data$item, paste("file.", metadata$format, sep=""))
    } else {
      write(data$item, paste("file.", metadata$format, sep=""))
  } else {

    if (!is.null(data$file)) {
      # This is an file_url to the file that we will commit to the lake item
          r <- httr::GET(data$file, httr::config(ssl_verifypeer=0), httr::timeout(30))
        error = function(e) {
          stop(paste("could not retrieve url", data$file, "from data lake item with key", data$key))
        finally = {}

      if (!is.null(r) && r$status_code == 200){
        doc <- httr::content(r, as="text", encoding = "UTF-8")
        data$item <- doc

        write(data$item, paste("file.", metadata$format, sep=""))
    } else {
      stop("invalid item or file provided in data to the clessnverse::commit_lake_item function")
    } #if (!is.null(data$file))

  } #if (!is.null(data$item))

  # check if an item with this key already exists
  existing_item <- hublot::filter_lake_items(credentials, list(key = data$key))

  if (length(existing_item$results) == 0) {
    #clessnverse::log_activity(message = paste("creating new item", data$key, "in data lake", data$path), logger = logger)
      body = list(
        key = data$key,
        path = data$path,
        file = httr::upload_file(paste("file.", metadata$format, sep="")),
        metadata = jsonlite::toJSON(metadata, auto_unbox = T)),
  } else {
    if (mode == "refresh") {
      # hublot::remove_lake_item(existing_item$results[[1]]$id, credentials)
      # hublot::add_lake_item(
      #   body = list(
      #     key = data$key,
      #     path = data$path,
      #     file = httr::upload_file(paste("file.", metadata$format, sep="")),
      #     metadata = jsonlite::toJSON(metadata, auto_unbox = T)),
      #   credentials)
        id = existing_item$results[[1]]$id,
        body = list(
          key = data$key,
          path = data$path,
          file = httr::upload_file(paste("file.", metadata$format, sep="")),
          metadata = jsonlite::toJSON(metadata, auto_unbox = T)),
    } else {
      #warning(paste("not updating existing item", data$key, "in data lake", data$path, "because mode is", mode))
      retcode <- 1

  if (file.exists(paste("file.", metadata$format, sep=""))) file.remove(paste("file.", metadata$format, sep=""))
clessn/clessn-verse documentation built on Feb. 18, 2024, 12:42 p.m.