#' Compute Average Marginal Effects
#' Computes the average marginal effects for specified features.
#' @template arg_model
#' @template arg_data
#' @param features [\code{logical(1)}]\cr
#' The features for which the average marginal effects should be computed.
#' @param at [\code{list}]\cr
#' (optional) A named list of vectors where the values specify at which points the marginal effects are calculated (i.e. the values are held constant).
#' @template arg_predict.fun
#' @template arg_cl
#' @param ...
#' Further options passed down to the \code{\link[numDeriv]{grad}} function.
#' @export
computeAME = function(model, data, features, at = NULL, predict.fun = NULL, cl = NULL, ...) {
if (testDataFrame(data, types = c("numeric", "factor")) == FALSE) {
error.msg = paste(
"computeAME() only accepts numeric and factor variables.",
"Please change the data types and refit the model.",
sep = "\n")
stop(error.msg, call. = FALSE)
assertSubset(features, colnames(data))
assertList(at, types = "vector", null.ok = TRUE)
assertFunction(predict.fun, args = c("object", "newdata"), null.ok = TRUE)
if (is.null(at)) {
ame = computeAMEInternal(model, data, features, predict.fun, cl = cl, ...)
ret = as.data.frame(as.list(unlist(ame)))
} else {
assertNames(names(at), subset.of = colnames(data))
# create grid from all combinations in 'at'
grid = expand.grid(filterNull(at[colnames(data)]))
# replace the feature values in the data.frame with the constant values in grid and compute the ame
ind.cols = which(colnames(data) %in% colnames(grid))
ret = lapply(seq_row(grid), function(i) {
gr = grid[i, , drop = FALSE]
d = replace(data, list = ind.cols, values = gr)
ame = computeAMEInternal(model, d, features, predict.fun, ...)
# at.vars = names(at)
# iterate over features used in at.vars
# ret = lapply(at.vars, function(vars) {
# # iterate over the values defined in 'at'
# ame = lapply(at[[vars]], function(vals) {
# d = replace(data, list = which(colnames(data) == vars) , vals)
# computeAMEInternal(model, d, features, predict.fun, ...)
# })
# setNames(ame, at[[vars]])
# })
# ret = setNames(ret, at.vars)
colnames(grid) = sprintf("at(%s)", colnames(grid))
ret = cbind(grid, rbindlist(ret, fill = TRUE))
return(addClasses(ret, "AME"))
# print.AME = function(x, ...) {
# print(as.data.frame(lapply(x, function(x) {
# #d = data.frame(at.values = names(x), effect = unlist(x))
# lapply(x, function(i) (unlist(i)))
# #setDT(transpose(lapply(x, function(i) (unlist(i)))))
# })))
# }
summary.AME = function(x, ...) {
id.vars = colnames(x)[grepl("^at\\(.*\\)$", colnames(x))]
ret = melt(x, id.vars = id.vars, variable.name = "factor", value.name = "AME")
colnames(ret) = gsub("^at\\(|\\)$", "", colnames(ret))
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