
Defines functions XCMS_EIC_plot

Documented in XCMS_EIC_plot

#' @importFrom  xcms groupval
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%

#' Exctract and return ggplot2 object of EICs for specified xcms features
#' @param indexes vector of feautre indices to extract
#' @param rawfiles List of MsnBase packages raw file objects
#' @param class Sample class labels
#' @param xset XCMS object from withc to extrat chromatograms
#' @param Blank_label Label used for Blank samples
#' @param QC_label Label used for QC samples
#' @export

XCMS_EIC_plot <- function(indexes, rawfiles, class, xset, Blank_label="Blank",
  QC_label="QC") {

  # Check if RT correction has been applied
  if (!all(unlist(xset@rt$raw) == unlist(xset@rt$corrected))) {
    RTcorrected <- TRUE
  } else {
    RTcorrected <- FALSE

  # Actual min/max rt, mz and intensities for all samples
  rtmin <- xcms::groupval(object=xset, method="medret", value="rtmin",
  rtmax <- xcms::groupval(object=xset, method="medret", value="rtmax",

  min_rt <- rbind(rtmin[indexes, ], NULL)
  max_rt <- rbind(rtmax[indexes, ], NULL)

  mzmin <- xcms::groupval(object=xset, method="medret", value="mzmin",
  mzmax <- xcms::groupval(object=xset, method="medret", value="mzmax",

  min_mz <- rbind(mzmin[indexes, ], NULL)
  max_mz <- rbind(mzmax[indexes, ], NULL)

  chromPlots <- vector("list", length(indexes))

  for (chromind in seq_len(length(indexes))) {
    cat("EIC: ", chromind, " ... sample: ")
    chroms <- vector("list", length(rawfiles))

    for (chrn in seq_len(length(rawfiles))) {
      cat(chrn, " ")
      mzmi <- min_mz[chromind, chrn]
      mzma <- max_mz[chromind, chrn]
      RTmi <- min_rt[chromind, chrn]
      RTma <- max_rt[chromind, chrn]

      # Find index of corrected RT and replace RT with raw value
      if (RTcorrected == TRUE) {
        RTind <- c(NA, NA)
        RTind[1L] <- which(xset@rt$corrected[[chrn]] >= RTmi)[1L]
        RTind[2L] <- which(xset@rt$corrected[[chrn]] >= RTma)[1L]

        RTmi <- xset@rt$raw[[chrn]][RTind[1L]]
        RTma <- xset@rt$raw[[chrn]][RTind[2L]]

      if (!all(is.na(c(mzmi, mzma, RTmi, RTma))) &&
        (!is.null(rawfiles[[chrn]]))) {
            ch <- tryCatch(
              rawfiles[[chrn]] %>%
              xcms::filterRt(rt=c(RTmi, RTma)) %>%
              xcms::filterMz(mz=c(mzmi, mzma)) %>%
             error=function(e) {return(NULL)}
            if (!is.null(ch)){
                chroms[[chrn]] <- ch
                # remove file column
                chroms[[chrn]]$file <- NULL
                # Replace raw RT with corrected if RT correction was applied
                if (nrow(chroms[[chrn]]) != 0L && RTcorrected == TRUE) {
                    RThits <- which(xset@rt$raw[[chrn]] %in% chroms[[chrn]]$rt)
                if (length(RThits) > 0L & length(RThits) == 
                    nrow(chroms[[chrn]])) {
                        chroms[[chrn]]$rt <- xset@rt$corrected[[chrn]][RThits]
            } else {
                chroms[[chrn]] <-data.frame(rt=NA, mz=NA, i=NA)
        # To keeps track on class and sample labels, we need to have empty
        # data frame, if there are no EIC's to extract
        if (nrow(chroms[[chrn]]) == 0L) chroms[[chrn]] <-
          data.frame(rt=NA, mz=NA, i=NA)
      } else {
        chroms[[chrn]] <- data.frame(rt=NA, mz=NA, i=NA)

    # Probably there is cleaner way how to do that.
    #Assign sample number and it's class
    for (chrn in seq_len(length(rawfiles))) {
      chroms[[chrn]]$Class <- class[chrn]
      chroms[[chrn]]$sample <- chrn

    # GGplot2 input
    A <- do.call(rbind, chroms)

    ptitle <- paste("EICs, m/z ",
      round(stats::median(min_mz[chromind, ], na.rm=TRUE), 5L), "-",
      round(stats::median(max_mz[chromind, ], na.rm=TRUE), 5L), sep="")

    # Reorder factor levels again, so that colors are consistent
    plotCols <- createClassAndColors(class=A$Class, QC_label=QC_label,

    A$Class <- plotCols$class

    chromPlots[[chromind]] <- ggplot(data=A,
      aes_(x=~rt, y=~i, color=~Class, group=~sample)) +
      geom_line() + theme_Publication(base_size=12L) +
      scale_colour_manual(values=plotCols$manual_colors) +
      xlab("retention time, s") + ylab("intensity") +
      ggtitle(label=NULL, subtitle=ptitle) +
      theme(legend.position=c(0.8, 0.8), legend.direction="vertical") +

computational-metabolomics/qcrms documentation built on Jan. 18, 2021, 1:46 a.m.