Man pages for cmmr/rbiom
Read/Write, Analyze, and Visualize 'BIOM' Data

adiv_boxplotVisualize alpha diversity with boxplots.
adiv_corrplotVisualize alpha diversity with scatterplots and trendlines.
adiv_matrixCreate a matrix of samples x alpha diversity metrics.
adiv_statsTest alpha diversity differences for significance.
adiv_tableCalculate the alpha diversity of each sample.
as.list.rbiomConvert an rbiom object to a base R list.
as_rbiomConvert a variety of data types to an rbiom object.
bdiv_boxplotVisualize BIOM data with boxplots.
bdiv_corrplotVisualize beta diversity with scatterplots and trendlines.
bdiv_heatmapDisplay beta diversities in an all vs all grid.
bdiv_ord_plotOrdinate samples and taxa on a 2D plane based on beta...
bdiv_ord_tableCalculate PCoA and other ordinations, including taxa biplots...
bdiv_statsTest beta diversity vs categorical metadata.
bdiv_tableDistance / dissimilarity between samples.
bdplyApply a function to each subset of an rbiom object.
biom_mergeCombine several rbiom objects into one.
convert_to_SEConvert an rbiom object to a SummarizedExperiment object.
distmat_ord_tableRun ordinations on a distance matrix.
distmat_statsRun statistics on a distance matrix vs a categorical or...
glimpse.rbiomGet a glimpse of your metadata.
hmp50Human Microbiome Project - 50 sample demo dataset.
mutateCreate, modify, and delete metadata fields.
plot_heatmapCreate a heatmap with tracks and dendrograms from any matrix.
pull.rbiomMap sample names to metadata field values.
rare_corrplotVisualize rarefaction curves with scatterplots and...
rarefyRarefy OTU counts.
rarefy_colsTransform a counts matrix.
rare_multiplotCombines rare_corrplot and rare_stacked into a single figure.
rare_stackedVisualize the number of observations per sample.
rbiom-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'rbiom'.
rbiom_objectsWorking with rbiom Objects.
rbiom-packagerbiom: Read/Write, Transform, and Summarize BIOM Data
read_fastaParse a fasta file into a named character vector.
read_treeRead a newick formatted phylogenetic tree.
sample_sumsSum the observations in each sample.
sliceSubset to a specific number of samples.
speedSpeed Ups.
subsetSubset an rbiom object by sample names or metadata.
taxa_boxplotVisualize BIOM data with boxplots.
taxa_corrplotVisualize taxa abundance with scatterplots and trendlines.
taxa_heatmapDisplay taxa abundances as a heatmap.
taxa_mapMap OTUs names to taxa names at a given rank.
taxa_matrixTaxa abundances per sample.
taxa_stackedDisplay taxa abundances as a stacked bar graph.
taxa_statsTest taxa abundances for significant differences.
taxa_sumsGet summary taxa abundances.
tree_subsetCreate a subtree by specifying tips to keep.
write_biomSave an rbiom object to a file.
cmmr/rbiom documentation built on Feb. 16, 2024, 3:34 a.m.