
#' @title Agent
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object
#' @description
#' An abstract \code{\link{R6Class}} to represent Agent
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{learn(iter)}{[\code{function}] \cr
#'   Run iter number of Episodes}
#'   \item{plotPerf()}{[\code{function}] \cr
#'   plot performance}
#' }
#' @return [\code{\link{Agent}}].
#' @export
Agent = R6Class("Agent", public = list())

#' @title Initialize an Agent with an environment
#' @description Initialize the agent with an environment from where the agent can learn.
#' @param name The name of the Agent, see \code{\link{listAvailAgent}}
#' @param env The environment to initialize the Agent
#' @param conf The configuration
#' @param custom_brain Boolean argument: whether to use customized neural network, only for advanced users, not recommended
#' @param ... Other possible Parameters for each Agent
#' @return [\code{\link{AgentArmed}}].
#' @export
initAgent = function(name, env, conf = NULL, custom_brain = F, ...) {
  if (is.character(env)) env = makeGymEnv(env)
  if (is.null(conf)) conf = getDefaultConf(agent_name = name)
  fun = get(name)$new
  agent = do.call(fun, args = list(env = env, conf = conf, ...))
  env$setAgent(agent)  # so env has hook to all objects in agent
  if (!custom_brain & name != "AgentTable") {
    fun_build_net = get(paste0("agent.brain.dict.", name))

#' @title Discrete Action Agent
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object
#' @description
#' A \code{\link{R6Class}} to represent Discrete Action Agent or Armed Agent
#' @section Member Variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{interact}{[\code{Interaction}] \cr
#'   Interaction object between Agent and Environment.}
#'   \item{mem}{[\code{ReplayMem}] \cr
#'     Replay memory for the Agent}
#'   \item{brain}{[\code{Surrogate}] \cr
#'     A Surrogate model to evaluate the current state.}
#'   \item{model}{[\code{Surrogate}] \cr
#'     A reference to the Surrogate model.}
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' Inherited from \code{Agent}:
#' @inheritSection Agent Methods
#' @return [\code{\link{AgentArmed}}].
#' @export
AgentArmed = R6::R6Class("AgentArmed",
  inherit = Agent,
  public = list(
    # constructor init
    task = NULL,  # string either critic or actor
    replay_delta = NULL,
    updateFreq = NULL,  # how often you should update the model
    lr_decay = NULL,
    interact = NULL,
    clip_td_err = NULL,
    mem = NULL,  # replay memory
    vec_dis_return = NULL,
    list.acts = NULL,
    act_cnt = NULL,
    state_dim = NULL,
    conf = NULL,
    vec.arm.q = NULL,      # store Q value for each arm
    # built from conf
    glogger = NULL,
    policy = NULL,
    gamma = NULL,
    # for init in other child class
    brain = NULL,  # a table or a function approximator to represent the value function
    model = NULL,
    yhat = NULL,  # bellman equation estimation
    epochs = NULL,
    replay.size = NULL,
    p.old = NULL,
    p.next = NULL,
    list.replay = NULL,
    replay.y = NULL,
    replay.x = NULL,
    env = NULL,
    sess = NULL,
    replay.freq = NULL,
    network_build_funs = NULL,  # user specific function to create surrogate model
    # member function
    # constructor
    initialize = function(env, conf) {
      self$network_build_funs = vector(mode = "list", length = 2)
      names(self$network_build_funs) = c("policy_fun", "value_fun")
      self$sess = tensorflow::tf$Session()
      self$initializeConf(conf = conf)

    initializeEnv = function(env) {
      self$env = env
      self$act_cnt =  env$act_cnt
      self$state_dim = env$state_dim
      self$vec.arm.q = vector(mode = "numeric", length = self$act_cnt)

    stopLearn = function() {

    # user creation of brain from outside
    customizeBrain = function(dict) {
      for (name in names(dict)) {
        fun = dict[[name]]
        checkmate::assert_choice(name, choices = c("value_fun", "policy_fun"))
        #checkCustomNetwork(fun, self$state_dim, self$act_cnt)
        self$network_build_funs[[name]] = fun

    # seperate initializeConf allow for reconfiguration
    initializeConf = function(conf) {
      self$conf = conf

    loginfo = function(str, ...) {
      self$glogger$log.nn$info(str, ...)  # nocov

    createInteract = function(rl_env) {
      self$interact = Interaction$new(rl_env = rl_env, rl_agent = self)

    buildConf = function() {
      self$replay.size = self$conf$get("replay.batchsize")
      self$gamma = self$conf$get("agent.gamma")
      self$epochs = self$conf$get("replay.epochs")
      self$lr_decay = self$conf$get("agent.lr.decay")
      self$replay.freq = self$conf$get("replay.freq")
      self$clip_td_err = self$conf$get("agent.clip.td")
      memname = self$conf$get("replay.memname")
      self$mem = makeReplayMem(memname, agent = self, conf = self$conf)
      policy_name = self$conf$get("policy.name")
      self$policy = makePolicy(policy_name, self)
      self$glogger = RLLog$new(self$conf)
      self$createInteract(self$env)  # initialize after all other members are initialized!!

    # transform observation to  the replay memory
    observe = function() {
      ins = self$mem$mkInst(state.old = self$interact$s_old, action = self$interact$action, reward = self$interact$s_r_done_info[[2L]]
, state.new =  self$interact$s_r_done_info[[1L]], done = self$interact$s_r_done_info[[3L]], info = list(episode = self$interact$idx_episode + 1L, stepidx =  self$interact$step_in_episode + 1L, info = self$interact$s_r_done_info[[4L]]))

    replay = function(batchsize) {
      self$glogger$log.nn$info("replaying average ythat vs target error %s", mean(self$replay_delta))
      self$model$train(self$replay.x, self$replay.y, self$epochs)  # update the policy model

    getYhat = function(list.states.old) {
      nr = length(list.states.old)
      p = dim(list.states.old[[1]])
      old.state = Reduce(rbind, list.states.old)
      #FIXME: The transform below works for CartPole-v0 and Pong-v0 but not continous environment
      old.state = array(old.state, dim = c(nr, p))
      p.old = self$model$pred(old.state)

    mlog = function() {
      self$glogger$log.nn$info("state: %s", paste(state, collapse = " "))
      self$glogger$log.nn$info("prediction: %s", paste(self$vec.arm.q, collapse = " "))

    evaluateArm = function(state) {
      state = array_reshape(state, c(1L, dim(state)))
      self$vec.arm.q = self$model$pred(state)
      self$vec.arm.q = self$env$evaluateArm(self$vec.arm.q)

    # in video, states are stacked together with previous frame in Env implementation, so replay-mem becomes indepedent
    act = function(state) {
      act = self$policy$act(state)

    afterStep = function() {
      # do nothing

    afterEpisode = function() {
      if (!is.null(self$brain)) self$brain$afterEpisode()

    learn = function(iter) {

    plotPerf = function(smooth = T) {

    print = function() {
  ) # public

# AgentRandom = R6Class("AgentRandom",
#   inherit = AgentArmed,
#   public = list(
#     initializeConf = function(conf) {
#       if (is.null(conf)) super$initializeConf(getDefaultConf("AgentDQN"))
#     },
#     buildConf = function() {
#       self$replay.size = self$conf$get("replay.batchsize")
#       self$gamma = self$conf$get("agent.gamma")
#       self$epochs = self$conf$get("replay.epochs")
#       self$lr_decay = self$conf$get("agent.lr.decay")
#       self$replay.freq = self$conf$get("replay.freq")
#       self$clip_td_err = self$conf$get("agent.clip.td")
#       memname = self$conf$get("replay.memname")
#       self$mem = makeReplayMem(memname, agent = self, conf = self$conf)
#       policy_name = self$conf$get("policy.name")
#       self$policy = makePolicy(policy_name, self)
#       self$glogger = RLLog$new(self$conf)
#       self$createInteract(self$env)  # ini
#     },
#     act = function(state) {
#       sample(self$act_cnt)[1L]
#     }
#   )
# )
compstat-lmu/rlR documentation built on June 26, 2019, 5:56 p.m.