
# -----------------------------
# SchistoDynAgg ABC worm burden estimation from egg burden
# Chris Hoover
# -----------------------------


# Get options passed from BASH -----------------
# Number of weighted draws from initial posterior to construct final posterior  
opts <- commandArgs(TRUE)

if(length(opts) > 0){
  n_iter <- as.numeric(opts[1])
} else {
  n_iter <- 1e5

# Load data and process for input to ABC ---------------
# Filter out pilot observations of 50 children in year 2011 and only focus on study years 2012-2017
comm_sums <- readRDS(here::here("Data", "Derived", "adults&chldrn_shehia_sums_Unguja_Pemba_2012_2017.rds")) %>% 
  filter(Year != 2011)

adlt_sums <- readRDS(here::here("Data", "Derived", "adults_shehia_sums_Unguja_Pemba_2012_2017.rds")) %>% 
  filter(Year != 2011)

chld_sums <- readRDS(here::here("Data", "Derived", "chldrn_shehia_sums_Unguja_Pemba_2012_2017.rds")) %>% 
  filter(Year != 2011)

yOm <- comm_sums %>%
  filter(UF_max > 1) %>%
    UF_se = sqrt(UF_var) / sqrt(n_ppl),
    UFpos2n = UF_pos ^ 2 / n_ppl,
    pop = "Comm"
  ) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  dplyr::select(Isl, Shehia, Year, UF_mean, UF_se, UF_pos, n_ppl, UFpos2n, pop)

yOc <- chld_sums %>%
  filter(UF_max > 1) %>%
    UF_se = sqrt(UF_var) / sqrt(n_ppl),
    UFpos2n = UF_pos ^ 2 / n_ppl,
    pop = "Child"
  ) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  dplyr::select(Isl, Shehia, Year, UF_mean, UF_se, UF_pos, n_ppl, UFpos2n, pop)

yOa <- adlt_sums %>%
  filter(UF_max > 1) %>%
    UF_se = sqrt(UF_var) / sqrt(n_ppl),
    UFpos2n = UF_pos ^ 2 / n_ppl,
    pop = "Adult"
  ) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  dplyr::select(Isl, Shehia, Year, UF_mean, UF_se, UF_pos, n_ppl, UFpos2n, pop)

yO <- bind_rows(yOm, yOc, yOa)

saveRDS(yO, here::here("Data/Derived/ABC_yO_data.rds"))
# Declare priors and run in parallel. takes ~ 3 hours on 8 core Lenovo ThinkPad with AMD Ryzen processor or ~1.5 hours on 24 compute node on Biostat cluster with 24 cores ----------------------
abc_priors <- list(
  "mean_W_lo"     = 1e-6,
  "mean_W_hi"     = 1e3,
  "disp_W_lo"     = 1e-5,
  "disp_W_hi"     = 1e5,
  "susc_shape_lo" = 1,
  "susc_shape_hi" = 1,
  "susc_rate_lo"  = 1 / 500,
  "susc_rate_hi"  = 1 / 500,
  "mean_C_lo"     = 1,
  "mean_C_hi"     = 1e6,
  "disp_C_lo"     = 1e-5,
  "disp_C_hi"     = 1e5,
  "h_lo"          = 10,
  "h_hi"          = 10,
  "r_lo"          = 1,
  "r_hi"          = 1,
  "g_lo"          = 0.001,
  "g_hi"          = 0.001

#Setup for running jobs across parallel nodes in cluster

start.time <- Sys.time()
n_cores <- parallel::detectCores()
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(n_cores)

clusterEvalQ(cl, devtools::load_all())

abc_sims <- foreach(
  x = 1:nrow(yO),
  .packages = c("tidyverse", "abc"),
  .verbose = TRUE,
  .options.RNG = 7491
) %dorng% {
  # See R/abc_worm_estimation_functions for abc_fit and other functions
  abc_fit(obs_data = yO[x, ],
          priors = abc_priors,
          iterations = n_iter)


end.time <- Sys.time()

end.time - start.time

  file = here::here("Data/Derived", 
cmhoove14/SchistoDynAgg documentation built on Dec. 14, 2021, 2:12 p.m.