#' Partial correlations
#' Function calculates partial correlations between the provided variables
#' The calculation is done based on multiple linear regressions. The function calculates
#' them for each pair of variables based on the residuals of linear models of those
#' variables from the other variables in the dataset.
#' @template author
#' @keywords htest
#' @param x Either data.frame or a matrix with numeric values.
#' @param y The numerical variable.
#' @param use What observations to use. See \link[stats]{cor} function for details.
#' The only option that is not available here is \code{"pairwise.complete.obs"}.
#' @param method Which method to use for the calculation of the partial correlations.
#' This can be either Pearson's, Spearman's or Kendall's coefficient. See \link[stats]{cor}
#' for details.
#' @return The following list of values is returned:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{value - Matrix of the coefficients of partial correlations;}
#' \item{p.value - The p-values for the parameters;}
#' \item{method - The method used in the calculations.}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link[greybox]{mcor}, \link[greybox]{cramer}, \link[greybox]{association}}
#' @examples
#' pcor(mtcars)
#' @export pcor
pcor <- function(x, y=NULL, use=c("na.or.complete","complete.obs","everything","all.obs"),
use <- match.arg(use,c("na.or.complete","complete.obs","everything","all.obs"));
method <- match.arg(method,c("pearson","spearman","kendall"));
# everything - returns NA if NA
# all.obs - returns error if NA
# complete.obs - NAs are removed, returns an error if nothing is left
# na.or.complete - NAs are removed, returns NA if nothing is left
# Function returns values or NAs or error
# returner <- function(errorType=c(0,1,2)){
# if(errorType==0){
# return(structure(list(value=value,statistic=statistic,df=dfReg,df.residual=dfResid,
# p.value=pf(statistic,dfReg,dfResid,lower.tail=FALSE)),class="pcor"));
# }
# else if(errorType==1){
# return(structure(list(value=NA,statistic=NA,df=NA,df.residual=NA,
# p.value=NA),class="pcor"));
# }
# else{
# stop("Missing observations in pcor", call.=FALSE);
# }
# }
doWarning <- FALSE;
if(is.matrix(x) | is.data.frame(x)){
nVariablesX <- ncol(x);
namesX <- colnames(x);
x <- sapply(x,as.numeric);
doWarning[] <- TRUE;
else if(is.data.frame(x)){
x <- as.matrix(x);
else if(is.factor(x)){
nVariablesX <- 1;
namesX <- deparse(substitute(x));
x <- as.data.frame(x);
nVariablesX <- 1;
namesX <- deparse(substitute(x));
x <- as.matrix(x);
if(is.matrix(y) | is.data.frame(y)){
nVariablesY <- ncol(y);
namesY <- colnames(y);
y <- sapply(y,as.numeric);
doWarning[] <- TRUE;
else if(is.data.frame(y)){
y <- as.matrix(y);
else if(is.factor(y)){
nVariablesY <- 1;
namesY <- deparse(substitute(y));
y <- as.data.frame(y);
nVariablesY <- 1;
namesY <- deparse(substitute(y));
y <- as.matrix(y);
data <- cbind(x,y);
nVariables <- nVariablesX+nVariablesY;
namesData <- c(namesX, namesY);
data <- x;
nVariables <- nVariablesX;
namesData <- namesX;
return(structure(list(value=1, p.value=1, method=method),class="pcor"));
warning(paste0("Some of the variables are in categorical scales. ",
"Using partial correlations might be meaningless!"),
matrixAssociation <- matrix(1,nVariables,nVariables, dimnames=list(namesData,namesData));
matrixPValues <- matrix(0,nVariables,nVariables, dimnames=list(namesData,namesData));
for(i in 1:nVariables){
for(j in 1:nVariables){
model1 <- .lm.fit(data[,-c(i,j),drop=FALSE],data[,i,drop=FALSE]);
model2 <- .lm.fit(data[,-c(i,j),drop=FALSE],data[,j,drop=FALSE]);
corOutput <- suppressWarnings(cor.test(residuals(model1),residuals(model2),method=method));
matrixAssociation[i,j] <- corOutput$estimate;
matrixPValues[i,j] <- corOutput$p.value;
matrixAssociation[lower.tri(matrixAssociation)] <- t(matrixAssociation)[lower.tri(matrixAssociation)];
matrixPValues[lower.tri(matrixPValues)] <- t(matrixPValues)[lower.tri(matrixPValues)];
matrixAssociation <- matrix(1,nVariablesY,nVariablesX, dimnames=list(namesY,namesX));
matrixPValues <- matrix(0,nVariablesY,nVariablesX, dimnames=list(namesY,namesX));
for(j in 1:nVariablesY){
for(i in 1:nVariablesX){
model1 <- .lm.fit(cbind(x[,-i,drop=FALSE],y[,-j,drop=FALSE]),y[,j,drop=FALSE]);
model2 <- .lm.fit(cbind(x[,-i,drop=FALSE],y[,-j,drop=FALSE]),x[,i,drop=FALSE]);
corOutput <- suppressWarnings(cor.test(residuals(model1),residuals(model2),method=method));
matrixAssociation[j,i] <- corOutput$estimate;
matrixPValues[j,i] <- corOutput$p.value;
return(structure(list(value=matrixAssociation, p.value=matrixPValues, method=method),
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