
# Algorithms.R

#' @description A function to perform the TOPSIS algorithm on a data.frame in read.data.matrix format
#' @title TOPSIS
#' @author Blake Conrad \email{bmc.cs@outlook.com}
#' @param data, dataframe in read.data.matrix format
#' @param algParams, default to c(), when the sensitivity function calls this function the user can pass specific algorithm parameters. These have a sanitiy check and then append in the correct parameter if correctly supplied.
#' @param verbose, echos print statements to understand input/output relation.
#' @keywords data.frame, ranking
#' @return list
#' @examples
#' data(topsis_dm)
#' topsis_results <- TOPSIS(topsis_dm)
#' topsis_results$Results
#' @details More theory on the following:
#' https://github.com/conradbm/madm/blob/master/Examples/SAW_and_Topsis.xls
#' @export
TOPSIS <- function(data=DM, algParams=c(), verbose=FALSE){
  DM <- data
  #AltIdxStart <- (which(row.names(DM)=="weight")+1)
  #if(verbose) cat("Starting the TOPSIS algorithm.\n")
  # Sanitize parameters from sensitivity function
  if(length(algParams) != 0){
    if("TOPSIS" %in% names(algParams)){
      # ... Detemrine if specific parameter exists ...
      # ... Set specific parameter here ...
  weightVectorNormalize <- function(DM){
    VNDM <- DM
    for (i in 1:ncol(DM)){
      denom <- sqrt(sum(DM[,i]^2))
      for(j in 2:length(DM[,i])){
        VNDM[j,i] <- DM[1,i]*((DM[j,i])/denom)
  VNDM <- weightVectorNormalize(DM)
  PNI <- function(DM){
    s <- data.frame(row.names=FALSE)
    for (name in names(DM)){
      if(grepl("cost", name) || grepl("Cost", name) || grepl("COST", name)){
        # min is better
        p <- min(DM[2:nrow(DM),name])         #remember to ignore the weight row
        n <- max(DM[2:nrow(DM),name])         #remember to ignore the weight row
        #cat(name, "neg:",n,"\tpos:",p,"\n")
        # max is better
        p <- max(DM[2:nrow(DM),name])         #remember to ignore the weight row
        n <- min(DM[2:nrow(DM),name])         #remember to ignore the weight row
        #cat(name, "neg:",n,"\tpos:",p,"\n")
      s <- rbind(s,t(data.frame(c(name, p, n))))
    # Structure labeling
    names(s) <- c("Name", "PositiveIdeal", "NegativeIdeal")
    row.names(s) <- names(DM)
    # Structure & Convert data
    d <- data.frame(t(s[,2:ncol(s)]))
    d2 <- data.frame(apply(d, 2, as.double))
    # Re-structure labeling
    names(d2) <- names(d)
    row.names(d2) <- row.names(d)
  ideals <- PNI(VNDM)
  distanceFromIdeals <- function(ideals, DM){
    SPlus <- c()
    SMinus <- c()
    for(i in 2:nrow(DM)){
      SPlus[i] <- sqrt(sum((DM[i,] - ideals[1,])^2))
      SMinus[i] <- sqrt(sum((DM[i,] - ideals[2,])^2))
    return (data.frame(SPlus, SMinus))
  #if(verbose) cat("Finished the TOPSIS algorithm.\n")
  S <- distanceFromIdeals(ideals, VNDM)
  row.names(S) <- row.names(VNDM)
  CStar <- data.frame(S[,2] / (S[,1]+S[,2]))
  names(CStar) <- "C"
  row.names(CStar) <- row.names(VNDM)
  # Next order them by descending, then return
  retDf <- CStar
  retDf$Rank <- rank(-retDf$C)
  retDf$Alternative <- row.names(retDf)
  row.names(retDf) <- NULL
  retDf$Rank <- as.factor(retDf$Rank)
  retDf <- retDf[2:nrow(retDf),c("Alternative", "C","Rank")]
  # Return as much as we collected
  retList <- list(retDf, CStar, S, ideals, VNDM, DM)
  names(retList) <- c("Results","CStar","S","ideals","VNDM","DM")

#' @description This function allows you to import a csv into the correct data.matrix format for the madm package
#' @title MAUT
#' @author Blake Conrad \email{bmc.cs@outlook.com}
#' @param data, dataframe in read.data.matrix format
#' @param scales, default to c(), if scales supplied and supplied correctly, each attribute will get the appropriate scaling measure (linear, exponential, or logarithmic). Defaults to all linear scales if none supplied.
#' @param algParams, default to c(), when the sensitivity function calls this function the user can pass specific algorithm parameters. These have a sanitiy check and then append in the correct parameter if correctly supplied.
#' @param verbose, echos print statements to understand input/output relation.
#' @keywords data.frame, ranking
#' @return list
#' @examples
#' data(maut_dm)
#' #no scales specified
#' maut_results <- MAUT(maut_dm) 
#' # all scales specified
#' maut_results2 <- MAUT(maut_dm, scales=c("linear", "exponential", "logarithmic"))
#' # some scales specified, all others default to linear. 
#' maut_results3 <- MAUT(maut_dm, scales=c("exponential", "", "logarithmic")) 
#' @details
#'  1. https://github.com/conradbm/madm/blob/master/Examples/MAUT.xls
#' @details 
#' 2. https://github.com/conradbm/madm/blob/master/Examples/SAW_and_Topsis.xls
#' Standard Decision Matrix Format (N+1)xD:
#'               attribute1 attribute2 ... attributei ... attributeD
#' weight     
#' alternative1
#' alternative2
#' .
#' .
#' .
#' alternativeN
#' @export

MAUT <- function(data=DM, algParams=c(), scales=c(), verbose=FALSE){
  DM <- data
  #print("scales" %in% algParams$MAUT)
  #if(verbose) cat("Starting the MAUT algorithm.\n")
  # Sanitize parameters from the sensitivity function
  if(length(algParams) != 0){
    if("MAUT" %in% names(algParams)){
      # ... Detemrine if specific parameter exists ...
      if("scales" %in% names(algParams$MAUT)){
        # ... Set specific parameter here ...
        if(verbose) cat("Setting scales to: ")
        if(verbose) print(algParams$MAUT$scales)
        if(verbose) cat("\n")
        scales <- algParams$MAUT$scales
        if(verbose) cat("Invalid scales structure.\n")
      if(verbose) cat("Invalid method structure.\n")
    if(verbose) cat("No algParams provided.\n")
  # Scales not supplied sufficiently
  if(length(scales)==0 || length(scales) < ncol(DM)){
      if(verbose) cat("No scales were provided or provided incompletely. Setting default scaling to linear.\n")
      scales = rep("linear", ncol(DM))

  for(i in 1:ncol(DM)){
    # Normalize each column to the following:
      # benefit attributes: ((val-min)/(max-min))
      # cost attributes: ((min-val)/(max- min))+1
    tmin <- min(DM[2:nrow(DM),i])
    tmax <- max(DM[2:nrow(DM),i])
    tnames <- names(DM)
    for(j in 2:nrow(DM)){
      # Cost attributes
      if(grepl("cost", tnames[i]) || grepl("Cost", tnames[i]) || grepl("COST", tnames[i])){
        DM[j,i] <-  ((tmin-DM[j,i])/(tmax-tmin))+1
      # Benefit attributes
        DM[j,i] <-  ((DM[j,i] - tmin)/(tmax-tmin))

      # Handle scaling for diverse attributes appropriately
      if(scales[i] == "linear"){
        # Handle linear case -- indifferent to risk
        # Already scaled, no action needed.
      else if(scales[i] == "exponential"){
        # Handle exponential case
        # exp(val^2)+1/1.7889 -- risky attribute is more benefitial
        DM[j,i] <- ((exp(DM[j,i]^2)-1)/1.718282)
      else if (scales[i] == "logarithmic"){
        # Handle logarithmic case
        # log(val) -- risk averse is more benefitial
        DM[j,i] <- log(DM[j,i])
        cat("Incorrect function. Defaulting to linear.\n")
  #if(verbose) cat("Finished the MAUT algorithm.\n")
  normalizedDM <- DM
  # SAW -- Sum each column based on its unique 'Utility' to provide a final utility score.
  # sum each column after scaling each by their columns weights -- sumproduct
     # result = Dx2 data.frame to show an alternative, its score, and its rank.

  tscores <- c()
  tnames <- c()
  for(j in 2:nrow(DM)){
    tscores <- c(tscores, sum(DM[1,]*DM[j,]))
    tnames <- c(tnames, row.names(DM)[j])
  trank <- rank(-tscores)
  retDf <- data.frame(Alternative=tnames,
  retList <- list(retDf, DM, scales)
  names(retList) <- c("Results","DM","scales")

### Validated? No
### For more theory visit: 
### 1. https://github.com/conradbm/madm/blob/master/Examples/ELECTRE.xlsx
ELECTRE <- function(DM){

### Validated? No
### For more theory visit: 
### 1. https://github.com/conradbm/madm/blob/master/Examples/PROMETHEE.xlsx
PROMETHEE <- function(DM){
conradbm/madmR documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:35 p.m.