#This file contains the main cost-benefit functions
#Dylan Cole
#July 2021
#Incorporated code written by Laura Keating (July 2021)
#' This function performs the cost benefit analysis for an organizations new species prioritization process.
#' @param org_programs A vector of the species names included in the analysis
#' @param inputs A dataframe containing the organization's different programs costs and benefits for each species
#' @param functional_score_max TO DO
#' @param sensitivity TO DO
#' @return TO DO
#####Cost Benefit Analysis #####
#### Benefit Options #####
#Users are able to select different metrics to examine the cost/benefit effectiveness
######## Analysis for calculating cost benefit ratios based only on conservation gains ########
cba_cgain<-function(org_programs, inputs, functional_score_max, sensitivity){
##### Creating empty df to hold results #####
results_overall <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(org_programs), ncol = 7))
colnames(results_overall) <- c("org_program", "BCR_national_EV","BCR_national_EV_rank",
"weighted_BCRs", "weighted_BCRs_rank")
results_overall$org_program <- org_programs
# Summary object for national BCR results
results_BCR_national <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(org_programs), ncol = 5))
colnames(results_BCR_national) <- c("org_program", "mean", "P5", "P50", "P95")
results_BCR_national$org_program <- org_programs
# Summary set up for the global results
# will be the same as the national results
results_BCR_global <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the cost-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_cost_total<- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the cost-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_cost_organization <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the benefit-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_benefit_national <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the benefit-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_benefit_global <- results_BCR_national
# initialize something to hold all the simulated inputs for sensitivity
# and the results too if needed for each program
dat_list <- list()
##### Main Simulation #####
for (i in 1:length(org_programs)) {
# Identify which program we are doing now
org_program <- as.character(org_programs[i])
print(paste("Running cgain simulation for", org_program))
# Do parameter prep from the input distributions to get one set of parameters
# to use for each iteration
dat <- parameter_prep(inputs = inputs,
org_program = org_program,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)
######## Calculate the national benefit for each iteration ########
# G relative to dynamic baseline done in the pre-work, for clarity may want to pull out TO DO
# Calculate our portion of the benefit
dat$GS_Benefit_national <- dat$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline
dat$benefit_national_org <- dat$GS_Benefit_national * dat$organization_portion_benefit
######## Calculate the global benefit for each iteration ########
# Calculate what the assessed denominator is
GS_denominator_assessed <- dat$GSnSpatialUnits * functional_score_max
# Calculate what the assessed numerator is
GS_numerator_assessed <- dat$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline * GS_denominator_assessed/100
# Calculate how many spatial units would be in the larger scale if they are
# proportional to the smaller scale and the range
n_spatial_units_scaled <- dat$GSnSpatialUnits / (dat$species_range_pct_in_nation/100)
# Calculate what the scaled denominator is
GS_denominator_scaled <- functional_score_max * n_spatial_units_scaled
# Calculate new value for scaled global
dat$GSGlobalGainWithDynamicBaseline <- GS_numerator_assessed / GS_denominator_scaled * 100
# Relabelling for consistency
dat$GS_Benefit_global <- dat$GSGlobalGainWithDynamicBaseline
# Adjust the global benefit of the organization's program to reflect the organization portion by
# multiplying the organizations global benefit vector by the vector with the percent
# contribution from the organization. The result is the organization's global benefit of
# the program.
dat$benefit_global_org <- dat$GS_Benefit_global * dat$organization_portion_benefit
######## Calculate the costs ########
# Note: this is currently done as prework in the paramater draws function
# But might be clearer if pull it out and put here
######## Calculate the Benefit to Cost Ratios (BCRs) for each iteration ########
# Divide the organization's national benefit of the program by the
# organizational project cost to get the national Benefit to Cost ratio (BCR).
dat$BCR_national <- dat$benefit_national_org / dat$cost_organization
#Do the same for the organization's global benefit.
dat$BCR_global <- dat$benefit_global_org / dat$cost_organization
######## Calculate the BCR probability-weighted average and credible intervals. ########
# Store the various pieces of the results separately for easy use later
# National
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$BCR_national) # TO DO: Consider deleting these and just storing in overall unless planning to plot theses
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.05)
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.50)
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.95)
results_overall[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "BCR_national_EV"] <- mean(dat$BCR_national)
# Global
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$BCR_global)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.05)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.50)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.95)
results_overall[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "BCR_global_EV"] <- mean(dat$BCR_global)
# Costs
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$cost_total_project)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.05)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.50)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.95)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$cost_organization)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.05)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.50)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.95)
# Benefits
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$benefit_national_org)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.05)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.50)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.95)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$benefit_global_org)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.05)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.50)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.95)
# Store the dat in a list
dat_list[[i]] <- dat
######## Calculating ranking #####
# Calculate where would rank for each of the national and global
results_overall$BCR_national_EV_rank <- rank(-results_overall$BCR_national_EV)
results_overall$BCR_global_EV_rank <- rank(-results_overall$BCR_global_EV)
# Combine the national and global BCR using an equal weights multiplicative approach as per
# https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/pdf/10.1287/ited.2013.0124
results_overall$weighted_BCRs <- results_overall$BCR_national_EV*results_overall$BCR_global_EV
# Rank the CZCT programs from largest to smallest by their weighted BCR.
results_overall$weighted_BCRs_rank <- rank(-results_overall$weighted_BCRs)
results_cost_total, results_cost_organization,
results_benefit_national, results_benefit_global,
} #End of cba_cgain function
######## Analysis for calculating cost benefit ratios based on conservation gains relative to long term aspirations
cba_cgain_longtermasp <- function(org_programs, inputs, functional_score_max, sensitivity){
##### Creating empty df to hold results #####
results_overall <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(org_programs), ncol = 7))
colnames(results_overall) <- c("org_program", "BCR_national_EV","BCR_national_EV_rank",
"weighted_BCRs", "weighted_BCRs_rank")
results_overall$org_program <- org_programs
# Summary object for national BCR results
results_BCR_national <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(org_programs), ncol = 5))
colnames(results_BCR_national) <- c("org_program", "mean", "P5", "P50", "P95")
results_BCR_national$org_program <- org_programs
# Summary set up for the global results
# will be the same as the national results
results_BCR_global <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the cost-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_cost_total<- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the cost-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_cost_organization <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the benefit-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_benefit_national <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the benefit-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_benefit_global <- results_BCR_national
# initialize something to hold all the simulated inputs for sensitivity
# and the results too if needed for each program
dat_list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(org_programs)) {
# Identify which program we are doing now
org_program <- as.character(org_programs[i])
print(paste("Running cgain_longtermasp simulation for", org_program))
# Do parameter prep from the input distributions to get one set of parameters
# to use for each iteration
dat <- parameter_prep(inputs = inputs,
org_program = org_program,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)
######## Calculate the national benefit for each iteration ########
# G relative to dynamic baseline done in the pre-work, for clarity may want to pull out TO DO
# Calculate our portion of the benefit
dat$GS_Benefit_national <- dat$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline / dat$GSlongtermAspiration * 100
dat$benefit_national_org <- dat$GS_Benefit_national * dat$organization_portion_benefit
######## Calculate the global benefit for each iteration ########
# Calculate what the assessed denominator is
GS_denominator_assessed <- dat$GSnSpatialUnits * functional_score_max
# Calculate what the assessed numerator is
GS_numerator_assessed <- dat$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline * GS_denominator_assessed/100
# Calculate how many spatial units would be in the larger scale if they are
# proportional to the smaller scale and the range
n_spatial_units_scaled <- dat$GSnSpatialUnits / (dat$species_range_pct_in_nation/100)
# Calculate what the scaled denominator is
GS_denominator_scaled <- functional_score_max * n_spatial_units_scaled
# Calculate new value for scaled global
dat$GSGlobalGainWithDynamicBaseline <- GS_numerator_assessed / GS_denominator_scaled * 100
# Rescaling to long term aspirations
dat$GS_Benefit_global <- dat$GSGlobalGainWithDynamicBaseline / dat$GSlongtermAspiration * 100
# Adjust the global benefit of the organization's program to reflect the organization portion by
# multiplying the organizations global benefit vector by the vector with the percent
# contribution from the organization. The result is the organization's global benefit of
# the program.
dat$benefit_global_org <- dat$GS_Benefit_global * dat$organization_portion_benefit
######## Calculate the costs ########
# Note: this is currently done as prework in the paramater draws function
# But might be clearer if pull it out and put here
######## Calculate the Benefit to Cost Ratios (BCRs) for each iteration ########
# Divide the organization's national benefit of the program by the
# organizational project cost to get the national Benefit to Cost ratio (BCR).
dat$BCR_national <- dat$benefit_national_org / dat$cost_organization
#Do the same for the organization's global benefit.
dat$BCR_global <- dat$benefit_global_org / dat$cost_organization
######## Calculate the BCR probability-weighted average and credible intervals. ########
# Store the various pieces of the results separately for easy use later
# National
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$BCR_national) # TO DO: Consider deleting these and just storing in overall unless planning to plot theses
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.05)
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.50)
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.95)
results_overall[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "BCR_national_EV"] <- mean(dat$BCR_national)
# Global
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$BCR_global)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.05)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.50)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.95)
results_overall[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "BCR_global_EV"] <- mean(dat$BCR_global)
# Costs
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$cost_total_project)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.05)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.50)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.95)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$cost_organization)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.05)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.50)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.95)
# Benefits
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$benefit_national_org)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.05)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.50)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.95)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$benefit_global_org)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.05)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.50)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.95)
# Store the dat in a list
dat_list[[i]] <- dat
######## Calculating ranking #####
# Calculate where would rank for each of the national and global
results_overall$BCR_national_EV_rank <- rank(-results_overall$BCR_national_EV)
results_overall$BCR_global_EV_rank <- rank(-results_overall$BCR_global_EV)
# Combine the national and global BCR using an equal weights multiplicative approach as per
# https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/pdf/10.1287/ited.2013.0124
results_overall$weighted_BCRs <- results_overall$BCR_national_EV*results_overall$BCR_global_EV
# Rank the CZCT programs from largest to smallest by their weighted BCR.
results_overall$weighted_BCRs_rank <- rank(-results_overall$weighted_BCRs)
results_cost_total, results_cost_organization,
results_benefit_national, results_benefit_global,
} # End of cba_cgain_longtermasp function simulation
######## Analysis for calculating cost benefit ratios based only on conservation gains binned into high, medium, low, zero gains ########
#### Note - Need to determine how to bin it - After talks with Jana it is based on both conservation gain and current GS
cba_cgain_binnedbycgain <- function(org_programs, inputs, functional_score_max, sensitivity){
##### Creating empty df to hold results #####
results_overall <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(org_programs), ncol = 9))
colnames(results_overall) <- c("org_program", "BCR_national_EV","BCR_national_EV_rank",
"mean_cgain_national_org", "mean_cgain_global_org",
"bin_cgainNational", "bin_cgainGlobal")
results_overall$org_program <- org_programs
# Summary object for national BCR results
results_BCR_national <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(org_programs), ncol = 5))
colnames(results_BCR_national) <- c("org_program", "mean", "P5", "P50", "P95")
results_BCR_national$org_program <- org_programs
# Summary set up for the global results
# will be the same as the national results
results_BCR_global <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the cost-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_cost_total<- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the cost-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_cost_organization <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the benefit-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_benefit_national <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the benefit-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_benefit_global <- results_BCR_national
# initialize something to hold all the simulated inputs for sensitivity
# and the results too if needed for each program
dat_list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(org_programs)) {
# Identify which program we are doing now
org_program <- as.character(org_programs[i])
print(paste("Running cgain_binnedbycgain simulation for", org_program))
# Do parameter prep from the input distributions to get one set of parameters
# to use for each iteration
dat <- parameter_prep(inputs = inputs,
org_program = org_program,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)
######## Calculate the national benefit for each iteration ########
# G relative to dynamic baseline done in the pre-work, for clarity may want to pull out TO DO
# Calculate our portion of the benefit
dat$GS_Benefit_national <- dat$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline
dat$benefit_national_org <- dat$GS_Benefit_national * dat$organization_portion_benefit
######## Calculate the global benefit for each iteration ########
# Calculate what the assessed denominator is
GS_denominator_assessed <- dat$GSnSpatialUnits * functional_score_max
# Calculate what the assessed numerator is
GS_numerator_assessed <- dat$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline * GS_denominator_assessed/100
# Calculate how many spatial units would be in the larger scale if they are
# proportional to the smaller scale and the range
n_spatial_units_scaled <- dat$GSnSpatialUnits / (dat$species_range_pct_in_nation/100)
# Calculate what the scaled denominator is
GS_denominator_scaled <- functional_score_max * n_spatial_units_scaled
# Calculate new value for scaled global
dat$GSGlobalGainWithDynamicBaseline <- GS_numerator_assessed / GS_denominator_scaled * 100
# Relabelling for consistency
dat$GS_Benefit_global <- dat$GSGlobalGainWithDynamicBaseline
# Adjust the global benefit of the organization's program to reflect the organization portion by
# multiplying the organizations global benefit vector by the vector with the percent
# contribution from the organization. The result is the organization's global benefit of
# the program.
dat$benefit_global_org <- dat$GS_Benefit_global * dat$organization_portion_benefit
######## Calculate the costs ########
# Note: this is currently done as prework in the paramater draws function
# But might be clearer if pull it out and put here
######## Calculate the Benefit to Cost Ratios (BCRs) for each iteration ########
# Divide the organization's national benefit of the program by the
# organizational project cost to get the national Benefit to Cost ratio (BCR).
dat$BCR_national <- dat$benefit_national_org / dat$cost_organization
#Do the same for the organization's global benefit.
dat$BCR_global <- dat$benefit_global_org / dat$cost_organization
######## Calculate the BCR probability-weighted average and credible intervals. ########
# Store the various pieces of the results separately for easy use later
# National
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$BCR_national) # TO DO: Consider deleting these and just storing in overall unless planning to plot theses
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.05)
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.50)
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.95)
results_overall[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "BCR_national_EV"] <- mean(dat$BCR_national)
# Global
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$BCR_global)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.05)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.50)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.95)
results_overall[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "BCR_global_EV"] <- mean(dat$BCR_global)
# Costs
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$cost_total_project)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.05)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.50)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.95)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$cost_organization)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.05)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.50)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.95)
# Benefits
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$benefit_national_org)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.05)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.50)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.95)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$benefit_global_org)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.05)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.50)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.95)
# Store the dat in a list
dat_list[[i]] <- dat
#Calculating mean national gains for binning
results_overall$mean_cgain_national_org[which(results_overall$org_program == org_program)] <- mean(dat$benefit_national_org)
#Calcuating mean current national GS for conditions within binning
results_overall$mean_GScurrentNational[which(results_overall$org_program == org_program)] <- mean(dat$GScurrentNational)
# Create national conservation gains bins based on IUCN GS Tables
if ((results_overall$mean_cgain_national_org[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] >= 40) |
(results_overall$mean_cgain_national_org[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] > 0) &&
(results_overall$mean_GScurrentNational[which(results_overall$org_program == org_program)] == 0) |
(results_overall$mean_cgain_national_org[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] > 1 *
results_overall$mean_GScurrentNational[which(results_overall$org_program == org_program)]))
} else if (results_overall$mean_cgain_national_org[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] >= 10 &&
results_overall$mean_cgain_national_org[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] < 40){
results_overall$bin_cgainNational[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)]<- "Medium"
} else if (results_overall$mean_cgain_national_org[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] > 0 &&
results_overall$mean_cgain_national_org[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] <= 10) {
} else if (results_overall$mean_cgain_national_org[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] == 0) {
#Calculating mean global gains for binning
results_overall$mean_cgain_global_org[which(results_overall$org_program == org_program)] <- mean(dat$benefit_global_org)
#Calcuating mean current global GS for conditions within binning
results_overall$mean_GScurrentGlobal[which(results_overall$org_program == org_program)] <- mean(dat$GScurrentGlobal)
#Create global conservation gains bins based on IUCN GS Tables
if ((results_overall$mean_cgain_global_org[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] >= 40) |
(results_overall$mean_cgain_global_org[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] > 0) &&
(results_overall$mean_GScurrentGlobal[which(results_overall$org_program == org_program)] == 0) |
(results_overall$mean_cgain_global_org[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] > 1 *
results_overall$mean_GScurrentGlobal[which(results_overall$org_program == org_program)]))
} else if (results_overall$mean_cgain_global_org[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] >= 10 &&
results_overall$mean_cgain_global_org[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] < 40){
results_overall$bin_cgainGlobal[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)]<- "Medium"
} else if (results_overall$mean_cgain_global_org[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] > 0 &&
results_overall$mean_cgain_global_org[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] <= 10) {
} else if (results_overall$mean_cgain_global_org[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] == 0) {
######## Calculating ranking #####
#Based on factor categories
results_overall$BCR_national_EV_rank<-order(order(factor(results_overall$bin_cgainNational, levels=c("High","Medium", "Low", "Zero" ), ordered=TRUE),
results_overall$BCR_global_EV_rank<-order(order(factor(results_overall$bin_cgainGlobal, levels=c("High", "Medium","Low","Zero"), ordered=TRUE),
#Based on numerical categories
#results_overall$BCR_national_EV_rank<-frank(results_overall, bin_cgainNational, -BCR_national_EV, ties.method="average")
#results_overall$BCR_global_EV_rank<-frank(results_overall, bin_cgainGlobal, -BCR_global_EV, ties.method="average")
# Calculate where would rank for each of the national and global
#results_overall$BCR_national_EV_rank <- rank(-results_overall$BCR_national_EV)
#results_overall$BCR_global_EV_rank <- rank(-results_overall$BCR_global_EV)
# Combine the national and global BCR using an equal weights multiplicative approach as per
# https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/pdf/10.1287/ited.2013.0124
#results_overall$weighted_BCRs <- results_overall$BCR_national_EV*results_overall$BCR_global_EV
# Rank the CZCT programs from largest to smallest by their weighted BCR.
#results_overall$weighted_BCRs_rank <- rank(-results_overall$weighted_BCRs)
results_cost_total, results_cost_organization,
results_benefit_national, results_benefit_global,
} # End of cba_cgain_binnedbycgain
######## Analysis for calculating cost benefit ratios based on conservation gains relative to long term aspirations binned by current GS ########
cba_cgain_longtermasp_binnedbyGS<-function(org_programs, inputs, functional_score_max, sensitivity){
##### Creating empty df to hold results #####
results_overall <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(org_programs), ncol = 7))
colnames(results_overall) <- c("org_program", "BCR_national_EV","BCR_national_EV_rank",
"weighted_BCRs", "weighted_BCRs_rank")
results_overall$org_program <- org_programs
# Summary object for national BCR results
results_BCR_national <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(org_programs), ncol = 5))
colnames(results_BCR_national) <- c("org_program", "mean", "P5", "P50", "P95")
results_BCR_national$org_program <- org_programs
# Summary set up for the global results
# will be the same as the national results
results_BCR_global <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the cost-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_cost_total<- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the cost-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_cost_organization <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the benefit-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_benefit_national <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the benefit-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_benefit_global <- results_BCR_national
#Initializing columns for binning process
results_overall$mean_GScurrentNational <- NA
results_overall$mean_GScurrentGlobal <- NA
results_overall$currentGS_bin <- NA
# initialize something to hold all the simulated inputs for sensitivity
# and the results too if needed for each program
dat_list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(org_programs)) {
# Identify which program we are doing now
org_program <- as.character(org_programs[i])
print(paste("Running cgain_longtermasp_binnedbyGS simulation for", org_program))
# Do parameter prep from the input distributions to get one set of parameters
# to use for each iteration
dat <- parameter_prep(inputs = inputs,
org_program = org_program,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)
######## Calculate the national benefit for each iteration ########
# G relative to dynamic baseline done in the pre-work, for clarity may want to pull out TO DO
# Calculate our portion of the benefit
dat$GS_Benefit_national <- dat$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline / dat$GSlongtermAspiration * 100
dat$benefit_national_org <- dat$GS_Benefit_national * dat$organization_portion_benefit
######## Calculate the global benefit for each iteration ########
# Calculate what the assessed denominator is
GS_denominator_assessed <- dat$GSnSpatialUnits * functional_score_max
# Calculate what the assessed numerator is
GS_numerator_assessed <- dat$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline * GS_denominator_assessed/100
# Calculate how many spatial units would be in the larger scale if they are
# proportional to the smaller scale and the range
n_spatial_units_scaled <- dat$GSnSpatialUnits / (dat$species_range_pct_in_nation/100)
# Calculate what the scaled denominator is
GS_denominator_scaled <- functional_score_max * n_spatial_units_scaled
# Calculate new value for scaled global
dat$GSGlobalGainWithDynamicBaseline <- GS_numerator_assessed / GS_denominator_scaled * 100
# Rescaling to long term aspirations
dat$GS_Benefit_global <- dat$GSGlobalGainWithDynamicBaseline / dat$GSlongtermAspiration * 100
# Adjust the global benefit of the organization's program to reflect the organization portion by
# multiplying the organizations global benefit vector by the vector with the percent
# contribution from the organization. The result is the organization's global benefit of
# the program.
dat$benefit_global_org <- dat$GS_Benefit_global * dat$organization_portion_benefit
######## Calculate the costs ########
# Note: this is currently done as prework in the paramater draws function
# But might be clearer if pull it out and put here
######## Calculate the Benefit to Cost Ratios (BCRs) for each iteration ########
# Divide the organization's national benefit of the program by the
# organizational project cost to get the national Benefit to Cost ratio (BCR).
dat$BCR_national <- dat$benefit_national_org / dat$cost_organization
#Do the same for the organization's global benefit.
dat$BCR_global <- dat$benefit_global_org / dat$cost_organization
######## Calculate the BCR probability-weighted average and credible intervals. ########
# Store the various pieces of the results separately for easy use later
# National
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$BCR_national) # TO DO: Consider deleting these and just storing in overall unless planning to plot theses
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.05)
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.50)
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.95)
results_overall[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "BCR_national_EV"] <- mean(dat$BCR_national)
# Global
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$BCR_global)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.05)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.50)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.95)
results_overall[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "BCR_global_EV"] <- mean(dat$BCR_global)
# Costs
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$cost_total_project)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.05)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.50)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.95)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$cost_organization)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.05)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.50)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.95)
# Benefits
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$benefit_national_org)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.05)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.50)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.95)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$benefit_global_org)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.05)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.50)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.95)
# Store the dat in a list
dat_list[[i]] <- dat
#Calculating mean currentGS for national binning
results_overall$mean_GScurrentNational[which(results_overall$org_program == org_program)] <- mean(dat$GScurrentNational)
# Create national bins based on IUCN GS Tables
if (results_overall$mean_GScurrentNational[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] == 0){
} else if (results_overall$mean_GScurrentNational[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] > 0 &&
results_overall$mean_GScurrentNational[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] < 20){
} else if (results_overall$mean_GScurrentNational[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] >= 20 &&
results_overall$mean_GScurrentNational[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] < 50) {
} else if (results_overall$mean_GScurrentNational[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] >= 50 &&
results_overall$mean_GScurrentNational[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] < 80) {
} else if (results_overall$mean_GScurrentNational[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] >= 80 &&
results_overall$mean_GScurrentNational[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] < 100) {
} else if (results_overall$mean_GScurrentNational[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] == 100) {
#Calculating mean currentGS for global binning
results_overall$mean_GScurrentGlobal[which(results_overall$org_program == org_program)]<- mean(dat$GScurrentGlobal)
#Creating global bins based on IUCN GS Tables
if (results_overall$mean_GScurrentGlobal[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] == 0){
} else if (results_overall$mean_GScurrentGlobal[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] > 0 &&
results_overall$mean_GScurrentGlobal[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] < 20){
} else if (results_overall$mean_GScurrentGlobal[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] >= 20 &&
results_overall$mean_GScurrentGlobal[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] < 50) {
} else if (results_overall$mean_GScurrentGlobal[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] >= 50 &&
results_overall$mean_GScurrentGlobal[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] < 80) {
} else if (results_overall$mean_GScurrentGlobal[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] >= 80 &&
results_overall$mean_GScurrentGlobal[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] < 100) {
} else if (results_overall$mean_GScurrentGlobal[which(results_overall$org_program==org_program)] == 100) {
######## Calculating ranking ########
results_overall$BCR_national_EV_rank<-frank(results_overall, bin_GScurrentNational, -BCR_national_EV, ties.method="average")
results_overall$BCR_global_EV_rank<-frank(results_overall, bin_GScurrentGlobal, -BCR_global_EV, ties.method="average")
# Combine the national and global BCR using an equal weights multiplicative approach as per
# https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/pdf/10.1287/ited.2013.0124
results_overall$weighted_BCRs <- results_overall$BCR_national_EV*results_overall$BCR_global_EV
# Rank the CZCT programs from largest to smallest by their weighted BCR.
results_overall$weighted_BCRs_rank <- frank(results_overall, currentGS_bin,-weighted_BCRs)
results_cost_total, results_cost_organization,
results_benefit_national, results_benefit_global,
} # End of cba_cgain_longtermasp_binnedbyGS function simulation
####### Analysis for calculating cost benefit ratios based on conservation gains relative to current GS for extant species only ########
cba_cgain_currentGS<-function(org_programs, inputs, functional_score_max, sensitivity){
##### Creating empty df to hold results #####
results_overall <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(org_programs), ncol = 7))
colnames(results_overall) <- c("org_program", "BCR_national_EV","BCR_national_EV_rank",
"weighted_BCRs", "weighted_BCRs_rank")
results_overall$org_program <- org_programs
# Summary object for national BCR results
results_BCR_national <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(org_programs), ncol = 5))
colnames(results_BCR_national) <- c("org_program", "mean", "P5", "P50", "P95")
results_BCR_national$org_program <- org_programs
# Summary set up for the global results
# will be the same as the national results
results_BCR_global <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the cost-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_cost_total<- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the cost-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_cost_organization <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the benefit-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_benefit_national <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the benefit-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_benefit_global <- results_BCR_national
# initialize something to hold all the simulated inputs for sensitivity
# and the results too if needed for each program
dat_list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(org_programs)) {
# Identify which program we are doing now
org_program <- as.character(org_programs[i])
# Cannot divide by 0, so if 0 is found in GScurrentNational, skips this species.
if (inputs$highP95[which(inputs$subcategory=="GScurrentNational" & inputs$species==org_program)] == 0
&& inputs$baseP50[which(inputs$subcategory=="GScurrentNational" & inputs$species==org_program)] == 0
&& inputs$lowP5[which(inputs$subcategory=="GScurrentNational" & inputs$species==org_program)] == 0)
{print(paste("Skipping cgain_currentGS simulation for", org_program))
else {
print(paste("Running cgain_currentGS simulation for", org_program))
# Do parameter prep from the input distributions to get one set of parameters
# to use for each iteration
dat <- parameter_prep(inputs = inputs,
org_program = org_program,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)
######## Calculate the national benefit for each iteration ########
# G relative to dynamic baseline done in the pre-work, for clarity may want to pull out TO DO
# Calculate our portion of the benefit
dat$GS_Benefit_national <- dat$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline
dat$benefit_national_org <- (dat$GS_Benefit_national * dat$organization_portion_benefit) / dat$GScurrentNational
######## Calculate the global benefit for each iteration ########
# Calculate what the assessed denominator is
GS_denominator_assessed <- dat$GSnSpatialUnits * functional_score_max
# Calculate what the assessed numerator is
GS_numerator_assessed <- dat$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline * GS_denominator_assessed/100
# Calculate how many spatial units would be in the larger scale if they are
# proportional to the smaller scale and the range
n_spatial_units_scaled <- dat$GSnSpatialUnits / (dat$species_range_pct_in_nation/100)
# Calculate what the scaled denominator is
GS_denominator_scaled <- functional_score_max * n_spatial_units_scaled
# Calculate new value for scaled global
dat$GSGlobalGainWithDynamicBaseline <- GS_numerator_assessed / GS_denominator_scaled * 100
# Relabel for consistency
dat$GS_Benefit_global <- dat$GSGlobalGainWithDynamicBaseline
# Adjust the global benefit of the organization's program to reflect the organization portion by
# multiplying the organizations global benefit vector by the vector with the percent
# contribution from the organization. The result is the organization's global benefit of
# the program.
dat$benefit_global_org <- (dat$GS_Benefit_global * dat$organization_portion_benefit) / dat$GScurrentGlobal
######## Calculate the costs ########
# Note: this is currently done as prework in the paramater draws function
# But might be clearer if pull it out and put here
######## Calculate the Benefit to Cost Ratios (BCRs) for each iteration ########
# Divide the organization's national benefit of the program by the
# organizational project cost to get the national Benefit to Cost ratio (BCR).
dat$BCR_national <- dat$benefit_national_org / dat$cost_organization
#Do the same for the organization's global benefit.
dat$BCR_global <- dat$benefit_global_org / dat$cost_organization
######## Calculate the BCR probability-weighted average and credible intervals. ########
# Store the various pieces of the results separately for easy use later
# National
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$BCR_national) # TO DO: Consider deleting these and just storing in overall unless planning to plot theses
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.05)
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.50)
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.95)
results_overall[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "BCR_national_EV"] <- mean(dat$BCR_national)
# Global
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$BCR_global)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.05)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.50)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.95)
results_overall[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "BCR_global_EV"] <- mean(dat$BCR_global)
# Costs
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$cost_total_project)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.05)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.50)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.95)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$cost_organization)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.05)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.50)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.95)
# Benefits
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$benefit_national_org)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.05)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.50)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.95)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$benefit_global_org)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.05)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.50)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.95)
# Store the dat in a list
dat_list[[i]] <- dat
} }
######## Calculating ranking #####
# Calculate where would rank for each of the national and global
results_overall$BCR_national_EV_rank <- rank(-results_overall$BCR_national_EV)
results_overall$BCR_global_EV_rank <- rank(-results_overall$BCR_global_EV)
# Combine the national and global BCR using an equal weights multiplicative approach as per
# https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/pdf/10.1287/ited.2013.0124
results_overall$weighted_BCRs <- results_overall$BCR_national_EV*results_overall$BCR_global_EV
# Rank the CZCT programs from largest to smallest by their weighted BCR.
results_overall$weighted_BCRs_rank <- rank(-results_overall$weighted_BCRs)
results_cost_total, results_cost_organization,
results_benefit_national, results_benefit_global,
} #End cba_cgain_currentGS function simulation
####### Analysis for calculating cost benefit ratios based on conservation gains relative to long term aspirations gains relative to current GS for extant species only ########
cba_cgain_longtermasp_currentGS<-function(org_programs, inputs, functional_score_max, sensitivity){
##### Creating empty df to hold results #####
results_overall <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(org_programs), ncol = 7))
colnames(results_overall) <- c("org_program", "BCR_national_EV","BCR_national_EV_rank",
"weighted_BCRs", "weighted_BCRs_rank")
results_overall$org_program <- org_programs
# Summary object for national BCR results
results_BCR_national <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(org_programs), ncol = 5))
colnames(results_BCR_national) <- c("org_program", "mean", "P5", "P50", "P95")
results_BCR_national$org_program <- org_programs
# Summary set up for the global results
# will be the same as the national results
results_BCR_global <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the cost-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_cost_total<- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the cost-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_cost_organization <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the benefit-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_benefit_national <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the benefit-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_benefit_global <- results_BCR_national
# initialize something to hold all the simulated inputs for sensitivity
# and the results too if needed for each program
dat_list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(org_programs)) {
# Identify which program we are doing now
org_program <- as.character(org_programs[i])
if (inputs$highP95[which(inputs$subcategory=="GScurrentNational" & inputs$species==org_program)] == 0
&& inputs$baseP50[which(inputs$subcategory=="GScurrentNational" & inputs$species==org_program)] == 0
&& inputs$lowP5[which(inputs$subcategory=="GScurrentNational" & inputs$species==org_program)] == 0)
{print(paste("Skipping cgain_longtermasp_currentGS simulation for", org_program))
else {print(paste("Running cgain_longtermasp_currentGS simulation for", org_program))
# Do parameter prep from the input distributions to get one set of parameters
# to use for each iteration
dat <- parameter_prep(inputs = inputs,
org_program = org_program,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)
######## Calculate the national benefit for each iteration ########
# G relative to dynamic baseline done in the pre-work, for clarity may want to pull out TO DO
# Calculate our portion of the benefit
dat$GS_Benefit_national <- (dat$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline / dat$GSlongtermAspiration) * 100
dat$benefit_national_org <- (dat$GS_Benefit_national * dat$organization_portion_benefit ) / dat$GScurrentNational
######## Calculate the global benefit for each iteration ########
# Calculate what the assessed denominator is
GS_denominator_assessed <- dat$GSnSpatialUnits * functional_score_max
# Calculate what the assessed numerator is
GS_numerator_assessed <- dat$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline * GS_denominator_assessed/100
# Calculate how many spatial units would be in the larger scale if they are
# proportional to the smaller scale and the range
n_spatial_units_scaled <- dat$GSnSpatialUnits / (dat$species_range_pct_in_nation/100)
# Calculate what the scaled denominator is
GS_denominator_scaled <- functional_score_max * n_spatial_units_scaled
# Calculate new value for scaled global
dat$GSGlobalGainWithDynamicBaseline <- GS_numerator_assessed / GS_denominator_scaled * 100
# Rescaling to long term aspirations and current global GS
dat$GS_Benefit_global <- (dat$GSGlobalGainWithDynamicBaseline / dat$GSlongtermAspiration) * 100
# Adjust the global benefit of the organization's program to reflect the organization portion by
# multiplying the organizations global benefit vector by the vector with the percent
# contribution from the organization. The result is the organization's global benefit of
# the program.
dat$benefit_global_org <- (dat$GS_Benefit_global * dat$organization_portion_benefit) / dat$GScurrentGlobal
######## Calculate the costs ########
# Note: this is currently done as prework in the paramater draws function
# But might be clearer if pull it out and put here
######## Calculate the Benefit to Cost Ratios (BCRs) for each iteration ########
# Divide the organization's national benefit of the program by the
# organizational project cost to get the national Benefit to Cost ratio (BCR).
dat$BCR_national <- dat$benefit_national_org / dat$cost_organization
#Do the same for the organization's global benefit.
dat$BCR_global <- dat$benefit_global_org / dat$cost_organization
######## Calculate the BCR probability-weighted average and credible intervals. ########
# Store the various pieces of the results separately for easy use later
# National
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$BCR_national) # TO DO: Consider deleting these and just storing in overall unless planning to plot theses
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.05)
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.50)
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.95)
results_overall[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "BCR_national_EV"] <- mean(dat$BCR_national)
# Global
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$BCR_global)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.05)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.50)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.95)
results_overall[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "BCR_global_EV"] <- mean(dat$BCR_global)
# Costs
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$cost_total_project)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.05)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.50)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.95)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$cost_organization)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.05)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.50)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.95)
# Benefits
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$benefit_national_org)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.05)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.50)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.95)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$benefit_global_org)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.05)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.50)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.95)
# Store the dat in a list
dat_list[[i]] <- dat
} }
######## Calculating ranking #####
# Calculate where would rank for each of the national and global
results_overall$BCR_national_EV_rank <- rank(-results_overall$BCR_national_EV)
results_overall$BCR_global_EV_rank <- rank(-results_overall$BCR_global_EV)
# Combine the national and global BCR using an equal weights multiplicative approach as per
# https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/pdf/10.1287/ited.2013.0124
results_overall$weighted_BCRs <- results_overall$BCR_national_EV*results_overall$BCR_global_EV
# Rank the CZCT programs from largest to smallest by their weighted BCR.
results_overall$weighted_BCRs_rank <- rank(-results_overall$weighted_BCRs)
results_cost_total, results_cost_organization,
results_benefit_national, results_benefit_global,
} # End of cba_cgain_longtermasp_currentGS function simulation
####### Analysis for calculating cost benefit ratios based on conservation gains relative to current GS plus arbitrary epsilon ########
cba_cgain_currentGS_epsilon<-function(org_programs, inputs, functional_score_max, sensitivity){
##### Creating empty df to hold results #####
results_overall <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(org_programs), ncol = 7))
colnames(results_overall) <- c("org_program", "BCR_national_EV","BCR_national_EV_rank",
"weighted_BCRs", "weighted_BCRs_rank")
results_overall$org_program <- org_programs
# Summary object for national BCR results
results_BCR_national <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(org_programs), ncol = 5))
colnames(results_BCR_national) <- c("org_program", "mean", "P5", "P50", "P95")
results_BCR_national$org_program <- org_programs
# Summary set up for the global results
# will be the same as the national results
results_BCR_global <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the cost-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_cost_total<- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the cost-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_cost_organization <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the benefit-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_benefit_national <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the benefit-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_benefit_global <- results_BCR_national
# initialize something to hold all the simulated inputs for sensitivity
# and the results too if needed for each program
dat_list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(org_programs)) {
# Identify which program we are doing now
org_program <- as.character(org_programs[i])
print(paste("Running cgains_currentGS_epsilon simulation for", org_program))
# Do parameter prep from the input distributions to get one set of parameters
# to use for each iteration
dat <- parameter_prep(inputs = inputs,
org_program = org_program,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)
######## Calculate the national benefit for each iteration ########
# G relative to dynamic baseline done in the pre-work, for clarity may want to pull out TO DO
# Calculate organization portion of the benefit
# Adding 0.1 to account for extirpated species
dat$GS_Benefit_national <- dat$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline
dat$benefit_national_org <- (dat$GS_Benefit_national * dat$organization_portion_benefit ) / (dat$GScurrentNational + 0.1)
######## Calculate the global benefit for each iteration ########
# Calculate what the assessed denominator is
GS_denominator_assessed <- dat$GSnSpatialUnits * functional_score_max
# Calculate what the assessed numerator is
GS_numerator_assessed <- dat$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline * GS_denominator_assessed/100
# Calculate how many spatial units would be in the larger scale if they are
# proportional to the smaller scale and the range
n_spatial_units_scaled <- dat$GSnSpatialUnits / (dat$species_range_pct_in_nation/100)
# Calculate what the scaled denominator is
GS_denominator_scaled <- functional_score_max * n_spatial_units_scaled
# Calculate new value for scaled global
dat$GSGlobalGainWithDynamicBaseline <- GS_numerator_assessed / GS_denominator_scaled * 100
# Calcuate global benefit relative to current global GS (adding 0.1 for extirpated species)
dat$GS_Benefit_global <- dat$GSGlobalGainWithDynamicBaseline / (dat$GScurrentGlobal + 0.1)
# Adjust the global benefit of the organization's program to reflect the organization portion by
# multiplying the organizations global benefit vector by the vector with the percent
# contribution from the organization. The result is the organization's global benefit of
# the program.
dat$benefit_global_org <- dat$GS_Benefit_global * dat$organization_portion_benefit
######## Calculate the costs ########
# Note: this is currently done as prework in the paramater draws function
# But might be clearer if pull it out and put here
######## Calculate the Benefit to Cost Ratios (BCRs) for each iteration ########
# Divide the organization's national benefit of the program by the
# organizational project cost to get the national Benefit to Cost ratio (BCR).
dat$BCR_national <- dat$benefit_national_org / dat$cost_organization
#Do the same for the organization's global benefit.
dat$BCR_global <- dat$benefit_global_org / dat$cost_organization
######## Calculate the BCR probability-weighted average and credible intervals. ########
# Store the various pieces of the results separately for easy use later
# National
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$BCR_national) # TO DO: Consider deleting these and just storing in overall unless planning to plot theses
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.05)
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.50)
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.95)
results_overall[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "BCR_national_EV"] <- mean(dat$BCR_national)
# Global
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$BCR_global)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.05)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.50)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.95)
results_overall[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "BCR_global_EV"] <- mean(dat$BCR_global)
# Costs
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$cost_total_project)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.05)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.50)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.95)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$cost_organization)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.05)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.50)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.95)
# Benefits
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$benefit_national_org)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.05)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.50)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.95)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$benefit_global_org)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.05)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.50)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.95)
# Store the dat in a list
dat_list[[i]] <- dat
######## Calculating ranking #####
# Calculate where would rank for each of the national and global
results_overall$BCR_national_EV_rank <- rank(-results_overall$BCR_national_EV)
results_overall$BCR_global_EV_rank <- rank(-results_overall$BCR_global_EV)
# Combine the national and global BCR using an equal weights multiplicative approach as per
# https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/pdf/10.1287/ited.2013.0124
results_overall$weighted_BCRs <- results_overall$BCR_national_EV*results_overall$BCR_global_EV
# Rank the CZCT programs from largest to smallest by their weighted BCR.
results_overall$weighted_BCRs_rank <- rank(-results_overall$weighted_BCRs)
results_cost_total, results_cost_organization,
results_benefit_national, results_benefit_global,
} #End cba_cgain_currentgs_epsilon function simulation
####### Analysis for calculating cost benefit ratios based on conservation gains relative to long term aspirations gains relative to current GS plus arbitrary epsilon ########
cba_cgain_longtermasp_currentGS_epsilon<-function(org_programs, inputs, functional_score_max, sensitivity){
##### Creating empty df to hold results #####
results_overall <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(org_programs), ncol = 7))
colnames(results_overall) <- c("org_program", "BCR_national_EV","BCR_national_EV_rank",
"weighted_BCRs", "weighted_BCRs_rank")
results_overall$org_program <- org_programs
# Summary object for national BCR results
results_BCR_national <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(org_programs), ncol = 5))
colnames(results_BCR_national) <- c("org_program", "mean", "P5", "P50", "P95")
results_BCR_national$org_program <- org_programs
# Summary set up for the global results
# will be the same as the national results
results_BCR_global <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the cost-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_cost_total<- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the cost-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_cost_organization <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the benefit-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_benefit_national <- results_BCR_national
# Summary set up for the benefit-specific results
# will be the same as the national results
results_benefit_global <- results_BCR_national
# initialize something to hold all the simulated inputs for sensitivity
# and the results too if needed for each program
dat_list <- list()
#####Main Simulation #####
for (i in 1:length(org_programs)) {
# Identify which program we are doing now
org_program <- as.character(org_programs[i])
print(paste("Running cgain_longtermasp_currentGS_epsilon simulation for", org_program))
# Do parameter prep from the input distributions to get one set of parameters
# to use for each iteration
dat <- parameter_prep(inputs = inputs,
org_program = org_program,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)
######## Calculate the national benefit for each iteration ########
# G relative to dynamic baseline done in the pre-work, for clarity may want to pull out TO DO
# Calculate our portion of the benefit
dat$GS_Benefit_national <- (dat$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline / dat$GSlongtermAspiration) * 100
dat$benefit_national_org <- (dat$GS_Benefit_national * dat$organization_portion_benefit) / (dat$GScurrentNational+0.1)
######## Calculate the global benefit for each iteration ########
# Calculate what the assessed denominator is
GS_denominator_assessed <- dat$GSnSpatialUnits * functional_score_max
# Calculate what the assessed numerator is
GS_numerator_assessed <- dat$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline * GS_denominator_assessed/100
# Calculate how many spatial units would be in the larger scale if they are
# proportional to the smaller scale and the range
n_spatial_units_scaled <- dat$GSnSpatialUnits / (dat$species_range_pct_in_nation/100)
# Calculate what the scaled denominator is
GS_denominator_scaled <- functional_score_max * n_spatial_units_scaled
# Calculate new value for scaled global
dat$GSGlobalGainWithDynamicBaseline <- GS_numerator_assessed / GS_denominator_scaled * 100
# Rescaling to long term aspirations and current global GS plus epsilon
dat$GS_Benefit_global <- (dat$GSGlobalGainWithDynamicBaseline / dat$GSlongtermAspiration) * 100
# Adjust the global benefit of the organization's program to reflect the organization portion by
# multiplying the organizations global benefit vector by the vector with the percent
# contribution from the organization. The result is the organization's global benefit of
# the program. Followed by rescaling to currentGS plus 0.1 for extirpated species
dat$benefit_global_org <- (dat$GS_Benefit_global * dat$organization_portion_benefit) / (dat$GScurrentGlobal+0.1)
######## Calculate the costs ########
# Note: this is currently done as prework in the paramater draws function
# But might be clearer if pull it out and put here
######## Calculate the Benefit to Cost Ratios (BCRs) for each iteration ########
# Divide the organization's national benefit of the program by the
# organizational project cost to get the national Benefit to Cost ratio (BCR).
dat$BCR_national <- dat$benefit_national_org / dat$cost_organization
#Do the same for the organization's global benefit.
dat$BCR_global <- dat$benefit_global_org / dat$cost_organization
######## Calculate the BCR probability-weighted average and credible intervals. ########
# Store the various pieces of the results separately for easy use later
# National
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$BCR_national) # TO DO: Consider deleting these and just storing in overall unless planning to plot theses
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.05)
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.50)
results_BCR_national[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_national, 0.95)
results_overall[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "BCR_national_EV"] <- mean(dat$BCR_national)
# Global
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$BCR_global)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.05)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.50)
results_BCR_global[which(results_BCR_global$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$BCR_global, 0.95)
results_overall[which(results_BCR_national$org_program == org_program), "BCR_global_EV"] <- mean(dat$BCR_global)
# Costs
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$cost_total_project)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.05)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.50)
results_cost_total[which(results_cost_total$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$cost_total_project, 0.95)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$cost_organization)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.05)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.50)
results_cost_organization[which(results_cost_organization$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$cost_organization, 0.95)
# Benefits
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$benefit_national_org)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.05)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.50)
results_benefit_national[which(results_benefit_national$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_national_org, 0.95)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "mean"] <- mean(dat$benefit_global_org)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P5"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.05)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P50"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.50)
results_benefit_global[which(results_benefit_global$org_program == org_program), "P95"] <- quantile(dat$benefit_global_org, 0.95)
# Store the dat in a list
dat_list[[i]] <- dat
######## Calculating ranking #####
# Calculate where would rank for each of the national and global
results_overall$BCR_national_EV_rank <- rank(-results_overall$BCR_national_EV)
results_overall$BCR_global_EV_rank <- rank(-results_overall$BCR_global_EV)
# Combine the national and global BCR using an equal weights multiplicative approach as per
# https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/pdf/10.1287/ited.2013.0124
results_overall$weighted_BCRs <- results_overall$BCR_national_EV*results_overall$BCR_global_EV
# Rank the CZCT programs from largest to smallest by their weighted BCR.
results_overall$weighted_BCRs_rank <- rank(-results_overall$weighted_BCRs)
results_cost_total, results_cost_organization,
results_benefit_national, results_benefit_global,
} # End of cba_cgain_longtermasp_currentGS_epsilon function simulation
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