ttest: t-test

View source: R/ttest_class.R

ttestR Documentation



A t-test compares the means of two factor levels. Multiple-test corrected p-values are used to indicate the significance of the computed difference for all features.


  alpha = 0.05,
  mtc = "fdr",
  paired = FALSE,
  paired_factor = character(0),
  equal_variance = FALSE,
  conf_level = 0.95,
  control_group = NULL,



(numeric) The p-value cutoff for determining significance. The default is 0.05.


(character) Multiple test correction method. Allowed values are limited to the following:

  • "bonferroni": Bonferroni correction in which the p-values are multiplied by the number of comparisons.

  • "fdr": Benjamini and Hochberg False Discovery Rate correction.

  • "none": No correction.

The default is "fdr".


(character) The name of sample meta column(s) to use.


(logical) Apply a paired t-test. The default is FALSE.


(character) The factor name that encodes the sample id for pairing. The default is character(0).


(logical) Equal variance. Allowed values are limited to the following:

  • "TRUE": The variance of each group is treated as being equal using the pooled variance to estimate the variance.

  • "FALSE": The variance of each group is not assumed to be equal and the Welch (or Satterthwaite) approximation is used.

The default is FALSE.


(numeric) The confidence level of the interval. The default is 0.95.


(character, NULL) The level name of the group used as the second group (where possible) when computing t-statistics. This ensures a positive t-statistic corresponds to an increase when compared to the control group. The default is NULL.


Additional slots and values passed to struct_class.


A ttest object with the following output slots:

t_statistic (data.frame) The value of the calculate statistics which is converted to a p-value when compared to a t-distribution.
p_value (data.frame) The probability of observing the calculated t-statistic.
dof (numeric) The number of degrees of freedom used to calculate the test statistic.
significant (data.frame) TRUE if the calculated p-value is less than the supplied threhold (alpha).
conf_int (data.frame) Confidence interval for t statistic.
estimates (data.frame) The group means estimated when computing the t-statistic.


A ttest object inherits the following struct classes:

⁠[ttest]⁠ >> ⁠[model]⁠ >> ⁠[struct_class]⁠


M = ttest(
      alpha = 0.05,
      mtc = "fdr",
      factor_names = "V1",
      paired = FALSE,
      paired_factor = "NA",
      equal_variance = FALSE,
      conf_level = 0.95,
      control_group = NULL)

M = ttest(factor_name='Class')

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