documentation_default: documentation_default

documentation_defaultR Documentation






An rbiom object, such as from as_rbiom(). Any value accepted by as_rbiom() can also be given here.


A matrix-like object.


A phylo object representing the phylogenetic relationships of the taxa in biom. Only required when computing UniFrac distances. Default: biom$tree


Dataset field(s) to include in the output data frame, or '.all' to include all metadata fields. Default: '.all'


Alpha diversity metric(s) to use. Options are: "OTUs", "Shannon", "Chao1", "Simpson", and/or "InvSimpson". Set adiv=".all" to use all metrics. Default: "Shannon"

Multiple/abbreviated values allowed.


Beta diversity distance algorithm(s) to use. Options are: "Bray-Curtis", "Manhattan", "Euclidean", "Jaccard", and "UniFrac". For "UniFrac", a phylogenetic tree must be present in biom or explicitly provided via ⁠tree=⁠. Default: "Bray-Curtis"

Multiple/abbreviated values allowed.


Which taxa to display. An integer value will show the top n most abundant taxa. A value 0 <= n < 1 will show any taxa with that mean abundance or greater (e.g. 0.1 implies >= 10%). A character vector of taxa names will show only those named taxa. Default: 6.


Method for reducing dimensionality. Options are:

  • "UMAP" - Uniform manifold approximation and projection; uwot::umap().

  • "PCoA" - Principal coordinate analysis; ape::pcoa().

  • "NMDS" - Nonmetric multidimensional scaling; vegan::metaMDS().

  • "tSNE" - t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding; tsne::tsne().

Default: "UMAP"

Multiple/abbreviated values allowed.


Take relative abundances into account. When weighted=FALSE, only presence/absence is considered. Default: TRUE

Multiple values allowed.


For numeric metadata, report the absolute difference in values for the two samples, for instance 2 instead of "10 vs 12". Default: TRUE


What rank(s) of taxa to display. E.g. "Phylum", "Genus", ".otu", etc. An integer vector can also be given, where 1 is the highest rank, 2 is the second highest, -1 is the lowest rank, -2 is the second lowest, and 0 is the OTU "rank". Run biom$ranks to see all options for a given rbiom object. Default: -1.


Include all ranks in the name of the taxa. For instance, setting to TRUE will produce ⁠Bacteria; Actinobacteria; Coriobacteriia; Coriobacteriales⁠. Otherwise the taxa name will simply be Coriobacteriales. You want to set this to TRUE when unc = "asis" and you have taxa names (such as Incertae_Sedis) that map to multiple higher level ranks. Default: FALSE


How to handle unclassified, uncultured, and similarly ambiguous taxa names. Options are:

  • "singly" - Replaces them with the OTU name.

  • "grouped" - Replaces them with a higher rank's name.

  • "drop" - Excludes them from the result.

  • "asis" - To not check/modify any taxa names.

Default: "singly"

Abbreviations are allowed.


Sum all non-itemized taxa into an "Other" taxa. When FALSE, only returns taxa matched by the taxa argument. Specifying TRUE adds "Other" to the returned set. A string can also be given to imply TRUE, but with that value as the name to use instead of "Other". Default: FALSE


If true, returns a sparse matrix as described by slam::simple_triplet_matrix(), otherwise returns a normal R matrix object. Default: FALSE

Only display taxa with the most significant differences in abundance. If is >= 1, then the most significant taxa are displayed. If is less than one, all taxa with an adjusted p-value <= are displayed. Recommended to be used in combination with the taxa parameter to set a lower bound on the mean abundance of considered taxa. Default: Inf


The transformation to apply to the y-axis. Visualizing differences of both high- and low-abundance taxa is best done with a non-linear axis. Options are:

  • "sqrt" - square-root transformation

  • "log1p" - log(y + 1) transformation

  • NULL - no transformation

These methods allow visualization of both high- and low-abundance taxa simultaneously, without complaint about 'zero' count observations. Default: "sqrt"


Transpose the axes, so that taxa are present as rows instead of columns. Default: FALSE


Shade every other x position. Default: same as flip


How to calculate min/max of the crossbar, errorbar, linerange, and pointrange layers. Options are: "ci" (confidence interval), "range", "sd" (standard deviation), "se" (standard error), and "mad" (median absolute deviation). The center mark of crossbar and pointrange represents the mean, except for "mad" in which case it represents the median. Default: "ci"


Minimum adjusted p-value to display on the plot with a bracket.

  • p.label = 0.05 - Show p-values that are <= 0.05.

  • p.label = 0 - Don't show any p-values on the plot.

  • p.label = 1 - Show all p-values on the plot.

If a numeric vector with more than one value is provided, they will be used as breaks for asterisk notation. Default: 0.05


The confidence level for calculating a confidence interval. Default: 0.95


Add methodology caption beneath the plot. Default: TRUE


Show boxplot outliers? TRUE to always show. FALSE to always hide. NULL to only hide them when overlaying a dot or strip chart. Default: NULL


Angle of the labels at the bottom of the plot. Options are "auto", '0', '30', and '90'. Default: "auto".


Number of ordination dimensions to return. Either 2L or 3L. Default: 2L

Dataset field(s) that the data should be split by prior to any calculations. Must be categorical. Default: NULL


A dist-class distance matrix, as returned from bdiv_distmat() or stats::dist(). Required.


A named vector of grouping values. The names should correspond to attr(dm, 'Labels'). Values can be either categorical or numeric. Required.


The dataset (data.frame or tibble object). "Dataset fields" mentioned below should match column names in df. Required.


Dataset field with the x-axis (independent; predictive) values. Must be numeric. Default: NULL


Dataset field with the y-axis (dependent; response) values, such as taxa abundance or alpha diversity. Default: attr(df, 'response')

Dataset field with the statistical groups. Must be categorical. Default: NULL

Dataset field with the group to color by. Must be categorical. Default:

Dataset field with the group for shapes. Must be categorical. Default:

Dataset field(s) to use for faceting. Must be categorical. Default: NULL


How to color the groups. Options are:

  • TRUE - Automatically select colorblind-friendly colors.

  • FALSE or NULL - Don't use colors.

  • a palette name - Auto-select colors from this set. E.g. "okabe"

  • character vector - Custom colors to use. E.g. c("red", "#00FF00")

  • named character vector - Explicit mapping. E.g. c(Male = "blue", Female = "red")

See "Aesthetics" section below for additional information. Default: TRUE


Shapes for each group. Options are similar to colors's: TRUE, FALSE, NULL, shape names (typically integers 0 - 17), or a named vector mapping groups to specific shape names. See "Aesthetics" section below for additional information. Default: TRUE


Patterns for each group. Options are similar to colors's: TRUE, FALSE, NULL, pattern names ("brick", "chevron", "fish", "grid", etc), or a named vector mapping groups to specific pattern names. See "Aesthetics" section below for additional information. Default: FALSE


Method for computing p-values: 'wilcox', 'kruskal', 'emmeans', or 'emtrends'. Default: 'emmeans'


How to fit the trendline. 'lm', 'log', or 'gam'. Default: 'lm'


Position(s) along the x-axis where the means or slopes should be evaluated. Default: NULL, which samples 100 evenly spaced positions and selects the position where the p-value is most significant.


Alternative hypothesis direction. Options are '!=' (two-sided; not equal to mu), '<' (less than mu), or '>' (greater than mu). Default: '!='


Reference value to test against. Default: 0

within, between

Dataset field(s) for intra- or inter- sample comparisons. Alternatively, dataset field names given elsewhere can be prefixed with '==' or '!=' to assign them to within or between, respectively. Default: NULL


Random seed for permutations. Default: 0


Number of random permutations to use. Default: 999


Method to use for multiple comparisons adjustment of p-values. Run p.adjust.methods for a list of available options. Default: "fdr"


Rarefaction depths to show in the plot, or NULL to auto-select. Default: NULL


Where to draw a horizontal line on the plot, intended to show a particular rarefaction depth. Set to TRUE to show an auto-selected rarefaction depth or FALSE to not show a line. Default: NULL


Create a copy of biom before modifying. If FALSE, biom is modified in place as a side-effect. See speed ups for use cases. Default: TRUE


Show sample names under each bar. Default: FALSE


Transformation to apply. Options are: c("none", "rank", "log", "log1p", "sqrt"). "rank" is useful for correcting for non-normally distributions before applying regression statistics. Default: "none"

cmmr/rbiom documentation built on April 28, 2024, 6:38 a.m.